I've found quite a few estimates of the number of dog owners in the
United States, with a rather wide range of figures. Below I've listed
several sources for you.
The Kansas City Star says 68 million Americans own dogs:
"According to the Star, 73 million Americans own cats, while 68
million are dog owners."
Tufts University
Focus USA, a database marketing firm, gives an estimate of 50 million:
"Currently there are approximately 50 million dog owners in the U.S."
Focus USA
According to CNN, 43 million Americans own dogs:
"About 40 million to 50 million people have allergies to something in
this country, and about 43 million people own dogs."
An article in Anthrozoos magazine sets the figure at 35 million:
"Writing in Anthrozoos Gary Patronek of Purdue University School of
Veterinary Medicine and Andrew Rowan of Tufts University School of
Veterinary Medicine have started the ball rolling. Patronek and Rowan
compiled statistics from the pet industry, the American Kennel Club,
the American veterinary Medical Association, the Humane Society of the
US, the American Humane Association, and other sources to paint a
picture of dog ownership in the US in a recent editorial in the
scholarly magazine published by the Delta Society... Rowan and
Patronek report that about 52 million dogs live in 35 million US
National Animal Interest Alliance
The most precise figure I found online - 43,143,849 - came from
American Pet Association polls (from 1998 through 2001):
"There are 43,143,849 dog owners in the United States, who own a total
of 61,542,900 million dogs, and there are 74,894,580 million cats for
a total of 136,437,480 pets."
American Pet Association
Search terms used:
united states
dog owners
dog ownership
own dogs
pet census
I hope this information is useful. If anything is in need of
explanation, or if a link does not function, please request
clarification before rating my answer, and I'll be glad to offer
further assistance.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |