Hi, player55!
The correct Answer is D) vast fields of ice.
From "Ice reservoirs found on Mars" By Dr. David Whitehouse, BBC News
Online science editor (May 28, 2002):
"Water-ice has been found in vast quantities just below the surface
across great swathes of the planet Mars."
Note that C) seeping from cliff faces *might* be considered a correct
From the European Space Agency's "Mars Express" website, "Water
discovery gives new impetus to Mars Express" (June 23, 2000):
"The evidence is in the form of images taken with the camera on board
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), the only spacecraft now in orbit
around the red planet. The images show surprisingly young features,
most probably created by the seepage of groundwater on crater and
valley slopes."
"North wall of a small crater with many narrow gullies eroded into it"
For more details, check the ESA article "Water on Mars: Is water
everywhere?" (October 31, 2000)
"Large outflow channels, each of which could have been formed only by
the massive release of water over a short period of time, scar four
regions -Chryse-Acidalia, Elysium Planitia, the eastern Hellas Basin
and the Amazonis Planitia. Several of these channels drain into the
northern plains, lending support to the existence of an ancient ocean
over most of the northern hemisphere.
However, there is other evidence for flowing water in earlier times.
The southern highlands are criss-crossed by valley networks that must
also have been formed by water. And many craters, especially at high
latitudes, are surrounded by fluidised ejecta that resemble the ring
of splattered debris around a stone dropped in soft mud."
Search Strategy
evidence underground water on Mars
I hope that this Answer has provided you with exactly the information
that you needed!
aceresearcher |