Greetings, tobby!
I believe that the author you are seeking is Haig A. Bosmajian, and
that the essay you read was probably Bosmajian's book (or 164-page
long essay) "The Language of Oppression" (University Press of America,
Lanham, MD, 1983) -- or possibly an excerpt from it.
Here is a Curriculum Vitae for Dr. Bosmajian, which I found on the
website for the University of Washington's Department of
Dr. Bosmajian's book received an Orwell Award in 1983 for
"Distinguished Contributions to Honesty and Clarity in Public
I do not believe that this book/essay is available online, probably
due to issues of copyright infringement.
However, the book is available for purchase at online bookstores like
If you are constrained by time and/or money, it is also quite likely
that you would be able to check this book out from the library at your
local university or high school, or from a fairly large city library.
Search Strategy
"power of language" Bosmajian
"language of oppression" Bosmajian
Before Rating this Answer, if you have any questions about the
information I have presented, please post a Request for Clarification,
and I will see what I can do for you.
I hope that this Answer provides you with just the information you
needed to locate the material you are seeking!
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