website creation and development
Category: Computers > Internet Asked by: desertpharroh-ga List Price: $5.00 |
25 May 2002 10:43 PDT
Expires: 01 Jun 2002 10:43 PDT Question ID: 18050 |
I am interested in creating a website for my business. I have no experience in this area, but recently I bought a new computer and am willing to take the time to learn what it will take. I don't have a wad of cash to spend on software. Rather, I would like to be exposed to the most resourceful websites and links that provide useful hints, tips, lastest developments etc re: website development. Also, is a full understanding of HTML required for a professional looking and efficiently operating website? I'm a do-it-yourself kind of person, and would appreciate your help in making this project possible and rewarding. |
Re: website creation and development
Answered By: joseleon-ga on 25 May 2002 12:51 PDT Rated: |
Hi, desertpharroh: Create a professional website it's a hard task composed by several phases, planning, graphic design, development, etc. I don't know the size of your business, but I'm going to supose it's a mid-sized one. If it's bigger I recommend you to contract website design specialists, because is a very important part of a business and must give a good impression to customers. You don't need full understanding of HTML, there are tools (listed below) which will help you to generate code to create a professional website but, of course, a basic knowledge of HTML is required to understand problems you could face in your web development. The following links will help you to start. HTML Home Page http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/ HTML Tutorials (very good list) http://www.htmlgoodies.com/tutors/ If you don't have experience on web design, I recommend you to visit the following websites, they contain software packages called CSMs (Content Management Systems) which allow a non-experienced user to create a full blown website, including an administration panel to add content, easily without any knowledge on programming. PHP-Nuke CMS http://www.phpnuke.org PHP-Nuke Download http://www.phpnuke.org/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=225 PHP-Nuke support site http://www.nukesupport.com/ PHP-Nuke Support forums http://www.nukeforums.com/forums/ PostNuke CMS http://www.postnuke.com PostNuke Download http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/post-nuke/Rogue_714.zip PostNuke FAQ http://www.postnuke.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=FAQ&file=index Also, if you want to integrate a shop into your web, I recommend you: osCommerce http://www.oscommerce.com osCommerce Community (to get support) http://www.oscommerce.com/community.php If you want a more customized web site, you will have to do it yourself starting from scratch, in that case you will need to follow these steps: a)Planning: Write a document about the features you want in your web site. Also write the organization of pages, for example, if you create a Contact page, this page can contain a link to a Staff page with the photos/names/e-mail addresses of all your employees. b)Domain name: You will need to buy a domain name to let your users access your web site, for example, yourstore.com. Choose the shortest name you can, it will be easy to remember and type. DirectNIC http://www.directnic.com Register.com http://www.register.com c)Hosting: Your web must be stored and published somewhere on the net, you will need to buy hosting space to store the files that make up your web. Be sure before contract a host, it has all the features you need to run your website (Databases, scripting language, etc) PHPWebHosting http://www.phpwebhosting.com Defined Systems http://www.defined.net FindMyHosting http://www.findmyhosting.com/ HostSearch http://www.hostsearch.com/ d)Development: Create all the structure you designed in a) without using graphics, just text, this way is easy to make modifications. You will need a development tool. This is my selection for you to try, are ordered by easy of use: NetObjects MX http://www.netobjects.com Namo http://www.namo.com DreamWeaver http://www.macromedia.com/software/dreamweaver/ CodeCharge http://www.codecharge.com/index2.html e)Graphics: Design your graphics, use at max 256 colors and GIF or PNG formats and don't abuse of them, it can cause your page load slow. If you want to add photos, use JPG format and use thumbnails (small preview images) whenever is possible. Adobe Photoshop http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/main.html Paint Shop Pro http://www.jasc.com/products/psp/ f)Upload it: Depending the tool you use to create your website, you will need to upload the website files to your host yourself or not. If your development tool doesn't have this feature you will need to use an FTP program. SmartFTP http://www.smartftp.com CuteFTP http://www.cuteftp.com/products/cuteftp/index.shtml g)Test it: Try to view every page of your web because you designed it on your machine and your pages can contain broken links. To learn all you need to perform these steps, you may visit the following sites: Interactive Tutorial for Beginners http://www.davesite.com/webstation/html/ Web Design Basics http://www.iuinfo.indiana.edu/policy/basics.html With the previous links and tools, you will have the necessary knowledge to create websites with static content, this kind of website is enough if you don't plan to update it frequently, but if you plan to add content several times a week (news, events, products, etc), you will need to learn another technologies to create websites with dynamic content. The following list contains links to websites where you can download server-side scripting languages, useful to create dynamic content: PHP http://www.php.net ASP (Active Server Pages Guide) http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?URL=/library/psdk/iisref/aspguide.htm JSP (Java Server Pages) http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/ ColdFusion http://www.macromedia.com/software/coldfusion/ If you want to add dynamic content to your web, this content may be stored on a database: MySQL http://www.mysql.com PostgreSQL http://www.postgresql.org/ Website design is not an easy task can be mastered in a couple of months, be patient and constant and of course, have fun! I hope this helps and feel free to request any clarification. Regards. |
desertpharroh-ga rated this answer: |
Re: website creation and development
From: larre-ga on 25 May 2002 12:56 PDT |
