Hello justcuz,
Thank you for your question.
I found the instructions you seek at WebReference.com
Flash Your E-mail
"Would you like to have a signature file on your emails that instantly
tells recipients you are a good designer? Would you like to bring your
client's newsletters to life with all the capabilities of Flash
animation? Then this simple technology is for you...
...The only thing required to use this technology is an email client
that can send messages in HTML format, and allows you to use
"Stationery." However, Outlook will be the email client used as an
example in this article..."
Do read the article, but to paraphrase the steps needed:
-Create an HTML file to hold the flash animation
-Insert the Flash Code using object and embed tags
-Be sure to use the most current version of Falsh (Ver 5)
-Save the result as Stationery, usually in C:/Program Files/Common
Files/Microsoft Shared/Stationery.
-Select your new HTML file as your Stationery, or as your Signature.
When used as a Signature it will get added to forwards and replies.
When used as a Sationary, you can control the color of the entire
email page.
-To use your Sationery, click - "Tools," "Options," and "Compose." Put
a check mark in the box beside "Mail," and click the "Select" button.
Select your new HTML file, click "OK," twice.
If your recipient is capable of viewing HTML in email and has the
Flash Player, it will display. If not, they will be prompted to
download and install Flash.
There are many more tips in this article that continues here:
For example:
"...In order to ensure your Flash animation will not add to the
loading time of your email or newsletter you have to save it to a
server, and replace the name of your Flash movie with the path to the
file on your server, in the Object and Embed code in your HTML
Stationery file. The best place to save your animation is on your Web
server. This way it is always accessible to anyone reading your email,
and to you when you want to make changes. Images for JavaScript slide
shows and gif animations are sourced the same way.
The rest is just creating your Flash animation so it streams smoothly
at 56K, at a minimum, or even 28K if recipients of your message might
be using slower modems. My personal opinion is that reading an email
is not something people expect to take a long time to do, so they
won't want to wait for your Flash to load before it plays, but there
may be exceptions..."
SoftLandMark talks about a program to email Flash that might be of
interest to you:
FlashCapture 1.2
FlashCapture is an Internet Explorer add-on, that helps you save,
manage and e-mail Flash (.swf) files in just one click. FlashCapture
integrates into the IE right click menu and makes new option available
when right-clicking on a Flash item. You can choose to Save as...,
Send by Email and more. You can create custom categories and
automatically save Flash files into a selected category by using the
Save Flash into... menu item. In addition, FlashCapture offers a
floating Flash toolbar, similar to the IE image toolbar that offers
the same functionality whenever you hover your mouse over a Flash file
in IE. To speed things up, you can also use the new tool-button on the
IE toolbar to save multiple Flash files at once. It opens a dialog
that displays thumbnail version of all Flash items on the page and
then allows you to select the ones to be saved to disk.
I visited their home page to check this feature:
Save Flash? Just one click!
One click e-mail, snapshot and categorizing are also supported!
FlashCapture is the right tool you are searching for, it helps you
save, e-mail, snapshot and categorizing Flash files in just one click!
It appears to support this feature and does have a 30 day demo
download available. I did not downlaod and test this software
Also see Embed Flash:
"EMBED FLASH 2 is a free small utility that allows you to embed Flash
SWF movies in your emails again.
They say that "Necessity is the mother of invention".
No truer words were spoken. I am Cato Saelid, when I saw how upset
people in the newsgroups were that they could no longer create Flash
Email Stationery after the release of the Flash player 6,and saw
Greg's fix, I had to act.
I decided to create a program that would give you back the freedom to
use Flash SWF movies in your email stationery again. "
If you would like to see examples of Flash Animated Staionery, vist
the following page:
Flash Animated Stationery - requires version 5 or 6 of the Macromedia
Flash plugin.
IMPORTANT: All the stationery on this site is saved in the .eml
format. Click on the image of your choice to download the zipped
stationery .eml file. If you are not familiar with using stationery
saved in the .EML format, please visit my [HELP] page.
And MinByte Solutions
Search Strategy:
email +swf OR flash +file OR movie
outlook +stationery +flash OR swf
I trust my research has provided you with instructions and options for
Flash Email. If a link above should fail to work or anything require
further explanation or research, please do post a Request for
Clarification prior to rating the answer and closing the question and
I will be pleased to assist further.
-=clouseau=- |