E-marketplace strategy
Category: Business and Money > eCommerce Asked by: 6lps-ga List Price: $50.00 |
26 Mar 2003 18:43 PST
Expires: 25 Apr 2003 19:43 PDT Question ID: 181488 |
How did elance (www.elance.com) attract service providers and buyers during the start up phase? We are trying idenify how elance got providers and buyers to sign up to the service and get insights into their marketing strategy |
Re: E-marketplace strategy
Answered By: belindalevez-ga on 31 Mar 2003 00:14 PST Rated: |
<According to BusinessWeek Online, the team behind elance planned the launch of a test site for 4th July. However they had no freelancers to post on the site so on 30th June they began calling and emailing friends, family, tech-oriented fraternities and net-messaging boards. The launch of the full site was planned for August 31st. To get projects they called just about everyone they could think of to persuade them to post projects on the site. Initially they posted four of their own projects on the site. It took four days to find their first project from outside the company. The client had heard of their service through a news story. At this time they were offering a free service. For full details of the start up see http://www.businessweek.com/2000/00_23/b3684045.htm Elance placed stories in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal Interactive, Wired News, Associated Press, CNET's News.com, Virginia Pilot, and MSNBC.http://www.four-corners.com/acco.htm New York Times article published December 1, 1999. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F60B10FC3A5B0C728CDDAB0994D1494D81 Cnet article published December 6, 1999. http://news.com.com/2100-1017-233948.html?legacy=cnet News.com article published December 1, 1999 http://news.com.com/2100-1023-233779.html?legacy=cnet elance was listed as a new site for the week on Net stuff http://www.monitor.ca/monitor/issues/vol7iss4/netstuff.html On 5th March elance was featured in a New York Times article. http://www.l-cc.com/article_archive/archive_freelance.htm Wall Street Journal article. http://www.startupjournal.com/howto/soundadvice/200005240900-clark.html One of elances marketing strategies is to use elance html email designed by barely average.com see http://www.barelyaverage.com/portfolio/emails_site.html http://www.barelyaverage.com/portfolio/html_emails/or/or_sept.html http://www.barelyaverage.com/portfolio/html_emails/dogs_final/dogs_final.html elance and egain elance got ahead of the competition by offering features on its site that were not offered by its competitors. See http://www.crmadvocate.com/casestudy/egain/elance_42.pdf elance currently has a policy of trying to land big clients. They recently landed Federal Express. http://www.line56.com/articles/default.asp?NewsID=4093 elance has eliminated a former competitor by acquiring CascadeWorks http://www.line56.com/articles/default.asp?ArticleID=4455 elance aims to break even by 2002 http://specials.ft.com/ftit/march2001/FT3UBTCYWJC.html Like many other people, I first became aware of elance via the websites aimed at freelance writers. Elance was often listed as a link. However I didnt sign up for their services as I had read some bad reviews and saw that there were ridiculously low bids for many of the projects. One elance user found a link on Working Home Mum. http://www.homeworkingmom.com/testimonials.html Freelancers who found elance through an internet search. http://www.telework101.com/norris.htm http://www.elance.com/c/static/main/displayhtml.pl?file=hl_arch_full2.html <Additional links:> <elance starts charging for its services from September 25, 2000.> <http://www.computerbrainsbank.com/607_web_hosting_designing_cntrs/us1.html> <Complaints about elance> <http://www.writersweekly.com/warnings/elance.html> <Founder of elance charged with fraud> <http://www.vnunet.com/News/1119683> <Search strategy:> <"elance" news "1998"> <://www.google.com/search?q=%22elance%22++news+%221998%22&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&start=40&sa=N> <"elance" srini anumolu> <://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22elance%22++srini+anumolu> <"elance" "msnbc" 1998> <://www.google.com/search?q=%22elance%22++%22msnbc%22+1998&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&start=20&sa=N> <"found elance"> <://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22found+elance%22+> <Hope this helps.> |
6lps-ga rated this answer: |
Re: E-marketplace strategy
From: serenata-ga on 26 Mar 2003 20:46 PST |
As a former elance.com service provider, I was among the first to sign up. At that time, everything was free, and there were "bonuses" and freebies to sign up looking for someone to do the job. There is no question some very good free-lance talent without a lot of experience behind them would bid on jobs on elance. And underbid on elance, and some people were so desparate for the work, they would give it away, such as designing a logo for $5 or a website for $50, and the like. It was later that elance started charging providers for the privilege of bidding on a job, and very often, those looking for a particular service are still going with the low bidders. Sometimes it works out well for them, sometimes not. But for some of the prices, the price is worth it to try it out. There have been times when elance sort of balanced on the edge, but have so far managed to stay alive - it seems to have found its niche ... but it doesn't attract a lot of the big dollar customers seeking work, either. Serenata |
Re: E-marketplace strategy
From: 6lps-ga on 30 Mar 2003 07:26 PST |
Thanks for the "comment" seranta. Can you recall how you heard about elance in the first place? Take care, Paul |
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