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Q: Latin American marketing of endoscopic medical device ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: Latin American marketing of endoscopic medical device
Category: Business and Money > Advertising and Marketing
Asked by: jetdiagnostic-ga
List Price: $75.00
Posted: 09 Mar 2003 09:59 PST
Expires: 08 Apr 2003 10:59 PDT
Question ID: 173830
We have obtained exclusive distribution rights for Latin America
(excluding Brazil) of a Japanese High tech Endoscopic diagnostic
medical device, (swallowed transmitting camera). We need an opinion(s)
on the best method(s) of innitiating marketing. I.E. Trade shows?
distributors? e-mail? print? etc.
We need specific information, not just general ideas. Names
/organizations/contacts etc.
Subject: Re: Latin American marketing of endoscopic medical device
Answered By: clouseau-ga on 09 Mar 2003 12:21 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hello jetdiagnostic,

Thank you for your question. 

I previously held the post of Director of Marketing for an ophthalmic
digital imaging manufacturer. Our products were manufactured in the US
and sold world wide. As is the case with many similar companies, we
found that the use of local medical equipment representative or
distribution companies proved to be invaluable as they were familiar
with the territory, the customer base and often had personal
relationships with the thought leaders of their countries.

Exposure for the products and introductions to and discussions with
foreign distributors always occurred at international meetings or
conferences (the terms used for trade shows in the medical business).
Exposure to the end user was accomplished from these shows as well,
and we utilized both advertising in medical journals and the Latin
American editions of these journals and direct mail prior to each
major international meeting inviting these potential customers to see
what we had new. We would rent mailing lists from the major medical
organizations prior to each meeting to be sure we had current
information for those attending the conference.

I am more of a marketing specialist than a medical specialist. It
appears that since your camera is swallowed, you may have multiple
modalities that you will choose to explore and exhibit to. These
international meetings are far from inexpensive - my yearly budget for
just my "main" meeting was close to $350,000 including booth,
advertising, travel, etc., though could be done for much less at a
small booth with less people to work the show than the 25 I required.
But the point being, you may do well "testing the waters" and
establishing yourself in the Latin Market by doing regional shows if
you speak the language or in consort with your local regional reps.
Depending on the price and profit margin you offer your regional reps,
they may bear the cost of local shows and meetings themselves where
they will show not only your products, but complimentary products from
other manufacturers as well.

You will have to do financial projections to estimate what you believe
your gross sales will be, what your gross profits will be, what
percentage of gross profit can be allocated to marketing and then
apportion that projected budget over direct mail, international and
regional meetings and print advertising in appropriate journals. Just
as a rough guideline, my company set aside 10% of gross sales for
marketing budget yearly which included advertising, trade shows,
direct mail, demos, booth, rentals and employee salaries. It did not
include travel, hotels, entertainment and meals, cell or auto expenses
- all which were part of the sales budget. Your budgeting may be
similar, or very different depending on your sales, margins and
financial resources.

I began to search for appropriate venues for endoscopy. For example,
searching endoscopy +"international meeting" OR "trade show" , I find: lists the following meeting for Gastroenterology"

30th Annual Course of the Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and
May 16-21, 2003
Atlanta, GA
(312) 527-6658

104th Annual Meeting of the AGA, The American Gastroenterology
May 18-21, 2003
Orlando, FL,

ASCRS, American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Convention
June 22-23, 2003
New Orleans, LA

American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Convention
June 23-26, 2003
New Orleans, LA

American College of Gastroenterology Annual Scientific Meeting
October 24-29, 2003
New York, NY

31st Annual Course of the Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and
May 14-19, 2004
Dallas, Texas
(312) 527-6658

Digestive Disease Week, 105th Annual Meeting of the AGA, The American
Gastroenterology Association
May 15-18, 2004
New Orleans, LA

American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Annual Meeting
May 16-19, 2004
New Orleans, LA
(978) 526-4018

32nd Annual Course of the Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and
May 13-18, 2005
Minneapolis, MN

Digestive Disease Week, 106th Annual Meeting of AGA, The American
Gastroenterology Association
May 14-20, 2005,

Currently, there is a meeting for the Congress for Endoscopy in
Children in Los Angeles:

A translated page of South American meetings that are pertinent
appears here at

These are the kinds of small meetings your selected local
representatives should be familiar with and can advise you as to their
value for marketing your products.

