Hi taj1,
It was four decades ago, but I recall my first dissection. Most of the
girls (and several of the guys) who shared my biology class were
aghast about the whole thing. Fortunately for me, my Dad was a hunter
and I (being the oldest child even if I *was* only a girl) was well
indoctrinated in such things as skinning, gutting, and the general
usefulness of animal carcases. Your question brings back memories of
gagging teens and the smell of formaldehyde -- not to mention the
stern face of my diminutive teacher, Miss Cavanagh. I thank you for
that. :)
Here's a great interactive site -- follow through it (you need Flash
6, and there's a link to a free download for it on this page). You can
choose from 'dissection with quizzes and test' or 'straight forward
Froguts - An Amazing Online Virtual Dissection of a Frog
I do believe that by checking out both options offered by this most
excellent presentation, you'll get all the information you need. My
personal preference is the 'quizzes and test' option. What a truly
wonderful experience this is!
I wish you well,
Search strategy:
frog dissection
://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=frog+dissection&spell=1 |
Request for Answer Clarification by
23 Mar 2003 20:20 PST
do you know a site that can define: all blood vessels going to and
from the heart, carotid artery, cutaneous artery, systemic arch, and
truncus arteriorur?
These are all parts of the frog's circulatory system. Also, how to
remove and dissect the tongue of the frog.
Thanks Again
Clarification of Answer by
24 Mar 2003 10:15 PST
Hi again taj1,
I'm sorry I did not get a chance to respond to your clarification
before you rated my answer. We are in different time zones and at the
time you asked for gurther information I was sound asleep in my bed. I
hope the pages I'm offering you now will be what you need to
successfully close this question.
The following site has a diagram of a frog's circulatory system:
Frog - Circulatory System
The next is text only and is a 7th grade activity plan -- text-only
which provides a simple, step-by-step procedure list.
Frog Dissection - Circulatory System
Here's another good site. The text is accompanied by drawings.
Frog Dissection
You'll need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to read the follwing
information. The tongue is discussed briefly on page three. It's in
PDF format:
Investigating Frog Anatomy
Search strategy:
frog circulatory system
Clarification of Answer by
24 Mar 2003 10:36 PST
Hi again taj1,
I'm sorry I did not get a chance to respond to your clarification
before you rated my answer. At the time you asked for clarification I
was sound asleep in my bed for the night. I hope the pages I'm
offering you now will be what you need.
The following site has a diagram of a frog's circulatory system:
Frog - Circulatory System
The next is text only and is a 7th grade activity plan -- text-only
which provides a simple, step-by-step procedure list.
Frog Dissection - Circulatory System
Here's another good site. The text is accompanied by drawings.
Frog Dissection
You'll need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to read the following
information. The tongue is discussed briefly on page three. It's in
PDF format:
Investigating Frog Anatomy
I could find nothing at all about actually dissecting a frog's tongue.
I've checked dozens of sites and most simply say to remove the tongue.
At least the anatomy page listed above says to use a dissecting probe,
and reminds the student to note where it was attached.
Search strategy:
frog circulatory system
remove frog tongue
remove dissect frog tongue
dissect frog tongue
frog tongue dissection
Clarification of Answer by
24 Mar 2003 10:40 PST
Once more, taj1,
Somehow I sent the answer clarification twice -- the first was not the
final draft and, therefore, was neither spell-checked nor proof-read.
I apologize for this.