Hello soled-ga,
At the outset, I should emphasize the disclaimer at the bottom of this
page, which states that answers on Google Answers are general
information, and are not intended to substitute for professional legal
advice. So, if you want expert information about whether you can or
should file a wrongful termination claim, you should consult a lawyer
licensed in California.
Articles on several law firm web sites explain that California's
statute of limitations for wrongful termination has recently changed
to two years: double the previous limitations period of one year. The
new law took effect on January 1, 2003.
"Limitations And Summary Judgment Notice Periods Extended" (Employment
News, October 2002)
O'Melveny & Myers LLP
"More Time for Filing Employment Claims Permitted by the Legislature",
by Christopher E. Cobey (September 2002)
Littler Mendelson, P.C.
"Legislative Update", Jennifer Lutz, Esq., of Klinedinst, Fliehman &
McKillop (November 2002) [scroll down to "New Statute of Limitations"]
San Diego Society for Human Resource Management (SDSHRM)
Here are links to the text of the bill that was signed into law (SB
688) and the codified law (Code of Civil Procedure Section 335.1):
"Bill Number: SB 688"
California State Senate
"Code of Civil Procedure Section 335-349.4"
Official California Legislative Information
I hope that this information is helpful.
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google:
"wrongful termination" "statute of limitations" california
"sb 688" "wrongful termination"
335.1 "wrongful termination"
"sb 688" site:gov.ca
[I also browsed WashLaw ( http://www.washlaw.edu ) for information on
Calfornia legal sources.] |