Hello blackswan101-ga,
I believe that the company you want is J.C. Crystal, Inc., doing
business as Jimmy Crystal ( http://www.jimmycrystal.com/ ).
Jimmy Crystal is located in Manhattan, and manufactures, among other
things, costume jewelry, fashion watches, and rhinestone reading
glasses. (Jimmy Crystal itself would probably substitute "crystal"
for "costume" and "rhinestone", but it seems clear that their products
are the kinds you are looking for.)
I recommend that you take a look through the information and pictures
on Jimmy Crystal's web site. (If you think that this company is
incorrect, I would be happy to do more research to find the right
company. Alternatively, you could contact Jimmy Crystal, and see if
someone there knows of the company you want.)
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google:
jimmy "costume jewelry"
[I also tried other searches, such as: cricket "costume jewelry". But
the only search that lead me to the answer was: jimmy "costume
jewelry".] |