Keep in mind the game designs/ideas are a very high-risk venture for
funding, since the vast majority of game ideas either don't reach the
market successfully, or do not return a profit on their investment.
The key factor for getting funding for a studio is to recruit a
'critical mass' of established talent from other studio; individuals
with a resume of published titles (preferrably profitable). Most
studio startups are funded by the publisher of the game by way of
advances against potential royalties. Advances are set out in a
pre-agreed schedule of milestones & deliverables at the outset of the
project, and are generally non-refundable if the game does not fully
recoup. Because of a high risk nature, most venture capital firms no
longer fund in this area, unless there is a core underlying technology
innovation as well. Pure game studio development is more often a
"work for hire".
Its important when approaching publishers to be flexible in terms of
the platform and title you plan to develop. Publishers are often more
willing to find a title based on one of their existing franchises, or
for a platform they think will have a greater chance of profitability.
New studios often start establishing themselves by working on "ports"
of existing titles or sequels, rather than on original designs.
Being in Singapore could be an advantage in terms of decreased labor
costs and goverment incentives, but can be a disadvantage in terms of
publisher willingness to work overseas and recruiting talent with a
marketable track record. Except for Japan, most Asian-area
development studios find it difficult to get funding for "AAA" ($4M+)
titles, but often find a niche in lower-budget titles or
regional/niche titles. A recent trend is an explosion of interest in
PC on-line games particularly in Korea which could benefit developers
in that area. Contracting to localize games into your local market
might also provide funds with which to get a larger studio
Professional organizations might provide additional info:,, |