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Q: C++ Conversion ( No Answer,   1 Comment )
Subject: C++ Conversion
Category: Computers > Programming
Asked by: martim07-ga
List Price: $40.00
Posted: 20 Mar 2003 07:43 PST
Expires: 20 Mar 2003 14:16 PST
Question ID: 178679
This is a C++ problem that I have tried to complete, but there are
many areas that I'm unsure on. I will be as detailed as possible.
The goal is to convert a container class into a template class. I will
include the definition(.h), implementation(.tem), and  two test
files(.cpp). Please note that implementation of functions is fine,
only the syntax for conversion to template must be adjusted.
// FILE: list2template.h
// CLASS PROVIDED: List (a template class for a List of items,
// where each List may have a designated item called the current item)
//     List::DEFAULT_CAPACITY is the initial capacity of a List that
//     created by the default constructor.
// CONSTRUCTOR for the List class:
//   List(size_t initial_capacity = DEFAULT_CAPACITY)
//     Postcondition: The List has been initialized as an empty List.
//     The insert/attach functions will work efficiently (without
//     new memory) until this capacity is reached.
//   void resize(size_t new_capacity)
//     Postcondition: The List's current capacity is changed to the
//     new_capacity (but not less that the number of items already on
//     list). The insert/attach functions will work efficiently
//     allocating new memory) until this new capacity is reached.
//   void start( )
//     Postcondition: The first item on the List becomes the current
//     (but if the List is empty, then there is no current item).
//   void advance( )
//     Precondition: is_item returns true.
//     Postcondition: If the current item was already the last item on
//     List, then there is no longer any current item. Otherwise, the
//     current item is the item immediately after the original current
//   void insert(const Item& entry)
//     Postcondition: A new copy of entry has been inserted in the
List before
//     the current item. If there was no current item, then the new
entry has
//     been inserted at the front of the List. In either case, the
//     inserted item is now the current item of the List.
//   void attach(const Item& entry)
//     Postcondition: A new copy of entry has been inserted in the
List after
//     the current item. If there was no current item, then the new
entry has
//     been attached to the end of the List. In either case, the newly
//     inserted item is now the current item of the List.
//   void remove_current( )
//     Precondition: is_item returns true.
//     Postcondition: The current item has been removed from the List,
and the
//     item after this (if there is one) is now the new current item.
// CONSTANT MEMBER FUNCTIONS for the List class:
//   size_t size( ) const
//     Postcondition: The return value is the number of items on the
//   bool is_item( ) const
//     Postcondition: A true return value indicates that there is a
//     "current" item that may be retrieved by activating the current
//     member function (listed below). A false return value indicates
//     there is no valid current item.
//   List::Item current( ) const
//     Precondition: is_item( ) returns true.
//     Postcondition: The item returned is the current item on the
// VALUE SEMANTICS for the List class:
//   Assignments and the copy constructor may be used with List
//   If there is insufficient dynamic memory, then the following
//   call new_handler: The constructors, insert, attach.

#ifndef LIST2_H
#define LIST2_H
#include <cstdlib>  // Provides size_t
namespace Paul_List2{

    class List
	enum{ DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 30};
             typedef Item value_type; 
	List(size_t initial_capacity = DEFAULT_CAPACITY);
        List(const List& source);
        ~List( );
		void start( );
        void advance( );
        void insert(const Item& entry);
        void attach(const Item& entry);
        void remove_current( );
        void resize(size_t new_capacity);
        void operator =(const List& source);
        size_t size( ) const;
		bool is_item( ) const;
        Item current( ) const;
        Item *data;
        size_t used;
        size_t current_index;
        size_t capacity;

// FILE:              list2.tem
// CLASS IMPLEMENTED: list2 (See list2template.h for documentation)
// INVARIANT for the List ADT (i.e. verbalization of rules governing
//   private member function behavior):
//   1. The number of items in the List is in the member variable used
//      (i.e. used = 0 means the List is empty).
//   2. For an empty List, we do not care what is stored in any of the
//      array data.  For a non-empty List, the items in the List are
//      stored in strictly maintained order in data[0] through
//      data[used].  We don't care what's in the rest of data (so
//      need to initialize data in the constructor).
//   3. To maintain strict order, current_index is used to keep track
//      of current location in data; when current_index is used-1,
//      we're at the last place in the array.  Also whenever
//      is greater than or equal to used, there is no current item.
//   4. capacity keeps track of the current capacity of the array
//      to by data; capacity starts out with the value
//      and is changed by resize as needed (whenever used is greater
//      or equal to capacity).

