Hello sthedentist,
Thank you for your question. Do note that Google Answer works by
posting all information and clarifications here. You are notified by
email when something has occurred with your question. Researchers are
not allowed email contact with our users.
There seem to be a number of groups that may be of interest to you.
You obviously are aware of Usenet Groups, but have you considered
Dental-Marketing (just for example) has a brief description of what
these are and how to subscribe:
"Discussion Groups or Mailing Lists as they are also called are a
means of a group of individuals with common interest to discuss those
interests. There are a zillion discussion groups on the Internet from
apples to zebras and they all function essentially in the same way.
You sign up on the list and then you can receive all of the emails
that are directed to the list and every Email that you send to the
list is sent to every member of the list. Discussion groups differ
from News Groups where you subscribe to the news group and then
download any messages that are on the newsgroup to read on your
computer at any time in the future.
Discussion groups may be private or public. A public group allows
anyone to subscribe to it, but in a private group, each subscriber
must be approved by the list owner. Some groups are also Moderated by
the list owner which means that the messages will be read before they
are sent out to the entire group.
This Group, DENTAL-MARKETING, will limit the discussion to all
marketing aspects of a private dental practice. this topic will
include marketing through the internet and effective web site design.
Discussion about software, companies, and hardware pertinent to these
topics will be encouraged.
You can also subscribe to this group by sending an Email to
the subscription address with the following in the body of the Email:
If the list accepts you, you will get a welcoming message which tells
you about the list and more importantly, tells you how to unsubscribe.
Please read the welcome message carefully. Keep this welcome message
for future reference.
To quit the discussion group, send a message to the
There is more about signing off and other useful commands in the
welcome message.
So, now that you know a little about listserv groups, here are some
that may interest you:
Internet Dentisty Resources
CALCIF-L Description: Calicified tissue discussion list serve. Focus
is biomineralization in calcified tissues. List developed by Malcolm
Snead, Oral Pathology, USC.
Listserv Address: listproc@usc.edu
Web master: Owner: Malcolm Snead MLSnead@zygote.hsc.usc.edu
EXPATH-L Description: Experimental pathology, with special emphasis
on the oral cavity and head and neck. List developed by Malcolm Snead,
Oral Pathology, USC.
Listserv Address: listproc@usc.edu
Web master: Malcolm Snead MLSnead@zygote.hsc.usc.edu
BBOPLIST Description: Buffalo Board of Oral Pathology. Discussion of
ideas and topics regarding oral pathology service, research and
Listserv Address: listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu
Web master: Owner: Alan Drinnan ormpapua@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu
AMALGAM Description: Distributes information about chronic mercury
poisoning from dental "silver" tooth fillings.
Listserv Address: listserv@dearn.bitnet
Web master: Owner: Siegfried Schmitt jeo4@ibm3090.r2.uni-karlsruhe.de
CBR-L Description: Craniofacial Biology Research List discourse
centers on the growth and development of the human head. Topics of
interest include queries, observations, and research reports on normal
craniofacial morphology,ontogeny (growth and development) and terat
Listserv Address: majordomo@po.cwru.edu
Web master: Owner: David Dean dean@lucifer.cwru.edu
DENTALIC Description: This is an "Infection Control Issues in
Dentistry" mailing list and is from the University of Texas Health
Science Center at San Antonio, Texas. DENTALIC, the Infection Control
in Dentistry List, has been created to advance open communication
within t
Listserv Address: listproc@sparky.uthscsa.edu
Web master: Owner: Sara Dirks dirks@uthscsa.edu
DENTALMA Description: Dentistry related articles, reports and
techniques. There is also a filelist available in conjunction with
this discussion list. To obtain the filelist, send either a get
dentalma filelist or in dentalma to listproc@list.cren.net
Listserv Address: listproc@list.cren.net
Web master: Owner: Bryon Satterfield bryons@blkbox.com
There are many more at the above listed page. Visit the address or
email the lst owner to join these.
Sleep Medicine mantions a group:
DENTAL-SLEEP Moderated. Dental sleep list that provides information
for dentists who are working with oral appliance therapy for snoring
and sleep apnea. Available through subscription. Send SUBSCRIBE
DENTAL-SLEEP Firstname lastname Degree to listserv@dental.stat.com
HealthWeb has an extensive list of listservs for dentistry:
Most of these have links at the above site or can be reached at the
list addresses below.
