Hello Barry,
I have found a travel insurance company that in principle would be
able to insure your relatives, and that has confirmed to me on the
telephone that they have provided insurance in similar cases in the
past. Obviously a final decision would require them to have all the
relevant medical information.
The company is called Free Spirit, which "has been specially designed
for travellers with medical conditions or disabilities by leading
insurance broker Hamilton Barr. The policy is wholly underwritten by
AXA Insurance UK plc , one of the largest travel insurers in the U.K."
Your relatives would need to speak to one of Free Spirit's medical
officers over the telephone in order to obtain a quotation. According
to the Free Spirit representative, they should do this at the end of
April when the company moves to a new system. Their present system
does not permit them to arrange insurance more than three months in
advance, but the new one will do so. The number to ring then is 0239
2419080 Please note that this is different from the number I used
today, 08452 305000, which again is different to the number currently
quoted on the company's web site: http://www.free-spirit.com/index.htm
I found the reference to Free Spirit (nb the telephone number given is
the old one!) on the web site of the Hammersmith Hospital Kidney
Patients' Association
http://www.hammersmithkpa.org.uk/docs/holinsur.htm. There, Free
Spirit is specifically mentioned as having experience with renal
conditions. Six other possible companies are also listed on this site.
Three of these have age restrictions of 40, 59 and 60 years,
respectively, so might not be suitable. The other three were not
willing to provide me with an "in principle" answer, but will only
consider each case individually. It will be useful for your relatives
to contact these companies as well, in order to compare costs.
One of these other three companies, Medicover, does have a facility to
request an online quotation on its web site:
http://www.medi-cover.co.uk/ The others do not appear to have web
sites since only telephone and postal contact information is given.
I hope that all goes well, and that your relatives will be able to
visit you!
Search strategy on Google: travel insurance kidney transplant |