#include <assert.h>   // Provides assert
#include "list2template.h"
namespace Paul_List2{

template <class Item>
List<Item>::List(size_t initial_capacity)          // the main
// Library facilities used: stdlib.h (included in the file list2.h)
    data = new Item[initial_capacity];
    capacity = initial_capacity;
    used = 0;
    current_index = 0;

template <class Item>
List<Item>::List(const List<Item>& source)          //  the copy
// Library facilities used: stdlib.h 
    size_t i;    
    data = new item[source.capacity];
    capacity = source.capacity;
    used = source.used;
    current_index = source.current_index;
    for(i = 0; i < used; i++)
        data[i] =[i];

template<class Item>
List<Item>::~List<Item>()                           // the destructor
    delete [ ] data;

template <class Item>
void List<Item>::start()
    current_index = 0;

template <class Item>
void List<Item>::advance()
// Library facilities used: assert.h

template <class Item>
void List<Item>::insert(const Item& entry)
// Library facilities used: stdlib.h
    size_t i;
    if (used >= capacity)
        resize (1 + used + used/10); // Increase by 10%
    if (!is_item())
        current_index = 0;
    for(i = used; i > current_index; i--)
        data[i] = data[i-1];
    data[current_index] = entry;

template <class Item>
void List<Item>::attach(const Item& entry)
// Library facilities used: stdlib.h
    size_t i;

    if (used >= capacity)
        resize (1 + used + used/10); // Increase by 10%
    if (!is_item())
        current_index = used;
        data[current_index] = entry;
        for(i = used; i > (current_index + 1); i--)
            data[i] = data[i-1];
        data[current_index + 1] = entry;

template <class Item>
void List<Item>::remove_current()
// Library facilities used: assert.h, stdlib.h
    size_t i;
    for(i = current_index; i < used-1; i++)
        data[i] = data[i+1];

template <class Item>
void List<Item>::resize(size_t new_capacity)
// Library facilities used: stdlib.h
    // This is from the text, p. 174.
    size_t i;
    Item *larger_array;   //was value_type

    if (new_capacity == capacity)
        return;  //  The allocated memory is already the right size.

    if (new_capacity < used)
        new_capacity = used;  // Can't allocate less than we are

    larger_array = new Item[new_capacity];   //was value_type
    for(i = 0; i < used; i++ )
        larger_array[i] = data[i];
    delete [ ] data;
    data = larger_array;
    capacity = new_capacity;

template <class Item>
void List<Item>::operator =(const List<Item>& source)
// Library facilities used: stdlib.h
    size_t i;    
    Item *new_data;    //Was value type

    if (capacity != source.capacity)
        new_data = new value_type[source.capacity];
        delete [] data;
        data = new_data;
        capacity = source.capacity;
    used = source.used;
    current_index = source.current_index;
    for(i = 0; i < used; i++)
        data[i] =[i];

template <class Item>
size_t List<Item>::size() const
// Library facilities used: stdlib.h
    return used;

template <class Item>
bool List<Item>::is_item() const
    return (current_index < used);

template <class Item>
List<Item>::Item List::current() const   //second Item was value_type
// Library facilities used: assert.h
    return data[current_index];


// FILE: listex2.cpp
// Non-interactive test program for the List class using a dynamic
// with improved test for heap leaks.
// Each function of this program tests part of the List class,
// some number of points to indicate how much of the test was passed.
// A description and result of each test is printed to cout.
// Maximum number of points awarded by this program is determined by
// constants POINTS[1], POINTS[2]...
// This new version of the test program includes an improved test for
// leaks by overriding the new and delete operators. Users should
// placing these new and delete operators into a separate cpp file,
// I have included everything in one file for easier distribution.

#include <iostream> // Provides cout.
#include <string>   // Provides memcpy.
#include <cstdlib>   // Provides size_t.
#include "list2template.h"    // Provides the List class with double
using namespace std;
using namespace Paul_List2;

// Descriptions and points for each of the tests:
const size_t MANY_TESTS = 8;
const List<int> POINTS[MANY_TESTS+1] = {
	 100,  // Total points for all tests.
	  20,  // Test 1 points
	  15,  // Test 2 points
	  15,  // Test 3 points
	  10,  // Test 4 points
	  10,  // Test 5 points
	  10,  // Test 6 points
	  10,  // Test 7 points
	  10   // Test 8 points
const List<char> DESCRIPTION[MANY_TESTS+1][256] = {
    "tests for List Class with a dynamic array",
    "Testing insert, attach, and the constant member functions",
    "Testing situations where the cursor goes off the list",
    "Testing remove_current",
    "Testing the resize member function",
    "Testing the copy constructor",
    "Testing the assignment operator",
    "Testing insert/attach when current DEFAULT_CAPACITY exceeded",
    "Testing for possible heap leaks"

// **************************************************************************
// Replacements for new and delete:
// The next two functions replace the new and delete operators. Any
// that is linked with this .cxx file will use these replacements
// of the standard new and delete. The replacements provide three
// 1. The global variable memory_used_now keeps track of how much
memory has
//    been allocated by calls to new. (The global variable is static
so that
//    it cannot be accessed outside of this .cxx file.)
// 2. The new operator fills all newly allocated memory with a GARBAGE
// 3. Each block of newly allocated memory is preceeded and followed
by a
//    border of BORDER_SIZE characters. The first part of the front
//    contains a copy of the size of the allocated memory. The rest of
//    border contains a BORDER char.
// During any delete operation, the border characters are checked. If
// border character has been changed from BORDER to something else,
then an
// error message is printed and the program is halted. This stops most
// cases of writing beyond the ends of the allocated memory.
// **************************************************************************

const  size_t BORDER_SIZE     = 2*sizeof(double);
const  List<char>   GARBAGE         = 'g';
const  List<char>   BORDER          = 'b';
static size_t memory_used_now = 0;

template <class Item>
void* operator new(size_t size)
    List<char>   *whole_block;   // Pointer to the entire block that
we get from heap
    size_t *size_spot;     // Spot in the block where to store a copy
of size
    List<char>   *front_border;  // The border bytes in front of the
user's memory
    List<char>   *middle;        // The memory to be given to the
calling program
    List<char>   *back_border;   // The border bytes at the back of
the user's memory
    size_t i;              // Loop control variable

