hi rahalevi,
In your search for candidates, why not explore company websites?
Although you're not likely to stumble across many resumes as you
wander the websites of various organizations, you can find information
and other resources which will point the way to people and more
people. Developing and utilizing a list of contacts based on this
research can, in turn, lead to placement success. While website
content varies from company to company, many sites include listings
with employee names, titles (which sometimes include credentials, such
as CPA or Ph.D.), telephone numbers, and email addresses. Some sites
include organizational charts, team project lists, and other
task-related information. In addition, there are often newsletters,
press releases, and annual reports, all of which contain the names of
individuals, their roles, and their job tasks and/or accomplishments.
The following resources should help you do that:
"Yahoo Business and Economy" is organized in a way that makes it easy
to target specific industries. Initially there are two "Categories" to
choose from: "Business to Business" and "Shopping and Services."
"Business to Business" is the category you would most likely select
when searching for companies, although "Shopping and Services"
provides another way to find manufacturers and service providers.
Choosing "Business to Business" leads to a second "Categories" list
that includes "Financial Services," "Hospitality Industry," and
"Publishing" among its many items. These categories are the starting
points for finding companies and candidates. If you are looking for
banking industry professionals, for example, you would select
"Financial Services." Clicking on it returns another set of
"Categories," which includes "Banking." Selecting "Banking," followed
by "Commercial Banks" and then "Complete Listing," provides links to
over 5,000 bank websites.
"BizWeb" lists more than 43,000 companies. These companies are divided
into over 200 categories. At BizWeb you can search by entering
keywords or by choosing from the categories list. Because there are
some very specific categories at BizWeb, it's an ideal place to go
when you're looking for candidates in highly specialized fields.
"Employer Home Pages" groups information into a variety of categories,
including one called "Corporations Around the World." Under this
heading there are a number of corporations themselves, but there are
also links to information sites. Among them is a link to "Hoover's
Company Profiles," a site worth visiting when researching companies.
Once at "Hoover's", ( www.Hoovers.com ) select "Companies &
Industries." Then, select "Industries," followed by "Industry List."
An enormous alphabetical industry list is returned. An advantage to
the Hoover's list is that industries are often categorized by
specialization or, in some cases, by region. "Banking," for example,
is divided into 11 geographical categories. Choosing
"Banking-Northeast" returns a list of banks in that region, along with
an opportunity to click on their corresponding "Capsules." These
capsules in and of themselves provide a wealth of information,
including the names of key personnel, addresses and telephone numbers,
as well as links to company websites. Among the other categories at
Employer Home Pages are "Commercial Banks," "Accounting Firms," and
"Retailers." These all include lists of companies and direct links to
sites. Any executive level individual from any publicly traded company
can be found here (along with their salary information many times) for
only $15.00 a month.
Directory of Professional & Technology Contacts
Here are some other sources which you may also find useful:
BankJobs.com -- where job-seekers looking for employment in banking or
the financial services industry can post their resumes -- thousands
of listings are updated weekly. Free to job-seekers.
BankTalent.com -- where banking and financial service professionals
can search and apply for jobs as well as post resumes coupled with an
inventory of their individual behavioral characteristics (gathered
from an online test they complete after posting their resume). Free to
CareerBank.com -- where job-seekers can search accounting, finance,
and banking job listings (by keyword and location), as well as post
their resume. Also includes other key reference material and
information for accounting and finance professionals. Free to
Financial Job Network -- devoted exclusively to global job
opportunities for financial executives and college grads.
iHireBanking.com -- a job site for banking professionals, where one
can search for job listings (by job title, location, and salary) as
well as post your resume. Job-seekers must register and post
profile/resume to use site. Free to job-seekers.
jobsinthemoney -- a job site dedicated to finance and accounting
professionals, where job-seekers can search (by keywords and job
category) for jobs in the finance, accounting, banking, investment,
and insurance fields, post thier resume confidentially, and find key
finance career resources such as salary information. Free to
StreetJobs.com -- a great site for browsing senior-level jobs in
investment banking, capital markets, sales & trading, corporate
finance, risk management, asset management, and other Wall Street
jobs. Approved candidates can post your resumes. Free to job-seekers.
