The radio series was called "Hoop-La" (1944). Comedians Robb Wilton
and Max Wall were the stars of the show. Harold Berens played the
character "Guy" who delivered the "lashings of toast" line.
OBITUARY:Harold Berens
The Independent; London; May 13, 1995; Denis Gifford
"...In Hoop- La (1944), a series based in a funfair run by Robb
Wilton and Max Wall, Berens played the posh character Guy, ever
pleading with his aunty to have tea - 'With lashings of toast, simply
oozing with butter!'"
To my knowledge, this obituary is not available online. I was able to
obtain it using a newspaper database available through my local public
If you're interested in more information about the "Hoop-la!" program,
there's apparently some discussion of the show in the book "Radio
Comedy 1938 - 1968
A Guide to 30 Years of Wonderful Wireless" by Andy Foster & Steve
"...zany experiments such as Max Wall's radio shows Hoop-la!..."
Available from Tony Hancock Books:
search strategy: "lashings of toast" on a newspaper database
I hope this helps. |