The Doctor's Guide, International Edition lists these meetings for

Another list of meetings in the Americas can be found here:

And another at OMED - the World Organization for Digestive Endoscopy
with these that pertain to your needs:

February 3-7, 2003
Freeport, Grand Bahama Island
Mayo Foundation Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2003
Mayo School of Continuing Medical Education 
200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905 
Tel 800-323-2688 or 507-284-2509, FAX 507-284-0532 

February 16-21, 2003 
Cancun Mexico 
Abdominal Radiology Postgradute Course 2003 
Karen Schmitt 
Phone: 713-965-0566 
Fax: 713-960-0488 

February 27, March 2, 2003 
Miami, USA 
4th Americas Congress of the American Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary
Hannah Wilson 
Phone: 1-615-343-2735 
Fax: 1-615-343-5365 

March 7-9, 2003 
San Juan, Portorico 
Digestive Diseases at the Caribbean: XIII- Review on Liver diseases 
Dr.Rafael A. Mosquera 
Phone: 787-850-1244 
Fax: 787-285-1634 

March 20--23, 2003 
Hollywood, FL, USA 
Hepatobiliary Disease in Clinical Practice: Update XV 
Contact: Division of Continuing Medical Education 
University of Miami School of Medicine 
PO Box 016960 (D23-3) 
Miami, FL. 33101 
Phone: 305-243-6716 or call toll free: 1-800-U-OF-M-CME 
Fax: 305-243-5613 (800-863-6263) 

April 24, 2003 - April 27, 2003
Fort de France Martinique
2003 Annual Meeting of the Association of West Indian
Association of West Indian Gastroenterologists Tel 1-603-388-3738

May 14-19, 2003 - May 21, 2003 
Dallas United States 
31st Annual Course of the Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and
Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, Inc, 
401 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611-4267 
Phone: 800-245-7462 / 312/321-5165 
Fax: 312-527-6658 

May 16, 2003 - May 21, 2003
Atlanta GA United States
30th Annual Course of the Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and
Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, Inc, 401 North
Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611-4267
Tel 800-245-7462 / 312-321-5165 Fax 312-527-6658

May 18, 2003 - May 21, 2003
Orlando FL United States
Digestive Disease Week 2003
DDW Administration, Tel 301-272-0022 Fax 301-654-3978

May 22, 2003 - May 23, 2003
Orlando FL United States
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Postgraduate Course
ASGE, Thirteen Elm Street, Manchester, MA 01944-1314 Tel978-526-8330
Fax 978-526-4018

October 24, 2003 - October 29, 2003
New York NY United States
2003 Annual Meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology
American College of Gastroenterology Tel 703-820-7400 Fax 703-931-4520

2004 meetings are also listed at this page.

As you can see, there are a number of meetings just for
gastroenterology. I had to pick only one to exhibit at and seek to
sign on reps for Latin America, it would be the American Society for
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Annual Meeting.

Under their frequently asked questions page:

"Scientific and Medical Meetings

The ASGE hosts two major meetings annually:

Annual and Interim Postgraduate Courses

These meetings present state-of-the-art advances in endoscopy through
high quality presentations that focus on current practices and
standards of care in gastrointestinal endoscopy.

Digestive Disease Week

This annual meeting is the premier international conference devoted to
the science and practice of gastroenterology and hepatology. It
involves more than 12,000 practitioners, researchers and educators
from all over the world, and focuses on the latest advances in the
clinical and basic science of gastroenterology and hepatology, as well
as the use of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The meeting is
organized by the DDW Council, whose member societies include the
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, the American
Gastroenterological Association, the ASGE, and the Society for Surgery
of the Alimentary Tract. ASGE contributions to DDW, including clinical
symposia, topic fora and the plenary session, take place on Tuesday
and Wednesday.
[back to top]

Publications and Education Aides

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
The ASGE's monthly scientific journal and the leading international
publication in the field of gastrointestinal endoscopy.

A bi-monthly member newsletter which reports on ASGE and Federation
activities, as well as other issues of concern to the GI endoscopy

Though, you know your product better than I and may decide that the
American Gastroenterology Society is a more appropriate venue for you.
Unfortunately, their server was down and I could not evaluate their
pages for you.

Thieme Medical Publishers has information on their endoscopy journal

"Here is the premier journal on international developments in
gastrointestinal endoscopy, essential for helping clinicians stay
current on worldwide advances. From top quality review articles and
original fast, in-depth coverage of the most
important national and international valuable surveys of
diagnostic and therapeutic advances, Endoscopy covers the field in
nine information-packed issues per year. Plus, every two years,
Endoscopy publishes a complete review of the literature in diagnostic
and therapeutic endoscopy published in the previous two-year period, a
unique feature that is alone worth the price of a subscription! ...

...Extensive international congress calendar...