Hi! You might also find some of these resources useful. Building your own website from scratch can be fun and rewarding. The advantage, of course, is that you chose every element to please your eye, to further your marketing strategy, and appeal to your particular market. There are many resources available to assist you. Full knowledge of HTML isn't an absolute necessity, but an acquaintance with it is. As computer languages go, HTML is among the simplest to learn and to use. As well as leading you to design, style, and webbuilding tutorials, I'll provide HTML learning resources. If you thoroughly learn one word (tag) of HTML a day, you'll be an expert in about six weeks. Business website templates can be the jumpstarter for a professional looking website for the beginner. Templates are ready-made sets of graphics and HTML ready for installation in your own webspace. Some of my favorite template sources include: A+ Templates - http://www.aplustemplates.com/cgi/templates/inventory.pl?action=list&listcat=Business_Templates Sticky Sauce - http://www.stickysauce.com/freetemplates/index.htm Free Site Templates - http://www.freesitetemplates.com/ All of these template providers also offer tips and tutorials for the use of their templates. Several sitebuilder megasites offer tremendously helpful resources. From the Web Design Library at Builder.com, see the Authoring and Site Design section. Resources cover coding basics, usability guides, layout and formatting, and browser compatibility. http://builder.cnet.com/webbuilding/0-3881.html?tag=dir I really like and recommend the web building resources available from Webmonkey.com. They're among the best written and understandable articles, references, and tutorials on the Web. Close your eyes, circle your mouse and click. No matter where you land, you'll learn something useful. http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/ Select a site and begin learning HTML: HTML Goodies Beginners Primer: http://www.htmlgoodies.com/primers/basics.html Web Diner HTML Adventure - http://www.webdiner.com/webadv/index.htm HTML Bootcamp - http://www.mylibrarian.com/lis/workpad.html W3c Tutorials - http://www.w3schools.com/ Before you build, learn a smattering about web usability. What makes a website good, what makes it functional, what makes it easy for visitors to use. Alertbox - http://www.alertbox.com Web Pages That Suck - http://www.webpagesthatsuck.com/ Web Usability for Dummies, from Zanzara Press, is an excellent printed resource for the fledgling site builder. "The book explains how usability work gets done, and how it improves products from pencils to virtual panoramas. It shows how usability is crucial to helping a Web site achieve its goals, and to helping Web projects get completed on time and within budget." HTML editors can not only assist in writing your HTML, they can be great teaching tools. Here are comprehensive listing of HTML editor reviews and commentary from About.com, and the Web Developer's Virtual Library: http://html.about.com/cs/htmleditors/ http://www.wdvl.com/Reviews/HTML/ Website Graphics and Typography Resources: Eyewire: http://www.eyewire.com Corbis: http://www.corbis.com Microsoft Typography: http://www.microsoft.com/typography/free.htm FreeWebGraphics.com - http://www.free-graphics.com/ Google Directory: http://directory.google.com/Top/Computers/Graphics/Web/Free/ If a more structured learning program better suits your habits, try Barnes & Noble University. Browser their Science and Technology offerings for the course entitled: How to Build Your First Website. Courses are free and taught by professional level instructors, however, you must buy the textbook. http://www.barnesandnobleuniversity.com/ To find additional resources explore from the links above, you'll find a wealth of good information available in recommended links. Best of luck to you, larre-ga |
Re: website creation and development
From: budsmith-ga on 25 May 2002 22:56 PDT |
Glad you're a hands-on person. For most businesspeople, learning what it takes to create your own Web site from the ground up is too big a deal to be worth it vs. spending time on your business. I might recommend you try Bigstep - that will get you up and running quickly. Then you can build your own from-scratch Web site that really does just what you want it to, while having the Bigstep Web site as a starting point until your "real" site is ready. (The other recommendations are good ones if you truly want to do it yourself. Thanks to larre for the pointer to my book, Web Usability For Dummies.) |
Re: website creation and development
From: ezmathtrix-ga on 26 May 2002 22:01 PDT |
I was one of the persons like you. Do it yourself. Let me tell you my experience. If you are trying to make website just of one site that is for yourself and if you are not planning to become a professional webdesigner: I would suggest you to give to some one else and it is not worth to take this much pain and effort. I found one company very useful and I used them for my site: www.gmsoftware.com. Mention EzmathTrix name and Mr.Gilled will help you out to his maximum extent. Other wise: you can go to www.elance.com to find out who else is there in market to do your job. Hope this info will help you. By www.EzMathTrix.com |
Re: website creation and development
From: desertpharroh-ga on 07 Jun 2002 07:46 PDT |
great links, thanks much appreciated! |
Re: website creation and development
From: tunetime-ga on 07 Jun 2002 09:24 PDT |
Hi, You can save a lot of time and effort by using an online website builder as these mean that you dont need to learn any of the HTML to build a site and don't have to worry about any of the hosting or file uploading, etc Something like http://www.element25.com lets you choose a look and colour for your site, add you content, images and logo as well as helping with the search engines. With these site builders you get an admin area where you can edit all your content, images, etc as much as you want. Hope this saves you some stress !!! |
Re: website creation and development
From: mdw-ga on 02 Aug 2002 07:34 PDT |
I recently started a website that reviews and ranks do-it-yourself website creation software. A number of these programs have appeared in the last year or so, both "off-the-shelf" and online. My website is: www.MakeYourWebsiteNow.com Note: I do not sell anything directly on my site. I do have affiliate links but they are all identified (unlike most websites with affiliate links). If you think affiliate links are "unfair" and you would rather have all the money go to the publisher or developer (the price of affiliate-marketed products are the same either way), you can always go directly to the company's website. |
Re: website creation and development
From: mdw-ga on 10 Sep 2002 08:36 PDT |
On my 02 August 2002 post I said that I identify affiliate links on my website, www.MakeYourWebsiteNow.com Unfortunately, identifying which programs I am an affiliate for cut my CTR (Click Through Rate) in half. I guess there is so much (understandable) suspicion about "someone trying to sell me something" that many folks don't like to click on affiliate links. Although I take pains to make my reviews and ratings unbiased, I probably haven't convinced visitors of my objectivity yet. Bottom line is that I stopped identifying affiliate links as such. I hope to be able to do so again in the not-too-distant future. |
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