i am interested in createing a picturebook website. i would like to
know how to write the code in html. i am going to create a backend in
which i can upload the pictures and a brief description. i need help
createing the whole site. can you tell me how to make a upload
interface in the backend? can u tell me how to link the uploaded
pictures to the front end? i would like a explination, as well as some
script help, what i should type?, where should i type it? |
Request for Question Clarification by
05 Mar 2003 01:15 PST
As the comments say, you need more than HTML for that feature, you
will need, for example, PHP. Are you still interested in a sample? You
can find a lot on hotscripts.com.
Request for Question Clarification by
05 Mar 2003 06:45 PST
Websites or web-pages can roughly be divided into two kinds: dynamic
and static. Static pages involve some scripts or code which executes
on the server. Basically the client (a web browser) makes a request
for a specific page, and the server-side code creates that page on the
fly. Static pages however are canned or ready-made and are simply
streamed back to the client. As an IT professional, I can advise you
with both static and dynamic pages, but dynamic pages are going to be
a lot more work especially if you have no prior experience in software
development. It's kind of like jumping into the seat of an F-16 and
trying to figure out how to fly. Additionally you'll have to find or
build a host server to run your site. There are many free services
such as tripod which allow you to create web pages and photobooks
online. MSN also offers a picture book service. Also there are some
software programs which will let you specify a directory of images and
create a suite of web pages, like the one I created here with Adobe
You can learn much more about the nature and specifics of web site
development here:
Also, be aware that there are many other technologies for dynamic web
sites besides PHP and Perl, such as Java, ASP [Active Server Pages],
ASP.NET, and Cold Fusion.
Brinkster (www.brinkster.com) is a free host which supports ASP and MS
Access databases. YOu can pay more to get more features and SQL
Server. If ASP is a suitable language for you, I could answer your
Request for Question Clarification by
05 Mar 2003 06:46 PST
Oops! Typo:
Static pages involve some scripts or code which executes
on the server. Basically the client (a web browser) makes a request
for a specific page, and the server-side code creates that page on the
Should read:
DYNAMIC pages involve some scripts or code which executes
on the server. Basically the client (a web browser) makes a request
for a specific page, and the server-side code creates that page on the
Request for Question Clarification by
05 Mar 2003 10:48 PST
Would you be interested in free complete packages that do this for
you, or are you interested in learning how to write such an
application on your own?
To answer this question, I'm going to break it down into multiple
First, "can you tell me how to make a upload interface in the
My suggestion to you for this would be to use ftp. There are several
commercially available programs available, as well as countless free
ones which can do this for you. These include:
http://www.cuteftp.com/ (demo/commercial)
http://freeware.aceftp.com/ (freeware)
http://www.smartftp.com/download/ (freeware)
http://www.ipswitch.com/downloads/index.html (demo/commercial)
http://www.vista.ru/2inter.htm (freeware)
They will allow you to quickly upload/download all the pictures you'll
ever need. A much more complicated scripting method DOES exist
First, download:
and unzip the contents to a directory somewhere.
You're going to need to know the settings for running PERL scripts on
your webserver. If you give me the name of the hosting company you
are using, I can clarify how to do this. However, for convenience, I
suggest using:
as they simplify the process a great deal.
Before you upload, you need to edit "upload.cgi" a bit.
The first line says "#!/usr/local/bin/perl"
You need to change that to the path that your hosting service
specifies. Generally, you can find this information out by sending an
email to the support department/looking through their support section.
What you're trying to find out is the "local perl path".
Next, where it says '$Data = "";', you need to fill in the quotes with
ABSOLUTE PATH to the location of the folder holding your images on
your server. This also can be found with an email or looking through
their support section.
Lastly, where it says '$redirect = "";', you need to fill in the
quotes with the html page you want to goto after you upload your
pictures. Leave this empty if you want to be redirected to the
default page.
For both of the last two changes, you MUST keep the quotes AND the
semi-colon at the end. They are integral to the working of this
That done, upload both files to the cgi-bin of your webserver. Once
again, find out from your webhost how to configure cgi or perl scripts
to work on the server. Once that's done, the frontend of the upload
script can be accessed by going to:
Using this script, you can only upload 10 pictures at time, and you
have to manually click each picture. This is why I heartily recommend
using an FTP program as it simplifies things a GREAT deal.
Second: "can u tell me how to link the uploaded pictures to the front
For this, you're going to need a perl script to add captions and to
generate html code that includes both the picture and the caption.
