For a research project, I'm looking for information about time taken
to bring different vehicles (Cars, SUVs, Mini-Vans, trucks etc.) to a
stop from different speeds.
1. I am looking for information for specific cars to be brought to a
stop from different speeds For example: how much time does it take a
specific car (ford taurus, toyota camry etc.) to come to a stop from
different speeds (50 mph, 60 mph, 90 mph etc.) in ideal conditions
(i.e. no rain, snow, ice etc.)
2. A comparison of time taken to bring different vehicles (cars, suvs,
trucks) to a stop from different speeds (40 mph, 50 mph, 80 mph etc.)
Would like to receive informaton for small increments in speeds (for
example. time taken to stop a vehicle for every one mile increase in
speed 50 mph, 51mph etc.)) |
Request for Question Clarification by
17 Mar 2003 19:18 PST
There's a report of the National Transporation Safety Adminstration
that has an awful lot -- but not all -- the info you need.
Consumer Braking Information
"Braking tests were conducted on five passenger cars, two passenger
mini vans, one full-size cargo van, one full-size sport utility
vehicle, and one full-size pickup truck. All of the vehicles were
equipped with a four-wheel antilock braking system (ABS), except for
the pickup truck which had a rear-wheel only ABS. The vehicles were
leased and were either 1998 or 1999 model year vehicles, with mileages
between 2,300 and 18,000 miles. The tires on each vehicle were
replaced with new tires of the same make, model, and size as the
original tires. Each vehicle?s brakes were inspected for normal wear,
but were not replaced or subjected to conditioning other than from
normal, as-received use. The new tires were conditioned by driving at
50 mph for 50 miles."
The problem for you is, all the testing was done at a fixed speed of
62 mph. Still, it's a lot of very detailed data that may (or may
not!) be of use.
Let the researchers here know how close or far this comes to the mark,
so we can fine-tune our searching and try and get you what you need.
Clarification of Question by
19 Mar 2003 09:57 PST
Thanks for the information. It is a start but not exactly what I was
looking for. Instead of a large spread (50 mph, 60mph, 70mph, 90mph
etc.), I guess it would be sufficient if you can provide information
for stopping times (or stopping distances) from a particular speed
(e.g. 70 mph) and a ten mile window (upto 80 mph) with information
about stopping times for (preferably) every one-two mile increments
(70mph, 72mph, 74mph etc.).
Such information for atleast one-two brands of cars and SUVs would
probably suffice.
Also, I could not located the article on Car & Driver. Need more info
to locate the same.