    // Allocate the block of memory for the user and for the two
    whole_block = (List<char> *) malloc(2*BORDER_SIZE + size);
    if (whole_block == NULL)
	return NULL;

    // Figure out the start points of the various pieces of the block.
    size_spot = (size_t *) whole_block;
    front_border = (List<char> *) (whole_block + sizeof(size_t));
    middle = (List<char> *) (whole_block + BORDER_SIZE);
    back_border = middle + size;

    // Put a copy of the size at the start of the block.
    *size_spot = size;

    // Fill the borders and the middle section.
    for (i = 0; i < BORDER_SIZE - sizeof(size_t); i++)
	front_border[i] = BORDER;
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
	middle[i] = GARBAGE;
    for (i = 0; i < BORDER_SIZE; i++)
	back_border[i] = BORDER;

    // Update the global static variable showing how much memory is
now used.
    memory_used_now += size;
    return middle;

template <class Item>
void operator delete(void* p)
    List<char>   *whole_block;   // Pointer to the entire block that
we get from heap
    size_t *size_spot;     // Spot in the block where to store a copy
of size
    List<char>   *front_border;  // The border bytes in front of the
user's memory
    List<char>   *middle;        // The memory to be given to the
calling program
    List<char>   *back_border;   // The border bytes at the back of
the user's memory
    size_t i;              // Loop control variable
    size_t size;           // Size of the block being returned
    bool   corrupt;        // Set to true if the border was corrupted

    // Figure out the start of the pieces of the block, and the size.
    whole_block = ((List<char> *) (p)) - BORDER_SIZE;
    size_spot = (size_t *) whole_block;
    size = *size_spot;
    front_border = (List<char> *) (whole_block + sizeof(size_t));
    middle = (List<char> *) (whole_block + BORDER_SIZE);
    back_border = middle + size;

    // Check the borders for the BORDER character.
    corrupt = false;
    for (i = 0; i < BORDER_SIZE - sizeof(size_t); i++)
	if (front_border[i] != BORDER)
	    corrupt = true;
    for (i = 0; i < BORDER_SIZE; i++)
	if (back_border[i] != BORDER)
	    corrupt = true;

    if (corrupt)
	cout << "The delete operator has detected that the program wrote\n";
	cout << "beyond the ends of a block of memory that was allocated\n";
	cout << "by the new operator. Program will be halted." << endl;
	// Fill memory with garbage in case program tries to use it
	// even after the delete.
	for (i = 0; i < size + 2*BORDER_SIZE; i++)
	    whole_block[i] = GARBAGE;
	memory_used_now -= size;

// **************************************************************************
// bool test_basic(const List& test, size_t s, bool has_cursor)
//   Postcondition: A return value of true indicates:
//     a. test.size() is s, and
//     b. test.is_item() is has_cursor.
//   Otherwise the return value is false.
//   In either case, a description of the test result is printed to
// **************************************************************************

template<class Item>
bool test_basic(const List<Item>& test, size_t s, bool has_cursor)
    bool answer;

    cout << "Testing that size() returns " << s << " ... ";
    cout.flush( );
    answer = (test.size( ) == s);
    cout << (answer ? "Passed." : "Failed.") << endl;
    if (answer)
	cout << "Testing that is_item() returns ";
	cout << (has_cursor ? "true" : "false") << " ... ";
	cout.flush( );
	answer = (test.is_item( ) == has_cursor);
	cout << (answer ? "Passed." : "Failed.") << endl;

    return answer;

// **************************************************************************
// bool test_items(List& test, size_t s, size_t i, double items[])
//   The function determines if the test list has the correct items
//   Precondition: The size of the items array is at least s.
//   Postcondition: A return value of true indicates that
//   is equal to items[i], and after test.advance() the result of
//   test.current() is items[i+1], and so on through items[s-1].
//   At this point, one more advance takes the cursor off the list.
//   If any of this fails, the return value is false.
//   NOTE: The test list has been changed by advancing its cursor.
// **************************************************************************

template <class Item>
bool test_items(List<Item>& test, size_t s, size_t i, List<double>
    bool answer = true;
    cout << "The cursor should be at item [" << i << "]" << " of the
    cout << "(counting the first item as [0]). I will advance the
    cout << "to the end of the List, checking that each item is
    cout.flush( );
    while ((i < s) && test.is_item( ) && (test.current( ) ==
	test.advance( );

    if ((i != s) && !test.is_item( ))
    {   // The test.is_item( ) function returns false too soon.
	cout << "\n    Cursor fell off the list too soon." << endl;
	answer = false;
    else if (i != s)
    {   // The test.current( ) function returned a wrong value.
	cout << "\n    The item [" << i << "] should be " << items[i] <<
	cout << "    but it was " << test.current( ) << " instead.\n";
	answer = false;
    else if (test.is_item( ))
    {   // The test.is_item( ) function returns true after moving off
the List.
	cout << "\n    The cursor was moved off the list,";
	cout << " but is_item still returns true." << endl;
	answer = false;

    cout << (answer ? "Passed." : "Failed.") << endl;
    return answer;

