Here are links to some recent news articles on this subject. Due to
copyright restrictions, I can't reprint the entire articles, but I
have given a representative excerpt from each:
"Democratic leaders, worried about exposing deep fissures inside the
party that could haunt them in the next election, have shot down
several attempts by antiwar liberals to force a new debate on Iraq.
Some Democrats fear a repeat of the Persian Gulf War, when Democrats
paid a political price for opposing what turned out to be a victorious
military campaign... Some Democrats contend the best way to shoot
holes in Bush's Iraq strategy is to highlight North Korea and other
threats they think should be dealt with first."
Common Dreams: Democrats Lambaste Bush on Iraq
"Leading Democrats remain at odds over whether the United States
should go to war against Iraq without the United Nations' approval.
But Democrats on both sides of that divide have found consensus by
arguing in increasingly vigorous terms that Bush's approach to foreign
policy has damaged U.S. prestige in the world and alienated other
countries in a way that could leave the United States more vulnerable
in the war against terrorism."
Washington Post: Democrats Bemoan U.S. Image
"The stage is being set for a major debate on foreign policy in the
2004 election, as even the Democratic presidential contenders
supporting a war with Iraq are unifying behind a withering critique of
President Bush's approach to international relations. With increasing
intensity, the leading Democratic candidates are accusing Bush of
weakening U.S. security by unnecessarily alienating allies, whose
support they argue is critical to combating terrorism and resisting
the proliferation of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons... This
challenge to Bush's management of world affairs rejects the dominant
Democratic strategy during last year's midterm campaign, when most
party candidates minimized their foreign-policy disagreements with
Bush to emphasize their differences on domestic issues. It also
provides the Democratic presidential candidates with a way to respond
to the anti-war sentiment among party activists."
Baltimore Sun SunSpot: Democratic hopefuls focus on foreign policy,0,1844382.story?coll=bal-nationworld-headlines
"Congressional Democrats critical of the Bush administration's stance
on Iraq pleaded Friday for more time for diplomacy, while senior
Republicans agreed with the president that the countdown to a possible
war is nearing an end."
Minneapolis/St Paul Star Tribune: Democrats want more time, GOP backs
Bush on Iraq
"The divisions between the parties remained clear in the Senate today.
Using time set aside to give their views on Iraq, more than a
half-dozen Republicans endorsed the Bush policy after Tom Daschle of
South Dakota, the Senate Democratic leader, joined with Ms. Pelosi on
Thursday to say that any attack on Iraq was premature and that more
international support was needed."
"Divisions within the Democratic Party over a possible war with Iraq
are spilling into the presidential primary contest, enticing a new
batch of antiwar candidates into the race, and creating potential
problems for contenders who have taken more approving stances toward
the conflict."
Christian Science Monitor: War issue luring Democrats to race
"Most of the Democratic Party's presidential candidates have expressed
support for using force to disarm Iraq. But many rank-and-file
Democrats, and some of their leaders, continue to criticize Mr. Bush's
war policies. Many in the party's anti-war wing such as the Rev. Al
Sharpton and former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean doubt that Iraq poses a
threat to the United States and are pushing for continued U.N. arms
The Washington Times: DLC says party needs new 'face'
"Most Americans support invading Iraq, but 45% of the Democratic Party
does not. That presents the six Democratic presidential hopefuls with
a complex political challenge: reconciling their views with the will
of a popular president and figuring out how to win the nomination in a
process dominated by liberals and then appeal to enough moderates to
win the election.... The candidate spectrum ranges from the hawkish
Sen. Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., to anti-war civil rights activist Al
Sharpton. "Everybody else is in the mushy middle," says Dick
Harpootlian, chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party. "Mush
may be a very valid position right now."
USA Today: War issue presents challenge for Dem candidates
"A majority of Democratic Party members are rapidly moving toward
all-out opposition to Bush administration foreign policy, with some
seeking international cooperation for a war with Iraq and others
warning that the United States is ignoring a growing crisis with North
Korea... Several Democratic senators are now seeking a new vote on
Iraq to bring the question to the floor for debate before any military
action. Proposals are being offered by Sens. Edward M. Kennedy of
Massachusetts and Robert Byrd of West Virginia, both of whom voted
against last October's resolution."
Fox News: Democrats Slam Bush Foreign Policy,2933,80379,00.html
"Rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination are exhibiting deep
differences on the war with Iraq, as some in the party worry about
political fallout from an anti-war position.
"No Democrat will be elected if they do not convince the American
people they will keep them safe," warned Connecticut Sen. Joe
...A war against Iraq is far less popular among Democratic activists
who will settle important early contests in states like Iowa and New
Hampshire than among voters as a whole. The Democratic field has been
focused on the issue, and arguments against war have gotten a more
enthusiastic response."
Yahoo! News: Anti-War Stands Worry Some Democrats
"The divisions between the parties remained clear in the Senate today.
Using time set aside to give their views on Iraq, more than a
half-dozen Republicans endorsed the Bush policy after Tom Daschle of
South Dakota, the Senate Democratic leader, joined with Ms. Pelosi on
Thursday to say that any attack on Iraq was premature and that more
international support was needed."
New York Times: Republicans Back Bush's Iraq Policy, Democrats Call It
The two Democratic leaders of Congress said today that it would be
premature for the United States to initiate armed conflict with Iraq,
with Senator Tom Daschle accusing President Bush of "rushing to war"
without exhausting other remedies.
"I just fail to concede that war is inevitable," Mr. Daschle said.
In comments that starkly illustrated Democratic unease with the
president's handling of the confrontation with Iraq, Mr. Daschle and
Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the House minority leader,
said Mr. Bush needed to better explain his rationale for a pre-emptive
strike both to the American public and the world. "
New York Times: Democrats Say War Is Premature
(Note: In order to view stories on the New York Times site, you must
register with the site. Registration is free.)
Search terms used:
foreign policy
democratic party
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Best regards,
pinkfreud |