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Q: My web page kind of disappeared. Would you know, why? ( Answered,   3 Comments )
Subject: My web page kind of disappeared. Would you know, why?
Category: Computers
Asked by: kukubenko-ga
List Price: $25.00
Posted: 10 Mar 2003 17:33 PST
Expires: 09 Apr 2003 18:33 PDT
Question ID: 174408
My web page showed up in many searches
last week. Now, kind of disappeared. Would you know, why?

Sincerely: Julius L. Kluger

Request for Question Clarification by robertskelton-ga on 10 Mar 2003 18:08 PST
Hi Julius,

Was this the first time it ever appeared in Google search results?

Clarification of Question by kukubenko-ga on 11 Mar 2003 03:58 PST
The web page came up for different keywords early last week and was on
the first page fopr 4-5 days. I don't see it since Sunday 03/09.


Clarification of Question by kukubenko-ga on 11 Mar 2003 03:59 PST
The web page came up for different keywords early last week and was on
the first page for 4-5 days. I don't see it since Sunday 03/09.

Subject: Re: My web page kind of disappeared. Would you know, why?
Answered By: serenata-ga on 11 Mar 2003 05:18 PST
Hi, Julius ~

There are often fluctuations in search results rankings which can
occur for  any number of reasons. Search engine rankings are the
subject of speculation and research by webmasters.

Please know that Google Answers Researchers are not employees of
Google and we are not privy the the workings of the Google search
engine rankings. As a matter of general knowledge, the Googlebot does
a massive crawl every 4 to 6 weeks, indexing the entire web. During
this time Website page rankings and search results often change, even
from one moment to the next.

A new site submitted is added to a list of URLs which will be indexed
first by the "Freshbot" which does a "fresh crawl" most every day.
Therefore, you may notice results within less than a month of
submission because of this. The Freshbot is a separate spider designed
to do only partial crawls of only those sites on the list of submitted
URLs and other pages the Googler has deemed worthy of more frequent
indexing. Theoretically it completes its list much faster than the
regular Googlebot.

Google is not terribly forthcoming about its search engine algorithms,
but it has been noticed that country-specific Google Home Pages will
frequently show different results for the same search due to
differences in how the Googlebot
indexes sites with country suffixes such as .uk, .fr, .ca, .ie, etc.

Currently, your site does not appear on a site-specific search on
 - ://

I cannot find your site on Altavista

nor in DMOZ (Directory Mozilla Open Directory Project)

It has, however, been indexed by Inktomi and shows up on Hotbot by
name, although a search for your key words or phrases, such as "find
laptops" or "find laptops cheap", etc., do not show up in the first
100 results.

According to Search Engine Watch

you should make sure your pages contain text with relevant keywords. 
In addition, you should employ the following to ensure your inclusion
and a higher ranking in search engine results:

1. Avoid relying solely on images, Flash animations, and Java to
communicate your content; those elements are a black box to search

2. Ensure your page can be navigated without the use of JavaScript,
and without any client-side auto-forwarding mechanisms.
3. For a higher Google PageRank, have other sites link to you.

For that, you can suggest it to the Open Directory at [ ], you can post to relevant newsgroups, as well as
suggest it to friends that might link to your site.

The Google Webmaster Information page, at:
 - ://

Explains in "2. Submitting Your Site":

"We add thousands of new sites to our index each time we crawl the
Web, but if you like, you may submit your URL as well. Submission is
not necessary and does not guarantee inclusion in our index. Given the
large number of sites submitting URLs, it's likely your pages will be
found in an automatic crawl before they make it into our index through
the URL submission form. We DO NOT add all submitted URLs to our
index, and cannot predict when or if they will appear."

Please note the explanation in No. 3 about possible your site does not

"If your page does not appear at all, there here are some other
possible explanations.

Your site may not have been reachable when we tried to crawl it
because of network or hosting problems. When this happens, we retry
multiple times, but if the site cannot be crawled, it will not be
listed in our current index. If it was a transient problem, your site
will likely show up in the next index, which will be completed in a
few weeks.

A technical glitch on our side may have caused us to 'miss' your site.
In crawling more than 3 billion pages every few weeks, our system
experiences hiccups from time to time. Again, this is a transient
problem, and your site will likely show up in the next index. Please
be patient with us during this period, as we are not able to modify
our index by hand to add sites missed in this way.

The contents of your page or the links pointing to your page changed
significantly and you no longer have a sufficiently high PageRank, or
your page had low PageRank to begin with and a small change caused you
to be dropped from the Google index.

Your page was manually removed from our index, because it did not
conform with the quality standards necessary to assign accurate
PageRank. We will not comment on the individual reasons a page was
removed and we do not offer an exhaustive list of practices that can
cause removal. However, certain actions such as cloaking, writing text
that can be seen by search engines but not by users, or setting up
pages/links with the sole purpose of fooling search engines may result
in permanent removal from our index. If you think your site may fall
into this category, you might try 'cleaning up' the page and sending a
re-inclusion request to We do not make any guarantees
about if or when we will re-include your site."

The Google Add A URL page is at:
 - ://

There is a plethora of information about search engines and search
engine placement on the internet. Among those recognized as being a
foremost authority is Search Engine Watch:

As you can see, there could be many reasons for your Website is not be
indexed at this time. There are some things you can and should do with
your design to help ensure not only getting your Website listed, but
attaining a decent page ranking.

While this answer hasn't explained what happened to your Website, it
does help you with information on how to get your Website relisted.

Search terms used -
 - search engine rankings
 - search engines

Warm regards,
Subject: Re: My web page kind of disappeared. Would you know, why?
From: robertskelton-ga on 11 Mar 2003 12:40 PST

It's there again, seems that the Google Dance has gone on a bit longer
than normal, with results there one minute, gone the next.

Suggestion: try and make the content of your two sites different.
Google is good at spotting repeated content, and it will decrease your
site's ranking:
Subject: Re: My web page kind of disappeared. Would you know, why?
From: scriptor-ga on 14 Mar 2003 15:14 PST
Dear farzin-ga,

Unfortunately, the egomedia website seems to have vanished. Obviously,
some hacker has replaced it with something orange-and-grey, very ugly.

Subject: Re: My web page kind of disappeared. Would you know, why?
From: farzin-ga on 15 May 2003 08:32 PDT
Dear scriptor-ga,
I don't know what your talking about still
exists (and it was not hacked into).

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