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Q: Free job listings ( Answered,   3 Comments )
Subject: Free job listings
Category: Business and Money > Employment
Asked by: freedom-ga
List Price: $20.00
Posted: 24 May 2002 12:35 PDT
Expires: 31 May 2002 12:35 PDT
Question ID: 17859
I am looking for all the places on the Internet in English where you
can post a job listing for free.
Subject: Re: Free job listings
Answered By: jmmjumarti-ga on 24 May 2002 15:48 PDT

My search returned the following sites where you can post your job
listings for free:

The America's Job Bank. They are funded through Unemployment Insurance
taxes paid by each state's employers.
To post a job listing, visit the America's Job Bank employer's site:
America's Job Bank Home Page: (, click on the "Post Jobs"
button and register in order to post your job:

Now, if you are looking for a particular kind of professional, take a
look at the following sites:

For new media professionals, the canadian based MultiMediator
PixelScout has a free job posting feature for employers.
Click on the "post a job for free" option on the menu bar at the left
of the screen to post the job ad.

For Small Office Home Office Jobs, you can post your job ad for free
at the SOHO Jobs website:

If you are looking for Christian employees, you can use the
Complimentary Limited Job Listing(Option 2) at the Christian Career

To advertise overseas jobs, you can post your free ad at the website:

If you are looking for artists or administrators, writers or computer
programmers, you can post your job ad for free at the careers site of
the AWN (Animation World Network) website:

To target the music teacher's community, post your ad at

Bradenton/Sarasota Jobs Employment Center, free job posting for the
Sarasota, FL area

The Free Job Listing
You can post your job for free, but they dont allow envelope stuffing
positions, chain letters or email processing.

You can read about "Recruiting on the Internet" at
where they have a list of most of the english speaking sites where you
can post your job ad, including sites where you have to pay a fee for

Also, to look for more sites to place your ad for free, the Google
Search "Post a job for free" will give you additional sites.

Google Search
Post a job for free

Free job listing

Hope this helps,


Request for Answer Clarification by freedom-ga on 28 May 2002 16:02 PDT
I was looking for more than that as far as an answer. I am looking for
people that are looking for an oppertunity to make money from home or
start a small business. Is there a way to get more resources?


Clarification of Answer by jmmjumarti-ga on 29 May 2002 18:33 PDT
Dear Gavin,

My search returned the following sites where you can post your
business opportunity for free:

" is a dedicated company offering a variety of services
and assistance for individuals looking for home employment. Our
services also extend to employers offering telecommuting work. Members
receive access to our exclusive jobs database of work from home job
and emailed update reports. Employers benefit with an efficient source
of qualified professionals."

At they do not mention charging employers for posting
jobs or business opportunities. They do offer services(for a fee)
targeted to the persons looking for home based job/business

At The website you can post your "Work-At-Home,
Home-Based, Telecommuting, Freelance, Independent Contractor,
Consulting and/or Self Employment positions.":

The Money From Home site offers you "some of the most motivated and
cost-effective employees and contractors in America", for free:

If you have a website with your job opportunity, you can add it at the
Opportunity Toolbox site, where they list websites that offer Home
Business Opportunities. The site gives their visitors the chance of
rating the listed websites/opportunities on a 1-5 scale.

The Homeworkersnet site also lets you post your job listings and
business opportunities for free:

The website offers three job posting options for
employers, one of them free. (1 metropolitan area, 1 job category, 30
days, and more options)

If you are offering MLM opportunities, you can advertise your offering
for free at the MLMDIR.COM’s message board
forum.( The website also offers other
activity-specific boards where you can post your free business
opportunity advertisement accordingly(

The Free Garage Sale site also offers free classified ads targeting
the community of persons looking for a home based job/business
The Free Garage Site

Egrindstone, from the UK, has a directory of homebased workers, which
you can contact, classified by their job expertise. (i.e. Crafts,
Finance, Legal, Marketing, Family and Health, Personnel, Professional
Services, Technology and Miscellaneous)

Another UK site where you can post your job opportunity for free is
SwiftWork. They market themselves as the "one stop resource for
flexible working."

I also found the following sites targeting the home based worker's
community, but they ask a fee for posting your ad:

"...The minimum cost is $25.00 and the maximum cost is $75.00 US."

"Target thousands of professional women seeking flexible employment
(telecommuting, part time, flex time, job sharing)" Rates go from $70
for a single listing(60 days) to $7,000 for unlimited job posting.

To target "stay-at-home Moms" seeking home employment opportunities
you can post your ad at the At-Home Works Website. Rates go from
$10.00/1 month to $45.00/ 6 months.
At Home Works

Google Search
post home based job opportunities

Hope this helps,

Subject: Re: Free job listings
From: csigirl-ga on 24 May 2002 20:16 PDT
Hi there, Freedom!

Here are a few more sites for your consideration.  

Monster is one of the largest online resume/job hunting services.  I
see their ads on television all the time.

Flipdog is another free service.  To quote from their site,
"™ delivers the Internet's largest job collection—all
direct from the source—employer Web sites. Using breakthrough
technology, we get jobs from five times more employers each week than
other job sources do in a year.

We've collected jobs you won't see on any other job site—jobs from big
and small companies, public and private organizations or anywhere at
all. If it's out there, we've got it."

Employment 911 appears to be another large site:

All 3 of these companies offer many different things, including
premium services for a bit more than free.  They all have tips on
resume writing and Flipdog even has a service where they will write a
resume for you (for a fee, of course).

Good luck!

Subject: Re: Free job listings
From: csigirl-ga on 24 May 2002 20:38 PDT
Here's another one to add to the list. I just heard a radio ad for
HotJobs, which is a Yahoo service. I checked it out and yes, it's free
Subject: Re: Free job listings
From: danec-ga on 29 Aug 2002 09:51 PDT
Another place to post your business opportunities is

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