Dear Omnivorous,
Thank you for a very interesting question. I'm afraid my answer is
pretty short: o% of the cabinet members have sons or saughters in the
infantry or the marines. It may be worth mentioning, that the
Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Anthony Principi, has two sons in the
airforce (see
See also : -
"Handful of Lawmakers Send Their Kids to War" Friday, March 28, 2003
By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Fox News -,2933,82398,00.html
I hope that answered your question. I took the names of the cabinet
members from and
searched for each one with terms such as "infantry" "marines" "son OR
daughter". Please contact me if you need any clarifications - I'd be
gald to assist before you rate the question ;-) |
Request for Answer Clarification by
01 Apr 2003 05:20 PST
Politicalguru --
Is that a large 0 or a small o?
Clarification of Answer by
01 Apr 2003 08:00 PST
Dear Omnivorous,
Thank you for your clarification request. "Most of us think zero means
"nothing." In fact, this is one of the definitions for it in most
dictionaries. The word zero comes from the Latinized form zephirium of
the Arabic sifr which in turn is a translation of the Hindu sunya
meaning "void" or "empty." In the thirteenth century, Nemorarius
introduced the Arabic sifr, as cifra, into Germany. This led to the
development of our present word, cipher..." (Source: "Zero",
The history of this number is actually fascinating. It was developed
by the Hindus and the Arabs (which might explain the 0% of cabinet
members as an homage during a war against an Arab nation. This might
also indicate that the next homage would be to Hindu mathematicians.
Bombai beware!). Please note that the zero connection doesn't stop
here - after all, the beginning of the whole thing was in "ground
zero". Since many believe that a certain Jesus was born in the year
zero, this percentage of cabinet members receives very interesting
(On the coicidences in numbers, you could find more at Easterangel's
fine answer at
Actually, it seems that in certain conditiond - when using vectors -
you could actually divide by zero (see Roger Beresford's answer on
the question "Dividing by zero " in the usenet "sci.math" -
Gran might have said: null, nix, nada, zilch, bupkes, yok.
Thanks again.
Request for Answer Clarification by
01 Apr 2003 10:27 PST
PG --
You must have done the "origin of zero" question on your Google
Answers application too!
Best regards,
Clarification of Answer by
01 Apr 2003 23:55 PST
Actually not. I don't remember what were my questions (and actually
maybe it wouldn't be such a hot idea to expose them in public, even if
some idiots have done so before me) - I remember that one of them had
to do with a hard-to-find movie soundtrack (I think the movie was with
Denis Quaid, or with Meg Ryan, or with both of them. Maybe it was
their wedding video ;-)