-American Association of Dental Schools index of LISTSERV's.
-AADS Basic Science Sections Listserv Lists
Anatomical Sciences
Biochemistry and Nutrition
Oral Biology
Pharmacology and Therapeutics
-Bulletin Board for Oral Pathology (BBOP)
-Mailing Lists & Bulletin Boards by "Dental Related Internet
-AMALGAM- information about mercury poisoning listserv@vm.gmd.de
-BROPLIST- Oral Pathology, Discussion Groups
-CALCIF-L- biomineralization in calcified tissues listproc@usc.edu
-CBR-L- Craniofacial Biology Reasearch majordomo@po.cwru.edu
-CCIS_SE- Dental Software listproc@bite.db.uth.tmc.edu
-D-ORAL-L- Oral Microbiology/Immunology listserv@nihlist.bitnet
-D-PERIO- Periodontal Disease Program Discussion
-DENTALART- listserv@dental.stat.com
-DENTALIB- for dental librarians, oral health issues listproc@usc.edu
-DENALIC-Infection Control in Dentistry listproc@sparky.uthscsa.edu
-DENTALMA- Dentistry related articles, reports and techniques
-DENTAL_CE- continuing education, seminars
-DENTAL-DRUGS- drug therapeutics in dentistry listserv@dental.stat.com
-DENTAL-LAB- dental lab discussion group listserv@dental.stat.com
-DENTAL-MARKETING- listserv@dental.stat.com
-DENTAL-PUBLIC-HEALTH majordomo@list.pitt.edu
-DENTAL-SLEEP- sleep breathing disorders listserv@dental.stat.com
-DENTAL-WEB- dental-related World Wide Web and dental-related
infosystems in
general listproc@bite.db.uth.tmc.edu
-DENTIST-L Discussion of internet uses for dental information
-DENTISTRY- Dental professionals discussion group david@stat.com
-DBLIST- databases for dentistry listproc@list.ab.umd.edu
-EXPATH-L- Oral Pathology listproc@usc.edu
-IMPLANTOLOGY- listserv@home.ease.1soft.com
-MANAGED-CARE listserv@dental.stat.com
-ORADLIST- Oral Radiology discussion Group listserv@grizzly.ucla.edu
-ORTHOD-L- Orthodontics discussion group listproc@usc.edu
-PERIODONT- Moderated periodontal discussion groups
-PGD- listserv@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
-EndoL (Endodontic Mailing List)
Provides a visual communication between dentists with an interest in
endodermis and pedodontics.
-Oral Microbiology/Immunology
To subscribe to this mailing list send a message including the words,
"D-ORAL-L [your firstname] [your lastname]".
To subscribe to this mailing list send a message including the words,
"orthod-l [first name] [last name]".
-Dental Public Health InfoServer - Bulletin Boards
-Bulletin Boards WebBoard, Creighton University School of Dentistry,
Department of Community Dentistry WebBoard.
-Internet Dental Photography Forum
-Liszt: Health/Dentistry Type: Professional & Consumer Oriented Site.
Liszt is a mailing list directory. Liszt just helps you find mailing
lists by topics that might interest you. Then it tells you how to get
more information, and how to join
Dental Bulletin Boards has yet another list of several dozen BBS's,
Newsgroups and Mailing Lists:
Dr. Mohamed's Dental Links page also has an extensive list, though
several years old. Successful lists will still be active, I'm sure:
Dentistry Online
We are pleased to accept contributions of news, and review articles
from all over the world.
Please read our Instructions for Authors if you are an academic or
scientific author hoping to submit a paper. All scientific papers are
peer reviewed and archived. We are very interested in any ideas, news,
general articles, personal opinion pieces, brief reports or scientific
papers that you might care to submit for consideration to Dentistry
Online Forums:
Denta Health and Dental Cleanup Forums - Message Boards
165 Boards, over 33,000 messages, over 3,000 posters and over 250,000
ADA.org forum (members only)
Search Strategy:
moderated +dental +discussion
dental +forums
online +dental +forum OR discussion
I trust my research has provided you with a broad selection of lists,
groups and forums to choose from. I'm sure you will find some that
meet your interests. If a link above should fail to work or anything
require further explanation or research, please do post a Request for
Clarification prior to rating the answer and closing the question and
I will be pleased to assist further.
-=clouseau=- |