Corporate Syndicate Personnel Directory
"For the past 30 years, financial professionals have relied upon
Corporate Syndicate Personnel for fast access to a complete listing of
corporate syndicate professionals nationwide. Updated in the summer
and winter, the latest edition of Corporate Syndicate Personnel
contains information on over 600 industry professionals—indexed
alphabetically, by firm and by state, plus a quick phone reference
section, making it easy to locate any corporate syndicate professional
in the US."
+1 800-607-4463
Customer Support
+1 800-455-5844 (Toll-free North America)
+1 646-822-3295
50 Leading Next Wave Investment Banking Firms
(some companies in the list also includes contact names, titles &
Links to main sources used --
Search terms used --
investment banking personnel directory
corporate syndicate banking
"personnel directory" investment
"personnel directory" investment bankers
"personnel directory" banking
directory "investment bankers"
directory japan "investment bankers"
ddirectory "investment bankers"
resources headhunters personnel
resources headhunters personnel directory
"investment bankers" personnel directory asia
asia directory "investment bankers"
"employee directories" finance
"international directory" "investment bankers"
international "investment bankers" contacts
international "investment bankers" "professional contacts"
I hope this information helps you.
Feel free to ask for clarification, *before* rating answer.
thanks. -- JB |
Request for Answer Clarification by
09 Mar 2003 02:04 PST
jack, thanx for the work! i've taken a while now to follow out the
ideas. but honestly, i haven't yet found here what i need. as a
contingency recruiter, 64 years old, i'm sure sympathetic to a good
effort on this basis. maybe you can still make it happen. i would be
the headhunter sites were not useful to me at all. nor did i expect
them to be. groucho marx said he wouldn't want to belong to any club
that would accept a person like him. and a good headhunter has no
interest in people pitiful enough to be sending their resumes to
your ideas led me to one headhunting firm offering to sell a few such
names for $890, but i didn't buy since the number was few and the
quality suspicious.
nor were the company sites useful, which give if anything only very
top people, or jerko contact people.
Here are 5 examples of stuff i'd be happy to get, and would consider a
great google investment
1. i recently bought a whole bunch of directories from the website
www.financialdirectories.com. expensive, but GOOD info, going pretty
far down to the "soldiers" as we call them - the 30-40 year old talent
that we headhunters want to find. this is primarily what i am looking
for. even one such new directory for me to buy would be worth the
google investment.
(but it's only the 20 top ranked world investment banks that interest
me - goldman sachs, morgan stanley, merrill, ubs, bear stearns,...
lower level domestic investment boutiques or other industries are of
no value to me.)
2. one idea of yours of GREAT interest to me which i was not able to
implement was that maybe some of these major investment banks put
their world telephone directories on the internet in secret places,
not open to the public, that might be findable using advanced search
techniques. one company you led me to was claiming it could provide
such mysterious techniques in a course they hold in the usa. i can't
go to the usa now, and don't believe they have this secret. if only
you or some other search person could introduce me to such wisdom!
3. alternately, i would be HAPPY to buy complete new worldwide
telephone directories from the top 20 world investment banks, that
some disgruntled ex-employee has for sale.
4. or, another thing i'm looking for is to break into the internet
available directory for MBA graduates from either Stanford and
Wharton. I had names and passwords for both of these previously, but
they just changed their entry systems. harvard i already have.
or, 5. i'm especially looking for Japanese and chinese named
investment bankers. nothing racist or illegal god forbid; i'm just
placing people in japan and china, and the top investment banks there
prefer to hire people fluent in japanese and mandarin chinese
if you can lead to me to any of the above, or any other reasonably
large number of world level investment bankers, i'd be grateful.
ra halevi
Clarification of Answer by
09 Mar 2003 04:48 PST
hi ra,
I have dug up a few more resources which i hope you'll fiind more
VAULT.COM ( http://www.vault.com/index.html )
There's a reason why Fortune recently called Vault "The best place on
the Web to prepare for a job search." Job seekers and professionals
have discovered that Vault is the Internet's ultimate destination for
insider company information, advice, and career management services.