// **************************************************************************
// bool correct(List& test, size_t s, size_t cursor_spot, double
//   This function determines if the List (test) is "correct"
according to
//   these requirements:
//   a. it has exactly s items.
//   b. the items (starting at the front) are equal to
//      items[0] ... items[s-1]
//   c. if cursor_spot < s, then test's cursor must be at
//      the location given by cursor_spot.
//   d. if cursor_spot >= s, then test must not have a cursor.
// NOTE: The function also moves the cursor off the List.
// **************************************************************************

template <class Item>
bool correct(List<Item>& test, size_t size, size_t cursor_spot,
List<double> items[])
    bool has_cursor = (cursor_spot < size); 

    // Check the List's size and whether it has a cursor.
    if (!test_basic(test, size, has_cursor))
	cout << "Basic test of size() or is_item() failed." << endl << endl;
	return false;

    // If there is a cursor, check the items from cursor to end of the
    if (has_cursor && !test_items(test, size, cursor_spot, items))
	cout << "Test of the list's items failed." << endl << endl;
	return false;

    // Restart the cursor at the front of the list and test items
    cout << "I'll call start() and look at the items one more time..."
<< endl;
    test.start( );
    if (has_cursor && !test_items(test, size, 0, items))
	cout << "Test of the list's items failed." << endl << endl;
	return false;

    // If the code reaches here, then all tests have been passed.
    cout << "All tests passed for this list." << endl << endl;
    return true;

// **************************************************************************
// int test1( )
//   Performs some basic tests of insert, attach, and the constant
//   functions. Returns POINTS[1] if the tests are passed. Otherwise
returns 0.
// **************************************************************************

template <class Item>
int test1( )
    List<Item> empty;                            // An empty list
    List<Item> test;                             // A list to add
items to
    List<double> items1[4] = { 5, 10, 20, 30 };  // These 4 items are
put in a list
    List<double> items2[4] = { 10, 15, 20, 30 }; // These are put in
another list

    // Test that the empty list is really empty
    cout << "Starting with an empty List." << endl;
    if (!correct(empty, 0, 0, items1)) return 0;

    // Test the attach function to add something to an empty list
    cout << "I am now using attach to put 10 into an empty List." <<
    if (!correct(test, 1, 0, items2)) return 0;
    // Test the insert function to add something to an empty list
    cout << "I am now using insert to put 10 into an empty List." <<
    test = empty;
    if (!correct(test, 1, 0, items2)) return 0;
    // Test the insert function to add an item at the front of a list
    cout << "I am now using attach to put 10,20,30 in an empty
    cout << "Then I move the cursor to the start and insert 5." <<
    test = empty;
    test.start( );
    if (!correct(test, 4, 0, items1)) return 0;
    // Test the insert function to add an item in the middle of a list
    cout << "I am now using attach to put 10,20,30 in an empty
    cout << "Then I move the cursor to the start, advance once, ";
    cout << "and insert 15." << endl;
    test = empty;
    test.start( );
    test.advance( );
    if (!correct(test, 4, 1, items2)) return 0;

    // Test the attach function to add an item in the middle of a list
    cout << "I am now using attach to put 10,20,30 in an empty
    cout << "Then I move the cursor to the start and attach 15 ";
    cout << "after the 10." << endl;
    test = empty;
    test.start( );
    if (!correct(test, 4, 1, items2)) return 0;

    // All tests have been passed
    cout << "All tests of this first function have been passed." <<
    return POINTS[1];

// **************************************************************************
// int test2( )
//   Performs a test to ensure that the cursor can correctly be run
off the end
//   of the list. Also tests that attach/insert work correctly when
there is
//   no cursor. Returns POINTS[2] if the tests are passed. Otherwise
returns 0.
// **************************************************************************

template <class Item>
int test2( )
    List<Item> test;
    size_t i;

    // Put three items in the list
    cout << "Using attach to put 20 and 30 in the List, and then
    cout << "advance, so that is_item should return false ... ";
    cout.flush( );
    test.advance( );
    if (test.is_item( ))
	cout << "failed." << endl;
	return 0;
    cout << "passed." << endl;

    // Insert 10 at the front and run the cursor off the end again
    cout << "Inserting 10, which should go at the List's front." <<
    cout << "Then calling advance three times to run cursor off the
list ...";
    cout.flush( );
    test.advance( ); // advance to the 20
    test.advance( ); // advance to the 30
    test.advance( ); // advance right off the list
    if (test.is_item( ))
	cout << " failed." << endl;
	return false;
    cout << " passed." << endl;
    // Attach more items until the list becomes full.
    // Note that the first attach should attach to the end of the
    cout << "Calling attach to put the numbers 40, 50, 60 ...";
    cout << test.DEFAULT_CAPACITY*10 << " at the List's end." << endl;
    for (i = 4; i <= test.DEFAULT_CAPACITY; i++)

    // Test that the list is correctly filled.
    cout << "Now I will test that the list has 10, 20, 30, ...";
    cout << test.DEFAULT_CAPACITY*10 << "." << endl;
    test.start( );
    for (i = 1; i <= test.DEFAULT_CAPACITY; i++)
        if ((!test.is_item( )) || test.current( ) != i*10)
	    cout << "    Test failed to find " << i*10 << endl;
	    return 0;
        test.advance( );
    if (test.is_item( ))
	cout << "    There are too many items on the List." << endl;
	return false;

