Hi wolvies-ga,
I found how to close your Hotmail account for you. You can close your
Hotmail account and stored email and addresses will be permanently
deleted and inbound mail will be refused. Here's how to do it:
Go to your hotmail account - log in, and once inside, click HELP. This
is located just to the right of the tabs: HOME - INBOX - COMPOSE -
Once the right side of your screen opens, you'll see some choices.
Ignore those choices. You'll notice that just under those choices is a
grey box titled:
"For help on MSN Hotmail:"
--Type CLOSE into that text entry box and click GO.
--Then, on the resulting page, click "Close your Hotmail account" (2nd
Next, on the resulting page click this link:
"Go to the Close Account page and follow the instructions."
The resulting page says this:
..."By closing this account, you are marking your account inactive.
Stored e-mail and addresses will be permanently deleted and inbound
mail will be refused. Your .NET Passport will still function, and your
e-mail name will be reserved.
To re-activate your account, simply go to http://www.hotmail.com and
enter your Sign-In name and password. You will then be able to send
and receive e-mail using MSN Hotmail once again.
If your account stays 'inactive' for over a period of 90 days, it will
be permanently deleted. This delay is necessary to discourage users
from engaging in fraudulent activity. Additionally, due to the limited
number of names available, we may allow other users to sign up for and
use your current e-mail name after your account has been permanently
Under the above text is the option to "CLOSE MY ACCOUNT"
Click that and you're done.
Search strategy used:
I used my own hotmail account to find the instructions by going to
Thanks for asking!
--Cynthia |
Request for Answer Clarification by
15 Mar 2003 11:36 PST
This is, of course, not a request for clarification but the promised
confirmation that your answer has worked. I followed one of missy's
suggestions in another question about getting a new paid email
account, and having confirmed that all is working right there now, I
have deleted my old Hotmail account. Thank you very much for your help
wolvies, lol