Hi nishakumar-ga,
From your query, I understand that you want a VBA function that
will take a range of cells(in an Excel Worksheet) as its argument, and
return the sum of the contents of all these cells.
I have provided the code for such a function below. The code
provided has been successfully tested with Excel XP/2002.
================== Begin Code ======================
'Takes in range of cells as its arguments
'Returns the summ of the contents of all the cells contained in the
given range
Function SumRange(Cellrange As Range) As Long
'Declare all the variables used
'Store the number of rows and columns in the given range
Dim numRows As Integer, numCols As Integer
'Used in For..Next loops
Dim rowIndex As Integer, colIndex As Integer
'Variant array into which the range content is stored
Dim RangeArray() As Variant
'Stores the sum of all the cells in the range
Dim ArraySum As Long
'Find the number of rows and columns in the array
numRows = Cellrange.Rows.Count
numCols = Cellrange.Columns.Count
'Resize the array to be of the required size
ReDim RangeArray(1 To numRows, 1 To numCols)
'Copy the cell values into the array
For rowIndex = 1 To numRows
For colIndex = 1 To numCols
' Use Val() so that it does not give error when the cells contain
' string value instead of an Integer. You can remove it if you
RangeArray(rowIndex, colIndex) = Val(Cellrange.Cells(rowIndex,
Next colIndex
Next rowIndex
'Sum the contents of the array
ArraySum = 0
For rowIndex = 1 To numRows
For colIndex = 1 To numCols
ArraySum = ArraySum + RangeArray(rowIndex, colIndex)
Next colIndex
Next rowIndex
SumRange = ArraySum 'Return the sum of all the cells
End Function
================== End Code =========================
If you require any further modifications to the code in order to meet
your requirements, just ask for a clarification, and I will gladly
make the required modifications.
The code is pretty simple, and I have added suitable comments to
explain what is happening. If you need further clarifications, just
Please do not rate this answer until you are completely satisfied with
:-) |
Clarification of Answer by
28 Mar 2003 06:25 PST
Hi nishakumar-ga,
Unfortunately, the errors are being caused by the way Google
Answers formats any text posted on this page. Parts of a long line of
code are automatically pushed onto the next line. As a result, when
you paste the code directly into the VBA editor, it gives a syntax
error. This problem has occurred four times in the code posted above,
which explains your errors.
For your convinience, I have re-posted the VBA code online at
Just copy and paste the code on this page into your Excel workbook,
and it should work without a problem. :-)
If you need any clarifications, just ask!