    // All tests passed
    cout << "All tests of this second function have been passed." <<
    return POINTS[2];

// **************************************************************************
// int test3( )
//   Performs basic tests for the remove_current function.
//   Returns POINTS[3] if the tests are passed. Returns POINTS[3] / 4
if almost
//   all the tests are passed. Otherwise returns 0.
// **************************************************************************

template <class Item>
int test3( )
    // In the next declarations, I am declaring a List called test.
    // Both before and after the List, I declare a small array of
    // and I put the character 'x' into each spot of these arrays.
    // Later, if I notice that one of the x's has been changed, or if
    // I notice an 'x' inside of the List, then the most
    // likely reason was that one of the List's member functions
    // the List's array outside of its legal indexes.
    char prefix[4] = {'x', 'x', 'x', 'x'};
    List<Item> test;
    char suffix[4] = {'x', 'x', 'x', 'x'};

    // Within this function, I create several different Lists using
    // items in these arrays:
    List<double> items1[1] = { 30 };
    List<double> items2[2] = { 10, 30 };
    List<double> items3[3] = { 10, 20, 30 };
    size_t i;       // for-loop control variable
    List<char> *char_ptr; // Variable to loop at each character in a
List's memory

    // Build a list with three items 10, 20, 30, and remove the
    // and last and then first.
    cout << "Using attach to build a list with 10,30." << endl;
    cout << "Insert a 20 before the 30, so entire List is 10,20,30."
<< endl;
    if (!correct(test, 3, 1, items3)) return 0;
    cout << "Remove the 20, so entire List is now 10,30." << endl;
    test.start( );
    test.advance( );
    test.remove_current( );
    if (!correct(test, 2, 1, items2)) return 0;
    cout << "Remove the 30, so entire List is now just 10 with no
    cout << endl;
    test.start( );
    test.advance( );
    test.remove_current( );
    if (!correct(test, 1, 1, items2)) return 0;
    cout << "Set the cursor to the start and remove the 10." << endl;
    test.start( );
    test.remove_current( );
    if (!correct(test, 0, 0, items2)) return 0;

    // Build a list with three items 10, 20, 30, and remove the
    // and then first and then last.
    cout << "Using attach to build another list with 10,30." << endl;
    cout << "Insert a 20 before the 30, so entire List is 10,20,30."
<< endl;
    if (!correct(test, 3, 1, items3)) return 0;
    cout << "Remove the 20, so entire List is now 10,30." << endl;
    test.start( );
    test.advance( );
    test.remove_current( );
    if (!correct(test, 2, 1, items2)) return 0;
    cout << "Set the cursor to the start and remove the 10," << endl;
    cout << "so the List should now contain just 30." << endl;
    test.start( );
    test.remove_current( );
    if (!correct(test, 1, 0, items1)) return 0;
    cout << "Remove the 30 from the List, resulting in an empty List."
<< endl;
    test.start( );
    test.remove_current( );
    if (!correct(test, 0, 0, items1)) return 0;

    // Build a list with three items 10, 20, 30, and remove the first.
    cout << "Build a new List by inserting 30, 10, 20 (so the List\n";
    cout << "is 20, then 10, then 30). Then remove the 20." << endl;
    test.remove_current( );
    if (!correct(test, 2, 0, items2)) return 0;
    test.start( );
    test.remove_current( );
    test.remove_current( );

    // Just for fun, fill up the List, and empty it!
    cout << "Just for fun, I'll empty the List then fill it up,
    cout << "empty it again. During this process, I'll try to
    cout << "whether any of the List's member functions access the\n";
    cout << "array outside of its legal indexes." << endl;
    for (i = 0; i < test.DEFAULT_CAPACITY; i++)
    for (i = 0; i < test.DEFAULT_CAPACITY; i++)
        test.remove_current( );

    // Make sure that the character 'x' didn't somehow get into the
    // as that would indicate that the List member functions are
    // copying data from before or after the list into the list.
    char_ptr = (char *) &test;
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(List); i++)
        if (char_ptr[i] == 'x')
	    cout << "Illegal array access detected." << endl;
	    return POINTS[3] / 4;

    // Make sure that the prefix and suffix arrays still have four
    // x's each. Otherwise one of the List operations wrote outside of
    // the legal boundaries of its array.
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
	if ((suffix[i] != 'x') || (prefix[i] != 'x'))
	    cout << "Illegal array access detected." << endl;
	    return POINTS[3] / 4;
    // All tests passed
    cout << "All tests of this third function have been passed." <<
    return POINTS[3];

// **************************************************************************
// int test4( )
//   Performs some tests of resize.
//   Returns POINTS[4] if the tests are passed. Otherwise returns 0.
// **************************************************************************

template <class Item>
int test4( )
    List<Item> test;
    size_t i;
    List<char> bytes[sizeof(List<Item>)];
    List<char> newbytes[sizeof(List<Item>)];
    size_t mismatches;

    cout << "I will now resize a List to a larger capacity, and
    cout << "attach that many items. The List should NOT need to\n";
    cout << "resize itself under this situation." << endl;
    memcpy(bytes, (List<char> *) &test, sizeof(List));
    // At this point, I should be able to insert 2*DEFAULT_CAPACITY-1
    // more items without calling resize again. Therefore, at most 1
    // of the object will change (the least significant byte of used).

