In 400 words give me the main idea of the chapter 26 "American Life in
a Decade of Crisis to help me make a presentation for it. This chapter
is : Boyer, et, al. The Enduring Vision: A history of the American
People, Volume II:From 1865, forth edition.
This paper must include:
-Major events
-Major figures
-A visual (map, graph, chart)
-Outside research ( from internet, etc)
-A write-up, to be handed in, showing sources |
Request for Question Clarification by
26 Mar 2003 12:01 PST
It would be very difficult to include major events, major figures,
outside research, and a write-up in complete sentences, with sources,
in just 400 words. Are you wanting all those things as an Answer, or
just a 400-word summary of the chapter?