Hi jaygee,
Boy, this question hits close to home for me. I'll soon be 54 years
old, just a year away from the big 55 which is so very often used as
the line between middle aged and senior status, especially in the
world of commerce. I don't know where you live, but I do know that
here in Ontario (Canada), we oldies-but-goodies can receive discounts
from major retail stores once we hit the magic 55. We can get senior
hotel discounts, restaurant discounts, house insurance discounts (at
age 50!), and so many other savings.
I'm assuming that whether you are male or female, you aren't
interested in just meeting up with an older person for nothing but
conversation and hospitality. I'm sure you're intelligent enough to
know that a convalescent home or palliative care unit in a hospital
would be places to find people of a certain advanced age. Thusly, I'm
concentrating on a more personal approach to this question.
The thing is that at the turn of the 19th century, we'd all have been
lucky to be alive at such an advanced age. Medical science has raised
the bar considerably.
My mom-in-law is going on 83, so she definitely qualifies as a senior
citizen. Where will you find her? Well let's see -- on the golf
course, at a beach, camping seasonally, at the casino, at a bingo, at
a flea market, at a yard sale or any store's monthly seniors' discount
day. If you go to a health club or gym, she might be there doing
You will not find her in a rocking chair wearing a white cap and
looking like Whistler's mother.
A senior can find any other senior anywhere you'd expect to find any
other person! I've read articles in various magazines which predict
that the 21st century senior will be physically younger, healthier,
more active, and generally more visible than ever.
Look at the ads in seniors' magazines. Look at TV commercials. There
is a definite trend to cater to older persons as our society (North
American, at any rate), ages well and in fit physical condition.
Because women generally outlive men, you'll find a significant number
of widows advertising in 'Personals' columns.
Many seniors join their communities' Senior Citizens' Associations.
They participate in day (and longer) trips. They enroll in community
colleges which offer them free course fees (but not free supplies).
Active seniors want to learn more about things which interest them --
things they previously had no time for.
The fact that Viagra has become an everyday word is testimony to the
fact that seniors are not going to lie down quietly, or retreat to the
oak rocker, or wait for the grim reaper to come for them.
Now, let's find some websites to back all this up.
Seniors Today:
"Forget your age, what's your real age?"
"AARP is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to addressing
the needs and interests of persons 50 and older. Through information
and education, advocacy and service, we seek to enhance the quality of
life for all by promoting independence, dignity and purpose."
Putting your client where seniors meet
"In 2000 there were 20.6 million women and 14.4 million men ages 65
and older, representing 12.4 percent of the U.S. population, or about
one in every eight Americans. The number of seniors has increased by
3.7 million, or 12 percent, since 1990, according to the U.S. Census
Senior Dating Services
"The websites listed here are among the top sites for Personal ads and
Dating Services on the Internet. You're sure to find that special
someone who shares your interests and dreams from the thousands of
photo ads online..."
ThirdAge Connections
Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
Where seniors turn to find work
Seniors Personals - Find Love, Romance and Relationships!
Find It By Topic -- Training -- Seniors
Search strategy:
seniors today
seniors meet seniors
where find seniors?
magazines for seniors
I wish you well, jaygee. Please, don't hesitate to use your
Clarification button if this isn't clear.
revbrenda1st |