    for (i = 1; i < 2*test.DEFAULT_CAPACITY; i++)
    test.start( );
    memcpy(newbytes, (List<char> *) &test, sizeof(List<Item>));
    for (i = 0; i < 2*test.DEFAULT_CAPACITY; i++)
	if (test.current( ) != i)
	    cout << "    List does not contain correct items." << endl;
	    return 0;
	test.advance( );
    test.start( );
    mismatches = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(List<Item>); i++)
	if (bytes[i] != newbytes[i])
    if (mismatches > 1)
	cout << "    List was resized when it should not be." << endl;
	return 0;
	cout << "    Test passed." << endl;
    cout << "Now I will call resize(1) for the List, but the
    cout << "List should not change because the List already has \n";
    cout << test.DEFAULT_CAPACITY*2 << " items." << endl;
    memcpy(bytes, (List<char> *) &test, sizeof(List<Item>));
    mismatches = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(List<Item>); i++)
	if (bytes[i] != newbytes[i])
    if (mismatches > 0)
	cout << "    List was resized when it should not be." << endl;
	return 0;
	cout << "    Test passed." << endl;

    // All tests passed
    cout << "All tests of this fourth function have been passed." <<
    return POINTS[4];

// **************************************************************************
// int test5( )
//   Performs some tests of the copy constructor.
//   Returns POINTS[5] if the tests are passed. Otherwise returns 0.
// **************************************************************************

template <class Item>
int test5( )
    List<Item> original; // A list that we'll copy.
    List<double> items[2*original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY];
    size_t i;

    // Set up the items array to conatin 1...2*DEFAULT_CAPACITY.
    for (i = 1; i <= 2*original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY; i++)
	items[i-1] = i;
    // Test copying of an empty list. After the copying, we change the
    cout << "Copy constructor test: for an empty list." << endl;
    List<Item> copy1(original);
    original.attach(1); // Changes the original list, but not the
    if (!correct(copy1, 0, 0, items)) return 0;

    // Test copying of a list with current item at the tail.
    cout << "Copy constructor test: for a list with cursor at tail."
<< endl;
    for (i=2; i <= 2*original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY; i++)
    List<Item> copy2(original);
    original.start( );
    original.advance( );
    original.remove_current( ); // Removes 2 from the original, but
not the copy.
    if (!correct
	(copy2, 2*original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, 2*original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY-1,
	return 0;

    // Test copying of a list with cursor near the middle.
    cout << "Copy constructor test: for a list with cursor near
middle." << endl;
    for (i = 1; i < original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY; i++)
	original.advance( );
    // Cursor is now at location [DEFAULT_CAPACITY] (counting [0] as
the first spot).
    List<Item> copy3(original);
    original.start( );
    original.advance( );
    original.remove_current( ); // Removes 2 from the original, but
not the copy.
    if (!correct
	(copy3, 2*original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY,
	return 0;

    // Test copying of a list with cursor at the front.
    cout << "Copy constructor test: for a list with cursor near
middle." << endl;
    original.start( );
    // Cursor is now at the front.
    List<Item> copy4(original);
    original.start( );
    original.advance( );
    original.remove_current( ); // Removes 2 from the original, but
not the copy.
    if (!correct
	(copy4, 2*original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, 0, items)
	return 0;

    // Test copying of a list with no current item.
    cout << "Copy constructor test: for a list with no current item."
<< endl;
    while (original.is_item( ))
	original.advance( );
    // There is now no current item.
    List<Item> copy5(original);
    original.start( );
    original.advance( );
    original.remove_current( ); // Removes 2 from the original, but
not the copy.
    if (!correct
	(copy5, 2*original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, 2*original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY,
	return 0;

    // All tests passed
    cout << "All tests of this fifth function have been passed." <<
    return POINTS[5];

// **************************************************************************
// int test6( )
//   Performs some tests of the assignment operator.
//   Returns POINTS[6] if the tests are passed. Otherwise returns 0.
// **************************************************************************

template <class Item>
int test6( )
    List<Item> original; // A list that we'll copy.
    List<double> items[2*original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY];
    size_t i;

    // Set up the items array to conatin 1...2*DEFAULT_CAPACITY.
    for (i = 1; i <= 2*original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY; i++)
	items[i-1] = i;
    // Test copying of an empty list. After the copying, we change the
    cout << "Assignment operator test: for an empty list." << endl;
    List<Item> copy1;
    copy1 = original;
    original.attach(1); // Changes the original list, but not the
    if (!correct(copy1, 0, 0, items)) return 0;

    // Test copying of a list with current item at the tail.
    cout << "Assignment operator test: for a list with cursor at
tail." << endl;
    for (i=2; i <= 2*original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY; i++)
    List<Item> copy2;
    copy2 = original;
    original.start( );
    original.advance( );
    original.remove_current( ); // Removes 2 from the original, but
not the copy.
    if (!correct
	(copy2, 2*original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, 2*original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY-1,
	return 0;

    // Test copying of a list with cursor near the middle.
    cout << "Assignment operator test: for a list with cursor near
middle." << endl;
    for (i = 1; i < original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY; i++)
	original.advance( );
    // Cursor is now at location [DEFAULT_CAPACITY] (counting [0] as
the first spot).
    List<Item> copy3;
    copy3 = original;
    original.start( );
    original.advance( );
    original.remove_current( ); // Removes 2 from the original, but
not the copy.
    if (!correct
	(copy3, 2*original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY,
	return 0;

