Hello areigel-ga,
When I went a few minutes ago to the web address http://ifoundit.net ,
for lack of a better phrase, I found it (the web site, that is)!
Specifically, I found it with both Internet Explorer 6 and Netscape 6.
By contrast, I did not find it at http://www.ifoundit.net . If you
search for "ifoundit" or "ifoundit.net" on Google, that is the web
address that shows up. However, the www version of the address does
not seem to work, either in IE or Netscape.
"Searched the web for ifoundit"
"Showing web page information for ifoundit.net"
So you should try entering the address http://ifoundit.net , rather
than http://www.ifoundit.net , in your browser, and that should lead
you to the web site. You cannot navigate the site using the www
addresses contained on the site, so try entering the non-www version
of these addresses in your browser (for example,
http://ifoundit.net/faq.htm ).
Because the site is not working properly, you might want to contact
the owners at info@ifoundit.net (the contact address listed on the
site) in order to find out what the problem is.
I hope that this information is helpful.
- justaskscott-ga |