Hi hufton:
I did some searching for you, and while there are many, many sites out
there recommending what type of beginner acoustic guitar you should
buy, most of them appear biased towards the models they are promoting.
I did, however, find one excellent site at about.com that seemed
unbiased, thorough, and current.
Top 5 Beginner Acoustic Guitars
URL: http://guitar.about.com/cs/acoustic/tp/top5acoustics.htm
This page answers parts a) and b) of your question. If you following
the "Compare Prices" links, you'll see that these guitars cost between
US$150 - US$400, depending on which one you choose. That's part c)!
More information on buying a guitar can be found on this site at:
Buying a Guitar
URL: http://guitar.about.com/library/weekly/aa012301a.htm
Dan Cross, the "guide" for this site seems to be really up on his
stuff! You can find out more about Dan at:
Dan Cross - Bio
URL: http://guitar.about.com/mbiopage.htm
The following pages list highly recommended guitar books (both for
beginners and beyond):
Amazon - Most Popular Picks
Today's Instructor: Craig Dobbins
URL: http://www.misterguitar.com/askaplayerdobbins.html
Quote: "As far as books, once you are on your way, check out John
Knowles' great series of Chet Atkins books: "Chet Atkins Note for
Note" (distributed by Music Sales), "Contemporary Styles", "Guitar for
All Seasons", "Almost Alone", and the forthcoming "Vintage
Fingerstyle" (distributed by Hal Leonard)."
Guitars | Books That Help
URL: http://alanhorvath.com/guitbooks.html
I hope this information helps with your research.
If you need any clarification of the information I have provided,
please ask using the clarification feature and provide me with
additional details as to what you are looking for. As well, please
allow me to provide you with clarification(s) *before* you rate this
Thank you.
Search Strategy (on Google):
beginner acoustic guitar
"best books" "acoustic guitar" |