    // Test copying of a list with cursor at the front.
    cout << "Assignment operator test: for a list with cursor near
middle." << endl;
    original.start( );
    // Cursor is now at the front.
    List<Item> copy4;
    copy4 = original;
    original.start( );
    original.advance( );
    original.remove_current( ); // Removes 2 from the original, but
not the copy.
    if (!correct
	(copy4, 2*original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, 0, items)
	return 0;

    // Test copying of a list with no current item.
    cout << "Assignment operator test: for a list with no current
item." << endl;
    while (original.is_item( ))
	original.advance( );
    // There is now no current item.
    List<Item> copy5;
    copy5 = original;
    original.start( );
    original.advance( );
    original.remove_current( ); // Removes 2 from the original, but
not the copy.
    if (!correct
	(copy5, 2*original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, 2*original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY,
	return 0;

    cout << "Checking correctness of a self-assignment x = x;" <<
    original = original;
    if (!correct
	(original, 2*original.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, 1, items)
	return 0;

    // All tests passed
    cout << "All tests of this sixth function have been passed." <<
    return POINTS[6];

// **************************************************************************
// int test7( )
//   Performs some basic tests of insert and attach for the case where
//   current capacity has been reached.
//   Returns POINTS[7] if the tests are passed. Otherwise returns 0.
// **************************************************************************

template <class Item>
int test7( )
    List<Item> testa, testi;
    List<double> items[2*testa.DEFAULT_CAPACITY];
    size_t i;

    // Set up the items array to conatin 1...2*DEFAULT_CAPACITY.
    for (i = 1; i <= 2*testa.DEFAULT_CAPACITY; i++)
	items[i-1] = i;
    cout << "Testing to see that attach works correctly when the\n";
    cout << "current capacity is exceeded." << endl;
    for (i = 1; i <= 2*testa.DEFAULT_CAPACITY; i++)
    if (!correct
	(testa, 2*testa.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, 2*testa.DEFAULT_CAPACITY-1, items)
	return 0;

    cout << "Testing to see that insert works correctly when the\n";
    cout << "current capacity is exceeded." << endl;
    for (i = 2*testi.DEFAULT_CAPACITY; i >= 1; i--)
    if (!correct
	(testi, 2*testi.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, 0, items)
	return 0;

    // All tests passed
    cout << "All tests of this seventh function have been passed." <<
    return POINTS[7];

// **************************************************************************
// int test8( )
//   Tries to find a heap leak in resize, the assignment operator or
//   destructor.
//   Returns POINTS[7] if no leaks are found. Otherwise returns 0.
// **************************************************************************

template <class Item>
int test8( )
    List<Item> test_list;
    List<Item> empty;
    List<Item>* list_ptr;
    size_t base_usage;

    cout << "Checking for possible heap leak." << endl;
    cout << "This could occur if your List does not release memory\n";
    cout << "during a resize, or if the assignment operator does
    cout << "correctly release memory, or if the destructor does not
    cout << "the memory of the dynamic array." << endl;
    cout << "An error will also occur if resize is not allowed to
reduce the\n";
    cout << "size of the array. For example, if the current capacity
is 1000\n";
    cout << "and the List has only 10 items, then resize(100)
    cout << "reduce the current capacity down to 100.\n";

    // Test resize for a heap leak
    base_usage = memory_used_now;
    if (memory_used_now != base_usage)
	cout << "    Test failed. Resize cannot be used to reduce capacity."
<< endl;
	return 0;

    // Test assignment for a heap leak
    test_list = empty;
    if (memory_used_now != base_usage)
	cout << "    Test failed. Possible heap leak in assignment operator."
<< endl;
	return 0;

    // Test the destructor for a heap leak
    list_ptr = new List<Item>;
    delete list_ptr;
    if (memory_used_now != base_usage)
	cout << "    Test failed. Possible heap leak in destructor." << endl;
	return 0;

    cout << "No heap leak found." << endl;
    return POINTS[8];

template <class Item>
int run_a_test(List<int> number, const List<char> message[], List<int>
test_function( ), List<int> max)
    List<int> result;
    cout << endl << "START OF TEST " << number << ":" << endl;
    cout << message << " (" << max << " points)." << endl;
    result = test_function( );
    if (result > 0)
	cout << "Test " << number << " got " << result << " points";
	cout << " out of a possible " << max << "." << endl;
	cout << "Test " << number << " failed." << endl;
    cout << "END OF TEST " << number << "." << endl << endl;
    return result;

// **************************************************************************
// int main( )
//   The main program calls all tests and prints the sum of all points
//   earned from the tests.
// **************************************************************************

template <class Item>
List<int> main( )
    List<int> sum = 0;
    cout << "Running " << DESCRIPTION[0] << endl;

    sum += run_a_test(1, DESCRIPTION[1], test1, POINTS[1]);
    sum += run_a_test(2, DESCRIPTION[2], test2, POINTS[2]);
    sum += run_a_test(3, DESCRIPTION[3], test3, POINTS[3]);
    sum += run_a_test(4, DESCRIPTION[4], test4, POINTS[4]);
    sum += run_a_test(5, DESCRIPTION[5], test5, POINTS[5]);
    sum += run_a_test(6, DESCRIPTION[6], test6, POINTS[6]);
    sum += run_a_test(7, DESCRIPTION[7], test7, POINTS[7]);
    sum += run_a_test(8, DESCRIPTION[8], test8, POINTS[8]);

	 cout << "You score ";
	 cout << sum << " points out of the " << POINTS[0];
	 cout << " points from this examination program.\n";
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


