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Q: Use of the King James Version of the Holy Bible by demographic and denomination ( Answered,   3 Comments )
Subject: Use of the King James Version of the Holy Bible by demographic and denomination
Category: Relationships and Society > Religion
Asked by: ja5on-ga
List Price: $100.00
Posted: 28 Mar 2003 08:25 PST
Expires: 27 Apr 2003 09:25 PDT
Question ID: 182335
You don't need to be a Bible scholar to answer this, but it just might
I am doing some research for a project which will be based on the King
James Version of the Holy Bible.  I am specifically looking for data
or prior research online which shows which versions of the bible are
popular in which denominations, geographic regions, etc.  For example,
are charismatic movements more likely to use newer versions (i.e. New
King James, etc).  However, the main focus is the use of the King
James Version.  Thanks!

Clarification of Question by ja5on-ga on 02 Apr 2003 12:50 PST
I have just upped the price to $100 to allow time to conduct research
per Google guidelines.
Subject: Re: Use of the King James Version of the Holy Bible by demographic and denomination
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 02 Apr 2003 14:17 PST
I believe I have found precisely the sort of data that you need on the
website of the national marketing research firm Ellison Research.
Below is an excerpt from Ellison's study, "The American Minister

Bible version relied on most by pastors for their work:

Group                     NIV    KJV    NRSV   NKJV    NAS    Other 

All pastors               34%    24%    17%     10%     9%     6%
Northeast                 41     14     24      11      5      5
Midwest                   36     22     18       7      8      9
South                     26     32     15      12      9      6
West                      38     24     11      11     10      6
Evangelical theology      47     22      9      10      8      4
Mainline theology         18      8     51       3      7     13
Pentecostal/charismatic   21     45      3      19      6      6	
NCC member                24     11     40       6      5     14
NAE member                49     24      2      12      8      5
Political conservatives   35     35      2      13     11      4
Political moderates       43      9     24      10      6      8
Political liberals         7      8     71       0      3     11  

Ellison Research

As you can see, the King James Version has its greatest popularity in
the South. Pentecostals and Charismatics overwhelmingly choose the
King James Version. The KJV also has strong support from members of
the National Association of Evangelicals and from political

More information about Ellison's "Pastor Study" may be found here:

Ellison Research	

The complete 62-page report, "The American Minister 2001", can be
ordered from Ellison at a cost of $29.00:

Ellison Research

As is often the case, locating this material was contingent upon
choosing exactly the right combination of search terms. After many
attempts that failed to produce suitable results, this was the search
string that led me to the Ellison study:

Google Web Search: "king james version" + "by denomination"

I hope this information will be helpful. If anything is unclear or
incomplete, if you have any questions about my research, or if a link
does not function, please request clarification before rating my
answer, and I'll gladly offer further assistance.

Best wishes,
Subject: Re: Use of the King James Version of the Holy Bible by demographic and denomination
From: mvguy-ga on 28 Mar 2003 09:37 PST
I don't have enough information to give you a complete answer, but I
can tell you that the largest U.S. denominations that use the King
James Version regularly include the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and the United
Pentecostal Church. There are also a number of conservative
denominations, many of them of Baptist or Pentecostal heritage, that
take a "King James only" approach to Biblical translation.
Subject: Re: Use of the King James Version of the Holy Bible by demographic and denomination
From: ja5on-ga on 28 Mar 2003 10:00 PST
Do you need more information to clarify?  If I had more complete
information, I'd glady give it.  ;-)  However, after much searching,
that's why I've ended up here.

However, while I can't provide more information, I can attempt to
clarify my question:

Essentially looking for any prior research which would give a
demographic/denominational overview of groups which have a preference
for the KJV.  I've suspected that it would be more-conservative
groups, but it would be nice to see that research backs it up and
might point to specific churches, regions, etc.

If you need additional clarification, please let me know!  thanks!
Subject: Re: Use of the King James Version of the Holy Bible by demographic and denomination
From: neilzero-ga on 28 Mar 2003 12:15 PST
Mvguy is correct, Mormons = The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints use the King James translation to the exclusion of all other
translations except the Inspired translation by Joseph Smith. Only
about 2% of the Mormons own a copy of the inspired translation while
about 99% of the active English speaking members own a copy of the
King James Translation. The main objection to the many translations is
they were translated by the wisdom of men instead of by inspiration
from God. The Insprired Translation has a few hundred verses that are
a significant improvement, but typically the differences in meaning
are minor between the many translations available.   Neil

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