Hi signatures:
Thanks for the interesting question.
What you ask is certainly a challenging task, primarily because the
majority of home automation manufacturers are privately owned.
Therefore, there is not a lot available about their ownership, sales
figures, or revenue figures.
I was not able to find an authoritative comparison of the sizes of the
manufacturers in this industry, so I had to dig around for information
the hard way - one manufacturer at a time. In fact, many of the
manufacturers I looked at claimed to be the "largest" - obviously
making this statement little more than marketing blather. Also, by
what criteria exactly could we measure the exact size of a company?
The best we can do is a rough estimation.
However, I still think I was able to compile a good list of the top
manufacturers. To create this list, I did the following:
1. I searched out the best, most up-to-date, most thorough listing of
"complete system" manufacturers available. By far, the best I found
was at:
Home-Automation.org - Complete Systems
2. I then checked out the website for each of the 50 companies listed
there, checking for the following things (among others):
* Did they *really* specialize in complete systems for residential
applications? Some had complete systems, but obviously specialized in
one or two specific components (e.g., lighting or security or audio).
This criteria alone was able to eliminate many of the 50 hopefuls.
* Were they well established, or had they just been set up in the last
couple of years? Many other companies were just getting started, so
they could not be considered leaders.
* I checked for the number of sites that linked to them (a good
indicator of size/popularity) by using Google's Advanced Search page,
://www.google.ca/advanced_search?hl=en . If there were too few, I
removed the company from the list.
Looking at these criteria, I discarded certain companies and kept
others, ending up with a "short list" of companies.
3. I then went through each company on the short list's website in
more detail to extract whatever revenue/sales/ownership information I
could. I supplemented this information with searches done on Google
for information on that company. During this process, I was able to
discard a few more candidates.
4. I then took the 5 remaining companies on my list and did a single
search for all of them. By doing so, I was able to find further
listings that lead to one more company that fit the bill.
So, here, in order of most links-to (on Google) to least links-to, are
the 6 companies I was left with as leaders in this industry.
Crestron Electronics, Inc.
Homepage: http://www.crestron.com/default2.asp
Contact Information:
Crestron Electronics, Inc.
15 Volvo Drive
Rockleigh, NJ 07647
Tel: 800.237.2041 / 201.767.3400
Fax: 201.767.7576
From: http://www.crestron.com/company_info/contacts_and_links/worldwide_offices.asp
Ownership Structure:
* Privately Owned
* Founder and President: George Feldstein
* Vice President: Randy Klein
* CFO: Alan Eliasof
* Sales Volume: not available, private company
Google Links-to = 664
AMX Corporation
Website: http://www.amx.com/
Contact Information:
AMX World Headquarters
AMX Corporation
3000 Research Drive
Richardson, Texas 75082
Main Phone: (469) 624-8000 or (800) 222-0193
Main Fax: (469) 624-7153
From: http://www.amx.com/contact-corporate.asp#world-hq
Ownership Structure:
* Publicly Traded on NasdaqNM
* For quotes and other data see http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=AMXC&d=t
* Institutional Owners at http://biz.yahoo.com/hd/a/amxc.html
* Executives at http://biz.yahoo.com/t/in/a/amxc.html
Total Revenues: $62.7 million for the last three fiscal quarters.
Residential Revenues: In 2002, residential revenues were $14.6
million. (http://www.amx.com/literature/2002_annual_report.pdf)
Number of Units Sold: unknown
Google Links-to = 564
Vantage Controls
URL: http://www.vantagecontrols.com/
Contact Information:
Vantage Controls Inc.
1061 South 800 East
Orem, UT 84097
(800) 555-9891
(801) 229-2800
FAX (801) 224-0355
From: http://www.vantagecontrols.com/marketing/about.html
Ownership Structure:
* Owned by TransEra Corp. (http://www.htbasic.com/)
* TransEra Privately Owned.
* CEO: Ron Wilson (http://www.vantageinc.com/)
* President: Ralph Wilson
* Executive Vice-President: Richard Brady
* Sales Volume: not available, private company
Google Links-to: 296
Home Automation, Inc.
Website: http://www.homeauto.com/
Contact Information:
5725 Powell Street
Suite A
New Orleans, LA 70123
Phone: (504) 736-9810
Fax: (504) 736-9890
Email: sales@homeauto.com
From: http://www.homeauto.com/Contact/contact_main.htm
Ownership Structure:
* Privately Owned
* Thomas Pickral: Chariman
* Jay McLellan: President
* Brian Yokum: Senior Vice President
Sales Volume: not available, private company
However, check out http://www.homeauto.com/NewsAndEvents/PressReleases/content/FiveStarDealer2002.htm
to get an idea of their sales volume.
Google Links-to: 258
Home Automated Living
Website: http://www.automatedliving.com/default.htm
Contact Information:
Home Automated Living, Inc.
14401 Sweitzer Lane, Suite 600
Laurel, MD 20707
800-935-5313 (U.S. and Canada)
301-498-4619 fax
From: http://www.automatedliving.com/company_con.shtml
Ownership Structure:
* Privately Owned (http://www.bizmonthly.com/3_2001_focus/lazarick.lene.html)
* Tim Shriver, President and CEO
* Marvin Shirley, Chief Operating Officer
* George Snyder, Vice President of Marketing and Communications
* Doug Walrath, Chief Technology Officer
* Mike O'Keefe, Director of Engineering
* William Stevenson, Business Development and Dealer Services
Sales Volume: unknown, private company
Google Links-to: 188
Amazing Control Technologies
Website: http://www.amazingcontrols.com/index.html
Contact Information:
20 North Santa Cruz Avenue, Suite B
Los Gatos , CA 95030
Phone : +1 (408) 399-1800
Fax : +1 (408) 399-1882
From: http://www.amazingcontrols.com/Contact/contactinfo.html
Ownership Structure:
* Privately Owned (http://securitysolutions.com/ar/security_smart_buildings/)
* Raj Marya, President
Sales Volume: unknown, private company
Google links-to: 128
I hope this information helps with your research.
If you need any clarification of the information I have provided,
please ask using the clarification feature and provide me with
additional details as to what you are looking for. As well, please
allow me to provide you with clarification(s) *before* you rate this
Thank you.
Search Strategy (on Google):
"home automation"
"home automation" "industry leaders"
"home automation" "installed"
"home automation" "largest manufacturers"
"home automation" "most installed"
"home automation" "most systems"
"home automation" largest manufacturer
"largest home automation manufacturer"
"largest home automation manufacturers"
crestron amx vantage "home automation" amazing
+ dozens of company-specific searches |