Dr Kimberly Shinew of the University of Illinois' Diversity Research
Laboratory has done extensive research studying the leisure activities
of African-Americans. For more information about Dr. Shinew, visit her
web page at uiuc.edu:
According to research done by a team of researchers led by Dr. Shinew,
the following are the top 10 leisure and recreation activities among
1) Immobile activities
(e.g., "resting, loafing, media usage")
2) Sports
(e.g., "bowling, baseball, basketball, soccer")
3) Exercise / Health
(e.g., "running, aerobics, weightlifting")
4) (tie) Popular Art
(e.g., "woodworking, remodeling, sewing, gardening")
4) (tie) Association / Sociability
(e.g., "visiting friends/relatives, participating in church
activities, voluntary organizations, attending parties")
6) Outdoor-Individual
(e.g., "swimming, bicycling, sailing")
7) Hunting / Fishing
8) Games
(e.g., "cards, gambling, board games")
9) Fine Art
(e.g., "dance, ballet, painting")
10) Camping / Hiking
Shinew, K. J., Floyd, M. F., & McGuire, F. A. (1996). Class
polarization and leisure activity preferences of African Americans:
Intragroup comparisons. Journal of Leisure Research, 28, 219-232.
Citation from getcited.org:
Floyd, M. F., Shinew, K. J., & McGuire, F. A. (1994). Race, class
awareness, and leisure activity preferences: Marginality and ethnicity
revisited. Journal of Leisure Research, 26, 158-173.
Citation from getcited.org:
Search strategy: "african americans", "leisure activity", recreation
After locating these two articles through Google searches, I was able
to obtain them through a database of academic articles hosted by my
local public library.
I hope this helps. |
Clarification of Answer by
30 Mar 2003 00:58 PST
Just for comparison purposes, you might be interested to know that the
researchers found that the top leisure activities for caucasian
Americans were somewhat similar:
1) Immobile activities
(e.g., "resting, loafing, media usage")
2) Outdoor-Individual
(e.g., "swimming, bicycling, sailing")
3) Hunting / Fishing
4) Sports
(e.g., "bowling, baseball, basketball, soccer")
5) Camping / Hiking
6) Popular Art
(e.g., "woodworking, remodeling, sewing, gardening")
7) Fine Art
(e.g., "dance, ballet, painting")
8) Exercise / Health
(e.g., "running, aerobics, weightlifting")
9) Golf
10) Games
(e.g., "cards, gambling, board games")