All individual print subscribers are eligible for free online access
to the journal at

Institutional subscribers should contact the following for rates and
license fees:

In the Americas:
Alexandra Williams, Sales Manager, Thieme New York
(212) 584-4711"

Gastroenterology and Endoscopy News can be found here:

"The Only Newspaper for Gastroenterologists
Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News is a monthly newspaper that provides
up-to-date, objective and comprehensive clinical news reporting from
international, national and regional Gastroenterology meetings. It
also features in-depth original articles, educational reviews, CME
monographs and monthly commentary from leaders in Gastroenterology.

Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News reaches every gastroenterologist and
colon and rectal surgeon, as well as more than 300 pediatric
gastroenterologists in the United States (total circulation 12,000+),
and has been doing so every month for the past 25 years..."

Searching further for journals and periodicals, I found the following
for you:

Official Journal of the American Society
for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Advertising queries, including media kit and rate card requests,
should be directed to:
Randi Fischer
Cunningham Associates
180 Old Tappan Road
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
Phone: (201) 767-4170
Fax: (201) 767-8065


Periodicals  : Endoscopy  : 

International Scientific Journals on Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

MedBioWorld -   Gastroenterology & Hepatology Journals

This is a quite extensive listing!

Google Web Directory - Health > Medicine > Medical Specialties >
Gastroenterology > Journals

And finally, searching for other resources for you, I developed this



Tufts-New England Medical Center
Division of Gastroenterology

Brigham and Women's Hospital
Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy 
Useful Links

This is another excellent resource for you. - International Links

Borland Groover Links

And, the Endoscopy Center

Search Strategy:

endoscopy +"trade shows" OR meetings +international

endoscopy +journals OR magazines OR periodicals

endoscopy +links OR directories

I trust my research has provided you with a good start at evaluating
your marketing for this new product. I realize that this is a  very
broad subject and have done my best to provide the links you require.
However if a link above should fail to work or anything require
further explanation or research, please do post a Request for
Clarification prior to rating the answer and closing the question and
I will be pleased to assist further.



Request for Answer Clarification by jetdiagnostic-ga on 09 Apr 2003 09:16 PDT
Dear Clouseau,
Thanks for your most comprehensive answer - great. Our Japanese device
is one of only two available (the other is from Israel and inferior in
its' operation, but with sales in just two years of US$28.9m)Our
marketing is just begining, FDA approval - close at hand. We will
attend a trade show, "DDW" next month to, hopefully, attract interest
from distributors. How we can determine the market size is the
problem? both from a marketing budget and a pricing point of view -
any clues? also we need to employ a manager/marketing expert (you?) in
the field, where to find one? Sorry for the long delay after your
answer - computer problems with returning to this site. Regards, Jet

Clarification of Answer by clouseau-ga on 09 Apr 2003 10:00 PDT
Hello again jetdiagnostic,

Thank you for the kind rating. I'm glad you were able to return to GA
and have cured your computer problems.

I think DDW will be a very good venue for you to learn more about the
markets your product may fit. Determining market size always includes
a bit of "tea leaves" reading and can be estimated by a bit of market
intelligence. Determine who you main competitors are and investigate
both their sales volume and sales trends. If your products are unique
to the market, survey the thought leaders in the modalities that can
best utilize our product. Do not be afraid to ask for both their level
of interest and what they feel is a fair market value for your

Align yourself with product management and distribution that
understand local markets and trust their insight into local market
conditions and  competitive analysis. Be sure to build in enough
profit to be able to both properly support the product line and offer
excellent customer service which is equally important to the
functionality of the product.

You will find many employment services that specialize in finding
medical device sales and marketing staff. Search Google for various
combinations of terms such as:

medical +sales OR marketing +employment

and you will find many possibilties.

If you have a web site and are looking to establish a US office, do
post the url as a comment and I will be happy to look at your site and
products and see if I can recommend anyone for your marketing needs.

Kind regards,


Request for Answer Clarification by jetdiagnostic-ga on 09 Apr 2003 10:23 PDT
Comment:  Thanks Clouseau.
There is a small US company already, but it is inactive in the US
market until FDA clearance is obtained. We are collaborating with them
(to avoid treading on their toes)but we are only concerned with the
Latin/South American and Carribean markets for the endoscopic devices.
The URL is "". Any further comments and advice will be
greatly appreciated.
Regards, Jet

Clarification of Answer by clouseau-ga on 09 Apr 2003 10:35 PDT
Hello Jet,

I will have a look at your site and post again if I have something
additional for you.

jetdiagnostic-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
Very well and quickly researched with good links

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