Dr. Kimberly S. Young of the APA (American Psychological Association)
first presented her research on Internet Addiction in 1996, and has
since then written a multitude of papers on this subject, with focus
on different groups, such as cyberaffairs, college use, and the like.
I've linked you to many of her papers which are reprinted online, and
you can read more about this fast-growing disorder. Internet Addiction
as defined by Dr. Young consists of 4 or more of these symptoms over a
12 month period:
1. feel preoccupied with the internet (think about while offline);
2. feel a need to use the internet with increasing amounts of time in
order to achieve satisfaction;
3. have an inability to control your internet use;
4. feel restless or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop
Internet use;
5. use the Internet as a way of escaping from problems or of relieving
a poor mood (feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety or depression);
6. lie to family members or friends to conceal the extent of
involvement with the Internet;
7. jeopardize or risk the loss of a significant relationship, job,
educational or career opportunity because of the Internet;
8. keep returning even after spending an excessive amount of money on
on-line fees;
9. go through withdrawal when offline (increased depression, anxiety);
10. stay on-line longer than originally intended.
and also has a large section on ways to cope and treat this disorder.
She draws many parallels between this addiction and others, such as
sex addiction and gambling, and her papers are a very interesting
read. Also provided is a bibliography of other papers you might find
at your library, or through a subscription service online for more
Search Strategy:
"internet addiction" "psychological association" on google:
Additional Links:
Press release about Dr. Young's presentation:
Full text articles of many of Dr. Young's research papers:
Suggestions on treatment and coping with Internet Addition:
More articles:
Going over all of the papers Dr. Young has written will give you a
greater scope of the problem, and help you understand how the
different treatments may help. If you post your zip code (nothing more
pleaase than that), I can try to find Internet Addiction support
groups in your area. Thank you for asking your question.
skermit-ga |