Vault's unique career content and services include:
* Carefully researched and continually updated "insider" information
on over 3,000 companies and 70 industries. (Called "edgy, fun reads"
by Forbes)
* Vault's Electronic WaterCooler™ is the Internet's first collection
of company-specific message boards for employees. Every day, tens of
thousands of people visit Vault's expert-moderated message boards to
share the latest corporate and career news, network with each other,
ask for job advice and learn about trends shaping the workforce.
(Called a "killer app" by The New York Times and "vastly popular" by
* The Vault Career Library is Vault's best-selling collection of more
than 60 career guides and employer profiles, including well-known
titles such as the Vault Guide to the Top 100 Law Firms, Vault Guide
to Finance Interviews, and Vault Guide to the Top 50 Consulting Firms.
Covering a wide range of industries, including accounting,
advertising, fashion, media, investment management, venture capital,
and many more.
* An extensive free job board with thousands of top job openings.
(Ranked a "Top 5" job board by PC Week.)
* Detailed, targeted and FREE e-newsletters with breaking news and
exclusive stories in the industries you care about.
Vault is also one of the Internet's most popular destinations for
employers, hiring managers, and HR professionals. According to
Newsweek "Vault.com is the most comprehensive free site for employers
we found." Vault offers the hiring community special targeted content
and services including:
* With the Vault Job Board, HR professionals and recruiters can reach
more than 500,000 top candidates a month. Vault offers UNLIMITED job
posting for corporate gold members (as little as $17.95 per month).
* The Vault Buyer's Guide is the only comparative resource available
that supplies those with hiring and HR responsibilities with all of
the information they need to research HR-related products and
services. Users have access to expert and peer product reviews, FAQ's,
product comparison charts, and free online demonstrations.
* Access to VaultMatch™, Vault's resume database that connects
employers to thousands of qualified candidates.
* Vault's message boards, known as the Electronic WaterCooler™, are
where employers can answer potential employees' questions and find out
what current staffers think about their company. ("If you're not
tracking the Vault.com message boards on your company, it's time to
start" -- Electronic Recruiting News.)
* A dynamic community of recruiters, hiring managers and HR
professionals meets on Vault to discuss their professional
advancement, share career advice and ask advice from our four
employment experts.
* Top-quality, engaging content that guides professionals through the
current hot topics in the HR field today, including retention,
benefits, recruiting and managing a career in HR. (Called "one of the
most interesting sites for an HR manager" by HR Next.)
* Vault's Human Capital newsletter is the best resource for HR
professionals and recruiters. Always new and thought provoking, Human
Capital arrives in your e-mail inbox once a week.
Objective insider information on careers, industries & employers
You may also be interested in MBA-Exchange.com:
An interesting article i came across along the way :
".....Using sophisticated search engines it will soon be possible for
firms to proactively search their web 24 hours a day for the names
and/or the resumes of nearly every working person on the planet. Think
of it, instead of waiting for applicants to come to you the computer
can search around the world and look at every individual that can be
found on the web. The computer can find them and then sort out the
most qualified on a continuous basis...."
Regarding point no.2, you may find this advanced Google course of
interest - you don't have to travel to USA - you can do it on-line :
"Googling For Candidates" -
Learn Advanced Google Tricks to Find Better Candidates, FASTER
"The world of Internet search has been turned upside down by GOOGLE,
VIVISIMO, TEOMA and other new search engines that reach farther into
the Web to bring back pages never before available!
This NEW 4 hour Web class will update you on the coolest techniques
we've found out there. This class is full of STARTLING new ways to use
GOOGLE to bring back great results - this is really fun stuff!
Googling seminars are already filling up. Seats are limited. AIRS can
also deliver a customized version of this class -- on site or over the
web -- exclusively for your recruiting team. Please ask about our
corporate training option....
