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Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: jelly888-ga List Price: $15.00 |
20 Mar 2003 10:27 PST
Expires: 19 Apr 2003 11:27 PDT Question ID: 178746 |
A Grommet is an eyelet of firm material used to strengthen or protect an opening. I need a very small grommet used in the making of wheel charts. The grommet should have a hole in it about 1/8" in diameter. I am also looking for a tool to squeeze the grommet. I am trying to attach a wheel shaped piece of paper to a square piece of paper using a grommet. The wheel has information on it that the user can spin around and view through a window on the other piece of paper. The gommet acts as the wheels anchor and pivot point. Grommet can be made out of plastic or metal. | |
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Answered By: denco-ga on 12 Apr 2003 16:38 PDT |
Howdy jelly888! Here are several places that have grommet and snap setting machines as well as the grommets themselves. The King Richard Co./SnapFastener.Com/DecorativeNails.Com web site has the following page which pictures various hand, foot and power grommet and snap setting machines: http://www.kingrichard.cc/snaps/machines.htm The Campbell Bosworth Machinery Company has a set of midget grommet setters by Osborne shown at: http://www.campbell-bosworth.com/handtool/tools/grm-snap.html Northwoods Falconry has screw-type stainless steel grommet setters, grommet pliers and grommets illustrated at: http://www.northwoodsfalconry.com/index.cgi?cat=%2FGrommet%20Setters%20%26%20Grommets&rm=listitems Farthingales Fabrics has a good variety of setters, etc. and explains some of the sizing nomenclature. It appears that a #00 grommet is what might do best for you at a "finished hole diameter of 5/32" or 4.5mm and a finished grommet diameter of 7/16" or 11mm.": http://www.farthingales.on.ca/grommets.php Farthingales Fabrics also has a grommet setting tips page at: http://www.farthingales.on.ca/grommet_tips.htm Pres-N-Snap has "the ultimate snap & grommet pressing tool": http://www.pressnsnap.com/pns.htm Talas has more supplies and images: http://nt.bnt.com/talas/menu.html?category=136 It appears that the #00 is the smallest "standard" size that's available on a regular basis. Even though your specification calls for a 1/8" grommet, your task might be easier by going with the #00 (5/32") sized grommet. Search strategy: "1/8" grommet "grommet setters" "grommet setting" "#00" grommets ://www.google.com/search?q=%221%2F8%22+grommet ://www.google.com/search?q=%22grommet+setters%22 ://www.google.com/search?q=%22grommet+setting%22 ://www.google.com/search?q=%22%2300%22+grommets If you need any clarification with this answer, please do not hesitate to ask! Looking Forward, denco-ga |
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From: xarqi-ga on 20 Mar 2003 14:58 PST |
How about these - round head brass fasteners: http://www.business-supply.com/dept.asp?dept%5Fid=1601913 |
From: mp7-ga on 22 Mar 2003 06:17 PST |
I'm pretty sure you'll find what you need at a craft store (like Michael's). Look in the scrap booking dept -- there seems to be everything anyone would ever want for paper construction projects there. |
From: obfuscationist-ga on 23 Mar 2003 19:38 PST |
The problem of the grommet not allowing rotation can be alleviated by placing a sacrificial layer between the two pieces of paper when securing the grommet. This intermediate piece will in all probability be destroyed during removal, thus "sacrificed". If you are going to make "a lot" of these, you probably want make a metal "spacer". Take two pieces of sheet metal, drill a hole slightly larger than the grommet inside diameter (in each sheet), use tin snips (shears for cutting metal) to cut slots from the edge of the sheet metal to the outside of the hole (in each sheet). To use: insert the undeformed grommet into the hole in the two sheets of paper, slide the sheet metal pieces between the paper sheets from opposite sides, form the grommet with the tool, remove the sheet metal pieces. The limited space created by the two layers of sheet metal should provide sufficient clearance for rotation. Small rubber grommets are also available at Lowe's, but their insertion into holes in paper may prove problematic, i.e. you will tear the paper putting them in the holes. Plastic grommets can be "manufactured" by using a short piece of plastic tubing and heating each end. With some pressure, the resulting "mushroom" would create a flange. My guess is this would not provide a "finished" look, and the holes would probably have to be "reamed". |
From: jelly888-ga on 25 Mar 2003 10:39 PST |
Thank You all for your input on locating the grommet and tools. Are the diameters of the grommets 1/8"(the inside hole?) The grommets have to be fairly small. What materials are the grommets made from? Thank you again. |
From: denco-ga on 27 Mar 2003 09:40 PST |
I am crossposting this from: http://answers.google.com/answers/main?cmd=threadview&id=180806 to here as it might be more appropriate. Howdy jelly888-ga! Some places that has grommet and snap setting machines: http://www.decorativenails.com/snaps/machines.htm which appears to be a subset of products from: http://www.snapfastener.com/ Snap Fastener is also King Richard: http://www.kingrichard.cc/grommets.htm The following has "Midget Grommet Setters": http://www.campbell-bosworth.com/handtool/tools/grm-snap.html The following is a falconry (!) site but it has (with pictures): - Screw-Type Stainless Steel Grommet Setters - Grommets - Grommet Pliers http://www.northwoodsfalconry.com/index.cgi?cat=%2FGrommet%20Setters%20%26%20Grommets&rm=listitems If the above does not work for you use: http://www.northwoodsfalconry.com/ and click on Grommet Setters and Grommets on the left side menu. The following has a good variety of setters, etc. and (finally, at least for me...) explains some of the sizing nomenclature; it appears that a #00 is what might do best for you at a "finished hole diameter of 5/32" or 4.5mm and a finished grommet diameter of 7/16" or 11mm.": http://www.farthingales.on.ca/grommets.php The following claims to have "the ultimate snap & grommet pressing tool": http://www.pressnsnap.com/pns.htm More supplies and picture at: http://nt.bnt.com/talas/menu.html?category=136 The Canadian company Farthingales Fabrics has an "ace" basic grommet setting stips page at: http://www.farthingales.on.ca/grommet_tips.htm For whatever it is worth, it appears that the #00 is the smallest "standard" size you can get on a regular basis. I realize your specs are calling for a 1/8" grommet, but I think you might make your life easier by going with 5/32". Search criteria: "1/8" grommet "grommet setters" "grommet setting" "#00" grommets |
From: jelly888-ga on 28 Mar 2003 09:47 PST |
Denco, wow!! thank you very much, much appreciated. Have a great day. Thanks again. |
From: denco-ga on 28 Mar 2003 18:24 PST |
My pleasure jelly888! denco |
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