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Who said this
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference Asked by: flip-ga List Price: $10.00 |
27 May 2002 08:37 PDT
Expires: 03 Jun 2002 08:37 PDT Question ID: 18287 |
I am looking for a quote from a notable person that to some extent has the following theme; "Winning to a great extend is a measure of perserverance when all others have given up." I would love to see the real quote and the author. |
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Re: Who said this
Answered By: j_philipp-ga on 27 May 2002 09:15 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hello, and thanks for asking. First of all in my search I spelled the words "perseverance" and "extent" and hope that's correct. Even when I didn't find the exact phrase mentioned, I came across the following quotations: "Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence. The extra energy required to make another effort or try another approach is the secret of winning." Denis Waitley, American Author "Success in life is a matter not so much of talent as of concentration and perseverance." C. W. Wendte "Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th." Julie Andrews, British Singer, Actress "With ordinary talents and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable." Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton "Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake somebody." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, American Poet "I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature." John D. Rockefeller, American Industrialist "Perseverance and audacity generally win!" Madame Dorothé Deluzy, French Actress "The most successful men in the end are those whose success is the result of steady accretion... It is the man who carefully advances step by step, with his mind becoming wider and wider -- and progressively better able to grasp any theme or situation -- persevering in what he knows to be practical, and concentrating his thought upon it, who is bound to succeed in the greatest degree." Alexander Graham Bell Hope this helped! | |
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rated this answer:![]() So far this is equivelant to the searches I did on the Internet. The follow up answer about it possibly being a german language quote is very helpful. |
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Re: Who said this
From: firstofnine-ga on 28 May 2002 01:53 PDT |
Hi I did a little research on German websites and found a quote wich is amlost exactly what you're looking for - but I found it only in German... it reads: "Erfolg hängt weitgehend davon ab, ob du durchhältst, nachdem andere schon aufgegeben haben." which I would translate to "Success depends to a large extent on whether you keep up (persevere?) while others have already given up" I found this quote on ( http://www.aphorismen.de ) and there it states that it was taken from a book called "Strategie 2000 - Starke Worte für starke Zeiten" published by Millennium Vision Medien GmbH, http://www.millenniumvision.com ). On that page, I found the author to be an Austro-American Economy Journalist, Karl Pilsl. I searched the web for the English quote, too, but didn't find something similar. Perhaps that might help you or someone else to find the quote in English... Search Strategy "Success depends to a large extent on" "success to a large extent depends " and the same with "Winning", "Achievement", "Prosperity" |
Re: Who said this
From: flip-ga on 28 May 2002 08:25 PDT |
This may explain why I have had a difficult time finding the quote. It was posted on the blackboard of a Charleston eating establishment on King Street over this last weekend. If I remember correctly the name they attributed it to was not Karl Pilsl but we seem to be getting closer to the answer. Thanks for the effort and I will keep looking but this may be the origin of it. |
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