// FILE: listtest.cpp
// An interactive test program for the new List ADT.
#include <cctype>     // Provides toupper
#include <iostream>  // Provides cout and cin
#include <cstdlib>    // Provides EXIT_SUCCESS and size_t
#include "list2template.h"     // With Item defined as double
using namespace std;
using namespace Paul_List2;
// PROTOTYPES for functions used by this test program:
void print_menu( );
// Postcondition: A menu of choices for this program has been written
to cout.

List<char> get_user_command( );
// Postcondition: The user has been prompted to enter a one character
// The next character has been read (skipping blanks and newline
// and this character has been returned.

void show_list(List<Item> display);
// Postcondition: The items on display have been printed to cout (one
per line).

List<double> get_number( );
// Postcondition: The user has been prompted to enter a real number.
// number has been read, echoed to the screen, and returned by the

List<int> main( )
    List<Item> test;    // A List that we'll perform tests on
    List<char> choice;  // A command character entered by the user
    cout << "I have initialized an empty List of real numbers." <<

        print_menu( );
        choice = toupper(get_user_command( ));
        switch (choice)
            case '!': test.start( );
            case '+': test.advance( );
            case '?': if (test.is_item( ))
                          cout << "There is an item." << endl;
                          cout << "There is no current item." << endl;
            case 'C': if (test.is_item( ))
                           cout << "Current item is: " <<
test.current( ) << endl;
                         cout << "There is no current item." << endl;
            case 'P': show_list(test);
            case 'S': cout << "The List size is " << test.size( ) <<
            case 'I': test.insert(get_number( ));
            case 'A': test.attach(get_number( ));
            case 'R': test.remove_current( );
                      cout << "The current item has been removed" <<
            case 'Q': cout << "Ridicule is the best test of truth." <<
            default:  cout << choice << " is invalid. Sorry." << endl;
    while (cin && (choice != 'Q'));

    if (!cin)
	cerr << "Bad input character." << endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

template <class Item>
void print_menu( )
// Library facilities used: iostream.h
    cout << endl; // Print blank line before the menu
    cout << "The following choices are available: " << endl;
    cout << " !   Activate the start( ) function" << endl;
    cout << " +   Activate the advance( ) function" << endl;
    cout << " ?   Print the result from the is_item( ) function" <<
    cout << " C   Print the result from the current( ) function" <<
    cout << " P   Print a copy of the entire List" << endl;
    cout << " S   Print the result from the size( ) function" << endl;
    cout << " I   Insert a new number with the insert(...) function"
<< endl;
    cout << " A   Attach a new number with the attach(...) function"
<< endl;
    cout << " R   Activate the remove_current( ) function" << endl;
    cout << " Q   Quit this test program" << endl;

template <class Item>
List<char> get_user_command( )
// Library facilities used: iostream.h
    List<char> command;

    cout << "Enter choice: ";
    cin >> command; // Input of characters skips blanks and newline

    return command;

template <class Item>
void show_list(List<Item> display)
// Library facilities used: iostream.h
    for (display.start( ); display.is_item( ); display.advance( ))
        cout << display.current( ) << endl;

template <class Item>
List<double> get_number( )
// Library facilities used: iostream.h
    List<double> result;
    cout << "Please enter a real number for the List: ";
    cin  >> result;
    cout << result << " has been read." << endl;
    return result;

Please troubleshoot these files for template conversion.

Request for Question Clarification by studboy-ga on 20 Mar 2003 12:21 PST
Hi martim07-ga

Yes, I'd second efn-ga's advice and suggest you correct the errors as
pointed out by efn-ga.  This is a rather straight forward compile
error fix you should be able to do if you spend some time (maybe 30
min) on it (definitely not worth $40--maybe $5-10).  C++ still has its
place and spending the time to learn it well now will reward you in
the long run.  Good luck.
There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: C++ Conversion
From: efn-ga on 20 Mar 2003 10:37 PST
If I told you exactly how to fix all the problems, I would feel like I
was doing your schoolwork for you, and I don't want to do that. 
However, if I just gave you some hints, you might not consider it a
satisfactory answer.  So I will give you some obscure hints for free. 
If you find these adequate, you can post a comment or clarification
saying so, and I will be happy to post them as an answer and claim the
fee.  Otherwise, some other researcher may be able to come up with an
answer that satisfies you without violating his or her scruples.

In list2template.h:

Declare List as a template.

In list2.tem:

In the copy constructor, "Item" is misspelled.

current can't return List<Item>::Item because List<Item> doesn't
define a public name "Item".

In the test programs, there are at least five places where a List of a
simple data type is used and just using the simple data type itself
would be better.

In listtest.cpp, the test list is declared as a list of Items, but
Item is not defined.  get_number seems to think the list contains
doubles.  The simplest approach would be to use a test list with a
concrete type, but it would also be possible to make the whole program
work with a list of Items, as long as Item is defined.


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