Looking for Hard-to-Find Candidates?
To find candidates with hard-to-find skill sets requires special
searching skills. We'll help you find those candidates that are
educating everyone else on the latest and greatest technology that no
one else has! We'll teach you how to effectively search millions of
messages for just the gurus you want by using a special section of
Call 800-466-4010 or email us at googling@airsdirectory.com "
Why not try looking for the people you seek in online publications.
Here's an article on finding the periodicals that contain the talent.
".......As more and more publications move their content online,
there's more value than ever in searching through their archives for
candidates. The people you're looking for may well be featured in
articles about new technology, quoted as industry spokespeople or
mentioned as business leaders who make a difference.
If you know of a particular publication that focuses on the field or
industry for which you're recruiting, visit that publication's site
and try to search through its archives. If you aren't sure where to
start or if there are a number of publications you want to examine,
you might want to try out a couple of different article search tools
on the Web.
The first site worth checking out is MagPortal (
http://www.magportal.com/ ). The site indexes over 100 magazines
ranging from mass-market magazines (such as Forbes, Wired and U.S.
News) to specialty publications (such as Visual C++ Developers
Journal, Education Week and Journal of Exercise Physiology). MagPortal
maintains a complete list of the magazines it covers and the
publication dates that have been indexed on the "Which Magazines?"
page. ( http://www.magportal.com/help/user/which_mags.html )
You can search for articles either by using keywords or by clicking
through the directory structure.
To search for articles, enter a search term in the text field on the
homepage and then click the Search Articles button. Unfortunately the
site doesn't support the use of phrases or Boolean operators; all
words are considered to be required in the article. Therefore, you
must select a single, targeted keyword to be assured of good results.
To use the directory, click on one of the twelve main category
headings and then continue following subcategory links to get to the
desired type of article. For example, you might choose the Internet
category and then select the Broadband subcategory to display a list
of the latest articles about that subject.
Either search method gives you a results page that contains brief
descriptions of the articles, links to them and some additional
controls in the form of yellow or orange icons.
Clicking the yellow icon marks the article as one you want to read
later, storing it in your "My Articles" section. In essence, this lets
you gather bookmarks as you search the site and then examine the
articles when you're ready. The site uses cookies to store your
article choices so you must accept them to use this feature.
Clicking the orange icon takes you to similar articles, providing a
quick way to find related material without conducting additional
The other service that's worth examining is FindArticles.com (
http://www.findarticles.com/ ). This site indexes over 250 magazines
and journals and provides numerous ways to locate articles of
Here you can employ a limited amount of Boolean logic. You can create
complex search strings by entering phrases in quotation marks, using
the plus sign in front of terms to require them in the results or
using the minus sign in front of terms to exclude them from the
In addition, you can limit your searches to specific subjects by
changing the dropdown menu from "all magazines" to one of the nine
categories into which articles are classified (Arts/Entertainment,
Automotive, Business/Finance, Computers/Technology, Health/Fitness,
Home/Family, News/Society, Reference/Education and Sports).
You can even limit your searches to specific magazines. Click the link
on the homepage for View publication by Name: A-Z. (
http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/PI/name.jhtml ). This takes you to a
page where you can browse through an alphabetical listing of the
magazine titles. Once you find the publication you're interested in,
click on its name and then enter your search string.
You'll certainly want to keep an eye on publications and news sites
devoted to your industry, but MagPortal and FindArticles might take
you to some magazines and articles you haven't seen and some
publication sites you hadn't considered."
"Periodical Search"
Pressed for Candidates?
"When looking for candidates, don’t overlook company press releases.
This is a place to find VPs and other officers, as well as star
performers. Searching company sites is one way to find this
information, but there are also sites that specialize in corporate
By: Paula Santonocito, Electronic Recruiting Exchange
I hope this information has been of more use to you. Let me know how
it goes. If you need further clarification, please ask me before you
give your rating. thanks.