For convenience, I'm going to assume you place your pictures in a
directory called "pictures" (all lowercase) in your root directory.
and unzip its contents to the cgi-bin directory and modify the files
accordingly so they will run on your webserver. The template file is
called template.html and you can make any changes to it, as long as
the '<!--Gallery-->' comment is kept in the file. The gallery will be
created in the root directory, in a file called 'gallery.html'. You
can change the output file name by modifying 'caption2.pl'.
To summerize:
1. Your site structure MUST look like this:
2. Upload your files to the picture directory using CuteFTP or some
other FTP program. I do not recommend using the scripting method.
3. Run 'caption.pl' by accessing it using your web browser.
4. Add or change any captions as needed.
5. Click submit and access the gallery at 'gallery.html'
Working example can be viewed at:
Try editting the captions:
The files you need are here:
I hope this helps. Clarify if you need more information! |
Request for Answer Clarification by
09 Mar 2003 14:23 PST
thanks for your help. Everything is exactualy what i want except one
thing. I would like all the pictures to be thumbnails not full size. i
would like them to be able to be linked to another page that has the
full size picture. can you suggest another script or somrhting?
Clarification of Answer by
09 Mar 2003 15:16 PST
Do you want the captions on the thumbnails? Or just on the page
containing the full sized picture?
Request for Answer Clarification by
09 Mar 2003 17:11 PST
i dont want captions on the thumbnails only on the inlarged pictures.
Can u also please go over the instalation process. i am using
hypermart, and frontpage to upload the site. i am having a little
trouble uploading from frontpage. it worked at first but now it is
giving a error. i have enabled frontpage support through hypermart.
can u help?
Request for Answer Clarification by
09 Mar 2003 17:25 PST
can the thumbnails be in rows? i would like to put as many thumbnails
on a page as possible.
Clarification of Answer by
09 Mar 2003 17:44 PST
"i dont want captions on the thumbnails only on the inlarged pictures.
Can u also please go over the instalation process. i am using
hypermart, and frontpage to upload the site. i am having a little
trouble uploading from frontpage. it worked at first but now it is
giving a error. i have enabled frontpage support through hypermart.
can u help?"
Alright, I stringly suggest you use an FTP program as that will
simplify the process a great deal. So what you do is FTP to your
site, create two directories in your root directory: pictures, and
Upload the contents of caption.zip into your cgi-bin. Upload your
pictures to the pictures folder.
Goto 'http://yourname.hypermart.net/cgi-bin/caption.pl' and add the
captions to the pictures and then submit the page.
Access the gallery at 'http://yourname.hypermart.net/gallery.html'
I'm making the thumbnail script as I type this, it will take a while
longer though. I need to know how many thumbnail's you want to fit
across the screen approximately. Thanks.
Request for Answer Clarification by
09 Mar 2003 18:32 PST
i would like around 6 thumbnails per row. i am using hypermart to host
my site. i have uploaded all the files in the manner in which u
described. i have uploaded the pictures, but there is a problem. i
cannot edit the captions. i ahve entered the correct link but i am
getting this error "[Sun Mar 9 18:29:46 2003] Could not exec
caption.pl (errno=2). If this is a #! script, did you remember to
upload in ASCII mode?" what should i do?
Clarification of Answer by
09 Mar 2003 22:18 PST
This problem is probably arising because, like it says, you haven't
uploaded caption.pl using ASCII mode. To do this using cuteftp, goto
Transfer > Transfer Type and set it to ASCII. Consult the help files
if you are using another FTP program.
Clarification of Answer by
09 Mar 2003 22:59 PST
The new caption.zip can be downloaded at:
All of the files should be uploaded to your cgi-bin in ASCII mode.
Access 'caption.pl' to edit the captions.
A working example can be seen at:
Try updating the captions at:
I hope this helps!
Clarification of Answer by
09 Mar 2003 23:03 PST
By the way, you can edit template.html to change the look of the pages
displaying your pictures (ex.
You can edit gallery.html (both in your cgi-bin) to change the look of
the main gallery page. However, you MUST keep the comment,
'<!--Gallery-->', somewhere in the editted files as it is where the
pictures and galleries go. (The script replaces that string with a
chunk of code)
An added feature is that you can click on the pictures themselves
(enlarged versions) to return to the main gallery page.
Request for Answer Clarification by
10 Mar 2003 16:41 PST
i like the way everything is set up within the code, but i believe
there is a bug. The pictures will not show up. i have done everything
u have told me. go see for yourself, and give me a solution.
Clarification of Answer by
11 Mar 2003 00:29 PST
I'm sorry about that, there was a slight bug in the code. That has
been fixed now. You can download the new files at:
Sorry about that,
Clarification of Answer by
11 Mar 2003 00:36 PST
Also, a working example, including your pictures, is viewable here:
Hope that helps,