Hello Zalbag,
You can find a lot of discussion online by entering search phrases
such as:
Google search - "JSP vs ASP"
Which brings up:
Sun.com - Comparing JavaServer Pages and Microsoft Active Server Pages
From my experience, every single one of the languages or frameworks
you mentioned has their downsides and benefits. In short, Java is more
stricter and has a better class concept (even though e.g. PHP, ASP and
Python all also have classes). I wouldn't say JSP in general is more
popular than the group of PHP/ASP/Perl/Python combined. Also note that
JSP and Servlets are different. You might compare JSP and ASP, and
Servlets and ActiveX on a Windows Server. As opposed to ASP, JSP
however is a cross-platform technology and not restricted to a Windows
Server. This of course is a great benefit, shared also by PHP, Python
etc. Those scripting languages can be integrated in the ASP framework
as well (e.g. ActivePerl).
As for the second part of your questions on tutorials, if you enter
the following in Google you get a lot of web pages:
Google search - JSP tutorial
And at Amazon.com, just enter "JSP" to find some good books:
I would suggest you try to find information on all the technologies to
find out what suits your project needs. There is not the "one fits
all" best solution, and depending on your experiences and taste you
might prefer one language over the other.
In the end this whole matter is very subjective and many people have
strong opinions on this, which is why I'd rather post as comment than
"definite answer" -- hope it helps! |