Welcome back, dogsbollocks,
I've done the best i can for you. You know where the Clarify Answer
button is. Please use it if necessary and I'll do my best to
accommodate you.
The majority of Jordan's population lives in cities, and the largest
of these cities is Amman, the country's capital. Any information you
find below represents Amman as well as the whole of Jordan, unless
otherwise specified.
"Residents of Amman, a city of more than 1 million, are allowed
water only once a week." The whole article is horrifying, but if you
want to go directly to Amman information, use the 'find' function of
your browser to access those references. I found five in total.
Fellows Stories
Here's an article which might interest you. It was written by a woman
who'd been 'away from home' for a half year, and she discusses the
rapid and noticeable changes occurring in Amman on many fronts. "There
was also an increase in the number of "no smoking" signs that somehow
resulted in increasing the number of smokers in the kingdom."
Window on Jordan: The return to Amman
Now, I don't know if your book is going to be fact or fiction, but
either way here is some information about restaurants and nightclubs
in Amman. Names, contact info, and locations are provided for several.
Out and About - Night Life and Restaurants -
Next is a description of Amman's geography and a general overview of
what the city has to offer.
Jordan Tourism Guide, Amman
"... FSI supplied background information on Jordanian business
etiquette and protocol."
Going Global: Jordan Export Issues © 1997 Export Hotline
The topic of the next article is about how Ramadan is observed. "Amman
is just another city in the Muslim world where daily life in Ramadan,
the holiest month of the Islamic calendar, takes a different beat. You
can't help noticing or directly experiencing the profound changes that
befall the spiritual, emotional and physical aspects of our life while
observing the ordinance of fasting, the fifth pillar of Islam, for 30
consecutive days."
WINDOW On JORDAN: The Festive Fever of the Holy Month
What do Jordanians generally eat? The author of this page calls the
country's cuisine 'elusive' because he's been unable to turn up any
recipes. He does offer an overview of what sets Jordan apart from
other neighbouring Arab countries.
Jordanian Recipes
Unlike the above website, I did find two traditional recipes -- one is
for mansaf, the Jordan national dish.
Jordanian Cuisine
Another page has a recipe, too, but its real value lies in the good
information to be had about cuisine in general and the usual meal
Eating the Jordanian Way
Hey! This a great page! Each meal, especially lunch, is detailed and
the information is presented in a most pleasing fashion. "Amman is
famous for its formal dinner parties at luxurious residences, where
the meal may not begin until well after 10 pm... It is considered
polite to refuse offered food and drink up to three times; therefore,
don't be surprised if your host ignores your initial protestations
that you have already eaten too well. It is wise to ask for a small
"taste of everything" and promise to "come back for more."
How to Eat Like a Jordanian (Home cooking)
In some ways the next page is a disappointment -- none of the links in
the middle column seem to be operative. However, you can get a good
overview of the Jordanian cuisine from the column (in blue) to the
left of your screen.
Welcome to the Comprehensive Jordan Tourism Guide, Restaurants, ...
Bragging rights here from a notable Amman restaurant. I was bemused by
the photo which accompanies the visit by the queen and king. I saw no
'queen' in the photo, nor anyone else of female persuasion.
Palestinians are a hot topic when it comes to the relationship between
Israel and Jordan.
"In November 2000, Amman froze the sending of a new ambassador to Tel
Aviv in protest at Israeli repression in the West Bank and Gaza
Jordan Times
Thursday, February 7, 2002
Peres: Jordan is not a substitute state for Palestinians
I really think you'll appreciate the information found in the next
site I have for you, since your book deals with a Palestinian Muslim
family. It's from a larger report which can be accessed in its
entirety at
( http://almashriq.hiof.no/general/300/320/327/fafo/reports/FAFO177/
). The page you'll need is:
FAFO Report 177
Jordan: Amman
It's sponsored by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Another interesting page, with an article dating from 1998:
"Older Palestinians in Amman find the apathy among some Palestinian
youth painful."
Clash of lifestyles: Partying vs. prayer
The author of 'The Michigan Daily - On visiting the place of my birth'
can be reached at zahrag@umich.edu. From his article you'll learn a
bit about the Palestinian experience in Amman.
How many Palestinians live in Jordan? According to the following
chart, almost 58% of those living in other countries combined.
Estimated of Palestinian Population in Diaspora by Place of Residence
(End Year 2001)
This is the website of the Amman Chamber of Industry.
ACI Homepage
Another business site:
Amman Chamber of Commerce
Women in business:
AMMAN The entrepreneurial spirit is thriving in some very ...
This brief encyclopedic entry emphasizes the importance of
Palestinians to the growth of Amman.
Encyclopedia of the Orient
From this site you can link to a slide show for topics such as people,
sights and scenery. The problem is that the photos aren't enlargeable,
nor are there any captions to tell you what it is you are seeing. :(
Jordan - Amman - MiddleEastUK.com
The following URL takes you to tourist information. Although I
key-worded 'Amman clothing' for my search, I got information overviews
for a variety of topics concerning visitors.
Jordan Travel Tips : Weather : Clothing etc of the Hashemite ...
CIA - The World Factbook 2002 -- Jordan
Jordan Tourism Board
Library of Congress / Federal Research Division / Country Studies ...
Progress Over the Years
Search strategy:
Palestinians in Amman
Palestinian lifestyle Amman
Amman fast foods
Jordanian culture
Jordanian customs
Jordanian etiquette
Amman clothing
Jordan Travel Tips : Weather : Clothing etc of the Hashemite ... |