Hello Johnny!
I hope the cold snap were suffering here in NW OH hasnt reached you
in Boston!
After going back over previous research, and searching for more
articles today, Ive not found anything linking the use of plain fish
oil (like Carlsons) to hair loss in any manner. All cautions
associated with fish oil have referred to products containing vitamins
A & D, in relation to their toxicity, as below:
The type of fish oil may make a difference. Although cod liver oil is
the easiest form to obtain, it can cause a buildup of vitamin A and
vitamin D in the body because these two vitamins are fat-soluble.
Pregnant women should not take more than 2,500 IU of vitamin A per day
because higher amounts can cause birth defects. Other adults should
not consume more than 5,000 IU of vitamin A per day. Vitamin D can
produce toxicity when it is taken at levels above 1,000 IU daily for
long periods of time. Persons who obtain their fish oil from cod liver
oil should check the label to see how much vitamin A and vitamin D it
contains. It may be prudent to take salmon oil, mackerel oil, or oil
from other coldwater fish.
Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine
Is there a link between diet and hair loss?
Dr. Douglas Altchek
In the United States, where nutrition is excellent, it is extremely
unusual to find malnutrition which may be a cause for hair loss.
Therefore diet, as long as it is a balanced diet, has little effect on
hair growth (except, of course, if it is deficient).
Large doses of vitamins (especially vitamin A and D) may actually
cause hair to fall out.
ABC News Battling Baldness
Q&A: Hair-Loss Expert Dr. Douglas Altchek
As noted in the clarification on a previous question:
supplementation with plain Omega-3 oil, like Carlsons, doesnt have
the same harmful effects as supplementation with oils containing cod
(or other fish) liver.
Heres what Ive found with respect to fish oil, using the terms [
fish oil hair loss ], [ "hair loss treatment" "fish oil" ] and
[ Omega 3 hair loss ]:
Excessive levels of cytokines can be systemically and topically
countered by an appropriate regimen of drugs, nutrients, dietary
changes, and/or hormones. For example, fish oil has been shown to
effectively lower these levels, as does DHEA, Nettle extract, GLA, and
some antioxidants (vitamin E and N-acetyl cysteine).
Essential Fatty Acids found in Flaxseed Oil, EPA, primrose oil, or
fish oil are supportive of hair texture and prevents dryness.
Natural Treatments
In addition, health food manufacturers list hair loss, memory
problems, muscle strain, failing eyesight, liver complaints, rickets,
and dental problems as ailments that can be treated with fish oil. No
clinical studies have been cited in support of these claims.
Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine
improves hair texture, and helps to prevent dry and brittle hair,
good sources of fatty acids include omega , flax seed, and borage
Treating Hair Loss - Essential Fatty Acids
Omega-3s may help reduce flaking dandruff and itching scalp, as well
as eczema and psoriasis of the scalp. Leading Food Sources of omega-3
fatty acids: Salmon, Tuna, Trout
Food Remedies for Hair Problems - omega-3 fatty acids
How supplements can help
The recommended supplements, which can be taken at the same time as a
multivitamin and multimineral formulation, encourage stronger and
healthier hair growth by nourishing the roots. There is no miracle
remedy that guarantees a luxurious head of hair, but you may notice
some improvement within six months, when new hair has had time to
Supplements containing essential fatty acids, such as fish oils,
flaxseed oil and evening primrose oil, provide various benefits. Fish
oils are rich in omega-3 fatty acids without them, hair is often dry
and lifeless. Omega-3 fats also have a moisturising effect, and can
reduce itching and flaking dandruff, which makes them a useful
treatment for eczema and psoriasis of the scalp.
Supplement recommendations
Fish oils Dosage: 2 teaspoons a day.
Caution: consult your doctor if you take anticoagulant drugs.
Advice: vegetarians can substitute 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil.
Readers Digest UK Edition - Hair problems
Essential fatty acids - Essential fatty acids, linoleic and
alpha-linoleic acid are vital for health and cannot be made by the
body, so they need to be included in your diet. Linoleic acid is found
in a wide range of foodstuffs, especially vegetables and grains;
alpha-linoleic acid is found in wheat, beans and spinach.
Eicosapentanoeic acid and docosahexanoic acid are also essential fatty
acids, which are primarily found in seafood and safflower oil. IF you
are in doubt about whether you're getting enough, you can take
supplements, such as fish oil and evening primrose oil.
Hair Health
Aside from vitamin sellers pushing their supplements, there is very
little information available about plain fish oil in connection with
hair loss. I've found no articles linking plain fish oil to hair
loss, growth retardation or follicle miniaturization. Articles
addressing plain fish oil in conjuction with hair typically focus on
the oil making the hair stronger and shinier, through the moisturizing
effects of Omega 3 Fatty Acids.
It would appear that continuing with the Carlson's Fish Oil will have
no ill effects for your hair, just the benefits associated with Omega
3 supplementation.
I hope this answers your question! If there's anything else I can do
for you, please just ask for clarification!
--Missy |