Greetings Juliusr:
As a marketing and public relations specialist, my first suggestion to
introduce your product would be to showcase a link on your main
website to the FreshCup site (and link back FreshCup to your main
site). In conjunction with that, I would rework the keywords on the
FreshCup site.
Currently, the keyword string is this: "FreshCUP washes and sanitizes
your cups, glasses, saucers and teaspoons in seconds - ideal when
you've got no time to wait. No more full sinks. No more fuss. No more
wet hands"
While you have some good keywords in there, you have a phrase which
more resembles a title than keywords. I would suggest your keyword
string resemble:
office cleaner,cleaners,office machines,corporate kitchen,employee
kitchen,cup cleaner,sanitizer,break room,germ-free office,church
kitchen,coffee break,sterile cleaning,FreshCup,portable
dishwasher,portable sanitizer,germ-free dishwasher
You may also want to use buzz words for a camping/RV market. Small
recreational vehicles without dishwashers might be a viable side
audience for your product as well as small churches and private clubs.
By including as many variations as possible on potential users of
FreshCup in your keywords, you will enable more people to view it in a
general cleaning and portable dishwasher search as well as a corporate
cleaning search. You may be able to use "kitchen autoclave" as one of
your keywords but, because I am not familiar with the heat generated
by your product, I'm not sure the phrase would be accurate. However,
it's worth consideration.
After you have your keywords in place on the FreshCup site and you
have linked it with your main site, you have a few marketing options.
Your target audience for this product would appear to be the person(s)
who is responsible for montoring the break room and/or those people
who are concerned with cleanliness in the workplace and cutting office
Starting with your current clients, I would suggest you chose a market
sample of five of your biggest clients and arrange to have a "loan"
FreshCup placed at their offices. To generate employee interest, run
a "In 50 words or less, tell us how FreshCup is keeping your office
neater and germ-free" employee contest. Put this contest text on a
placard with each unit placed and leave the test units in place for
2-3 months. Offer $100 for the winning employee entry AND a free
FreshCup machine for the business whose employee writes the winning
entry. Choose your largest clients with the most employees for the
promotion to ensure that many workers see and use your machine.
On the contest placard, have a notice "By entering this contest, you
release your entry to be used by FreshCup for advertising purposes" or
some similar legal disclaimer. Then you will be able to use all
entries as testimonials for advertising purposes in a very
cost-effective manner.
In marketing FreshCup to new and existing clients, you might want to
reference studies on sickness in the workplace and how it affects
company productivity. To ensure interest in this machine, it would be
wonderful if you could promote the fact that by using FreshCup, there
will be less germs circulating in an office as well as the fact that
this machine is more cost-effective that using disposable cups. "Not
only will you save on office costs, the FreshCup cleaning process
ensures a healthier environment for your employees resulting in fewer
workdays missed."
Also, this product would be perfect for smaller offices that have no
kitchen or break room but do have a bathroom. I have worked at a few
places that have a large bathroom where everyone washes and/or stores
their coffee cups. Smaller offices without kitchens would greatly
benefit by using FreshCup because they could place it in the bathroom
and employees would probably feel their cups and utensils were much
cleaner - no more rinsing in the bathroom sink. In addition to this,
you might look into also supplying an inexpensive, sturdy metal
shelf/frame that would mount above/over a toliet to accomodate the
FreshCup machine. I wouldn't stock the shelves/frames (keep
warehousing down), just have a source and offer it when you encounter
a smaller office with no kitchen.
Your existing copy on the FreshCup site referenced beauty salons.
Talk about an excellent word-of-mouth source. If you currently clean
a large beauty salon, I'd definitely make it one of the test markets
IF the machine can be viewed easily by customers. In that type of
location, you should have contact brochures for the customers to take
with them.
The main points and strengths of your product are cost-effectiveness
and space-saving sanitation. I don't know if you are branching out to
other countries but Japan would be a distinct possibility for
recruiting affiliate sales representatives. FreshCup is a great small
office solution.
Should you require clarification of any of the ideas I have suggested,
please request it and I will be happy to respond. |