Okay, here's the scoop on the military service of Messrs. Limbaugh and
Rush Limbaugh did not serve in the military. For all the details of
about Mr Limbaugh's lack of military serve and the reported reasons
for it, visit:
"Rush Limbaugh: Draft Notice," hosted by snopes.com
Mr Medved's Vietnam-era activities are mentioned in the biography on
his web site:
"Medved enrolled in Yale Law School after winning a generous
fellowship, while teaching 7th and 8th grade three hours a day to earn
an 'occupational deferment' with the Vietnam era Selective Service
After serving as co-chair of the Vietnam Moratorium anti-war
demonstration, Medved received a job offer as head speechwriter in an
insurgent campaign for the U.S. Senate."
Source: Michaelmedved.com
search strategy:
"rush limbaugh", vietnam, service
"michael medved", vietnam, service
I hope this helps. |