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Who was the Worst-ever Prime Minister of Britain?
Category: Relationships and Society > Politics Asked by: probonopublico-ga List Price: $5.00 |
26 Mar 2003 23:23 PST
Expires: 09 Apr 2003 00:03 PDT Question ID: 181631 |
I'm currently reading about Rosebery ... He must be a leading candidate. Any other suggestions? Any titillating ones will get a Supplementary. |
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Re: Who was the Worst-ever Prime Minister of Britain?
From: serenata-ga on 27 Mar 2003 00:24 PST |
Hello Probonopublico ~ I'm putting this in the 'comments' section, as I suspect you'd like to hear more than one argument on your question ... While Rosebery certainly is a candidate. Succeeding Gladstone, he hated politics, considering it an "evil-smelling bog" and iniherited a divided cabinet and an Obstructive House of Lords. I suppose Rosebery's lack of enthusiasm didn't lend itself to being one of history's better Prime Ministers, but I vote for Lord North as the worst Prime Minister. He seemed to misunderstand and thereby bollox up everything he touched, from dealings with Ireland - http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/terrace/adw03/c-eight/ireland/irenorth.htm to dealing with the American colonies (and their rebellion) - - http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/terrace/adw03/c-eight/america/tea-act.htm waiting too late to consider conciliatory measures which led to the defeat of Burgoyne's army at Saratoga in 1977. - http://lego70.tripod.com/england/north.htm - http://www.kirtland.cc.mi.us/honors/braden/north.htm Besides, how can you argue with the University of Wales, which described him as Britain's worst Prime Minister in its 1997 degree examinations? - http://www.inf.aber.ac.uk/pastpapers/welhist/exam97/semester2/hy36630.html Search terms used: - "Britain's worst prime minister" - Lord North - Rosebery Cheerio, Serenata |
Re: Who was the Worst-ever Prime Minister of Britain?
From: xarqi-ga on 27 Mar 2003 00:27 PST |
Someone had to say it: I'm not sure who was worst, but a couple of them were definitely the Pitts. |
Re: Who was the Worst-ever Prime Minister of Britain?
From: answerfinder-ga on 27 Mar 2003 01:01 PST |
Why chose one, when one volunteers? Lord Challaghan. I think we are all re-evaluated as time goes by and I should not be the slightest bit surprised if there is another evaluation after I die and people come to the conclusion that I was the worst prime minister since Walpole Callaghan was in office from 1976 until 1979. He presided over the Winter of discontent. " "It was my fault in the sense that I was the leader of the country. ." "I was the prime minister and we had got ourselves into a position that was really disgraceful. It was probably a combination of weak leadership among the trade unions and insensitivity on my part, but I must carry the can. "I very much regret it. Even at my present age if I were to go back and be prime minister now I would certainly take more initiatives than I did then." " Source http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/468625.stm answerfinder-ga |
Re: Who was the Worst-ever Prime Minister of Britain?
From: justaskscott-ga on 27 Mar 2003 05:13 PST |
Wouldn't that be a nice birthday present, to be named worst Prime Minister! -- Lord Callaghan turns 91 today. "James Callaghan" 10 Downing Street http://www.number-10.gov.uk/output/Page127.asp |
Re: Who was the Worst-ever Prime Minister of Britain?
From: kemlo-ga on 27 Mar 2003 10:22 PST |
Hi PB. Do you mean the nastiest or the most incontinent ? Rgs. Kemlo |
Re: Who was the Worst-ever Prime Minister of Britain?
From: kemlo-ga on 27 Mar 2003 10:30 PST |
Spencer Perceval. Arthur Wellesley. Robert Peel. Spencer Perceval for leaving office so abruptly. Arthur Wellesley for opposeing every reform. Robert Peel for introducing traffic police. |
Re: Who was the Worst-ever Prime Minister of Britain?
From: probonopublico-ga on 27 Mar 2003 11:00 PST |
Hi, Simon the Magnifcent (aka Kemlo) Did you know that Kemlo would be a good name for an Instant Coffee ... Or something? I am not sure how I could get a fix on those who were incontinent but I have read that Rosebery went to Naples ... Would he have then been in continent? Was Spencer Percival the one who was assassinated (by mistake)? NOW, if you were a Researcher, I could throw some supplementaries at you! KR Bryan |
Re: Who was the Worst-ever Prime Minister of Britain?
From: probonopublico-ga on 27 Mar 2003 11:03 PST |
Hi, Serenata I must have missed the defeat of Burgoyne's army at Saratoga in 1977 ... Which month was it? Rgds Bryan |
Re: Who was the Worst-ever Prime Minister of Britain?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 27 Mar 2003 11:11 PST |
Speaking of British PMs, my late grandmother was active in political circles in the early 20th century. I can proudly (and truthfully) sing "Lloyd George knew my Grandmum; Grandmum knew Lloyd George." |
Re: Who was the Worst-ever Prime Minister of Britain?
From: kemlo-ga on 27 Mar 2003 11:44 PST |
Hi Bryan if I were a google researcher I wouldn't answer any qestion under $500 As to Sir Arthur Wellelsley remember he opposed the railways on the grounds "it will encourage the lower orders to travel" However he was also a shareholder in the "Great Northern" Hi Regards Maxwell |
Re: Who was the Worst-ever Prime Minister of Britain?
From: hlabadie-ga on 27 Mar 2003 21:28 PST |
Chamberlain, surely. Eden a close second. hlabadie-ga |
Re: Who was the Worst-ever Prime Minister of Britain?
From: probonopublico-ga on 27 Mar 2003 22:33 PST |
Wow Pinky! Your Grandmum was ... well ... whatever. Don't worry, we all have skeletons in our cupboards. Shall I post a Supplementary on her? LOL Bryan |
Re: Who was the Worst-ever Prime Minister of Britain?
From: kemlo-ga on 28 Mar 2003 17:49 PST |
Has anyone noticed the bad design of computer keyboards today. Whenever I place my mug of coffee on the keyboard to stir in the sugar it will invariably topple over and slop. My previous computer had a cup holder that slid out from the front, a well thought out design. My current one (an iMac) does not. Any one any suggestions on the problem? Is it worth posting this as a qestion? |
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