When my PC running Windows 98 shuts down, it does not turn off. It
used to turn itself off. Now it says "It is now safe to turn your PC
off." I don't know what I did offend this PC. Can someone tell me
how to re-invoke the hardware shutdown after the system shutdown.
Thanks! |
Request for Question Clarification by
08 Mar 2003 21:30 PST
"It used to turn itself off."
Prior to your current problem, did you do something to your BIOS
settings? If there are other people who have access to that computer,
ask them if they changed the BIOS setting. Thanks.
Request for Question Clarification by
08 Mar 2003 23:36 PST
houstonguy-ga provided a useful link, however, if you're running
Windows98 SE (or, Second Edition) don't miss the link to this page:
As you can see, there are numerous possible fixes which need to
be tested, one-by-one, until you arrive at a solution. Let us
know if any of these help. Take care to study how to revert the
settings you change, if they prove unusable for you, and then
try the next one.
Clarification of Question by
10 Mar 2003 03:56 PST
Thanks, feilong and also sublime1.
I have not changed the BIOS setting and this computer is in my home
and inaccessible to any one else. The listing from windows-help
certainly looks promising and I will give that a try the evening.
I really appreciate your help.
Request for Question Clarification by
10 Mar 2003 04:39 PST
You're welcome Wardtalktothebeaver. Please tell us if the suggestions
provided in the comments solved your problem. If not, we'll get back
to you as soon as possible.
Clarification of Question by
15 Mar 2003 19:47 PST
Thanks again for the advice. Unfortunately I've had no success. I
tried turning off Norton. I tried changing IRQ settings. I haven't
tried downloading the shutdown supplement or messing with the BIOS.
Wierdly one time when I wasn't trying anything the system did shut
itself down. I haven't been able to recreate that happy event.
So I'm resigned to live with the situation. Computers are like
people. They none of them perfect.
Request for Question Clarification by
15 Mar 2003 23:12 PST
What was the last program you installed before your problem occured?
Have you, by any chance, changed your motherboard? Is your motherboard
an AT or ATX?
Try downloading the Win98 shutdown supplement first and see if it