Hello angeleyes777-ga,
It appears that telemarketing didnt start in earnest until the 1960s
when Murray Roman founded Campaign Communications.
According to a WashingtonPost.com article:
Have We Reached the Party To Whom We Are Speaking?
Telemarketers Aren't So Bad. Really. Just Ask 'Em.
By Don Oldenburg, Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, October 20, 2002; Page F01
Murray Roman is considered the father of telemarketing. In the late
'60s he founded a shop in Manhattan called Campaign Communications,
where he hired out-of-work actors to put some feeling into selling
subscriptions for Saturday Review.
Other references to Murray Roman:
Direct Marketing Association (DMA)
Honoring lifetime achievement: The DMA Hall of Fame Inductees
Inducted 2001
Acknowledged founder of professional telemarketing and an instrumental
force in its worldwide growth. Founded Campaign Communications, Inc.,
one of the earliest and largest telemarketing agencies specializing in
creating innovative telemarketing programs for companies.
eti Sales Support
Telemarketing has come a long way since Murray Roman, the 'father of
telemarketing', opened his shop in Manhattan in the 60's. Those were
the days when out of work actors were available, and hired, because
they could read a script with feeling.
Open Book Systems (OBS) Archives
Murray Roman pioneered the telemarketing medium and launched the
first telephone marketing firm to make over 100 million calls. His
son, Ernan Roman, pioneered integrated direct marketing (IDM),
starting with telephone and direct mail.
However, some believe that telemarketing started much earlier.
According to Stellar Business Online (Business-To-Business
Telemarketing; Is It For You?
By Shirley J. Calpas, President of Enterprise Telecom Services)
R.R. Donnelley in 1930 pioneered telemarketing (TM) by using it to
entice advertisers to buy ad space for the Business Yellow Pages. This
opened the door for using the telephone for business.
In 1970 Murray Roman of New York was credited for creating the first
business-to-business TM program to sell Saturday Review subscriptions
to professionals. Today, TM is the fastest growing marketing technique
being used by small entrepreneurial companies to sell to Fortune 500
Other references:
Direct Marketing Association
The United States of America, Land of Opportunity, Direct Marketing,
An Overview
Amazon.com, Book Search Results, Murray Roman
Ernan Roman Direct Marketing
I hope you have found this information helpful. If you have any
questions, please request clarification prior to rating the answer.
Google Search Terms:
"history of telemarketing"
"father of telemarketing"
"Murray Roman"
history telemarketing united states
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