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Q: For Pinkfreud only, please! Can you produce a tricky picky of Adolf? ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   8 Comments )
Subject: For Pinkfreud only, please! Can you produce a tricky picky of Adolf?
Category: Computers > Graphics
Asked by: probonopublico-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 31 Mar 2003 21:58 PST
Expires: 30 Apr 2003 22:58 PDT
Question ID: 184093
Here are the characters in a new Play, set in 1936, whose title cannot
be disclosed.

Kell, the King’s Butler. Aged 63, he always wears spectacles and
morning suit. He has a well-educated voice and speaks in a
deferential, carefully measured tone. He is an asthma sufferer and
occasionally has a problem catching his breath.

Skinny (also known as Pooky Demus), the King’s Mistress. Aged 40, she
is small, slim, smartly dressed and is always overloaded with
jewellery. She has short, dark hair parted down the middle. She hails
from Baltimore and speaks with a pronounced ‘Southern’ drawl.

Eddie (also known as Dave), the King of England. Aged 42, he is 5ft
7in tall and slightly built with yellow hair. When first encountered,
he is wearing very baggy plus-fours and a ‘fancy’ knitted sweater. He
often has a pipe dangling from his mouth. He speaks with a plummy
accent that is reminiscent of Prince Charles but (surprisingly) it
also has a trace of Cockney.

Adolf, a German visitor. Aged 48, he is 5ft 8in tall with thick, well
brushed brown hair (with a right parting) and a small moustache. When
first encountered, he is wearing a long cloak and a Tyrolean hat.
Under his cloak, he wears Austrian peasant costume with lederhosen. He
carries a long stick and has a rucksack on his back. He speaks with a
strong German accent and pronounces his W’s as V’s.

Winston, an English politician. Aged 62, he is 5ft 6in tall, bald on
top and decidedly tubby. When first encountered, he is dressed
formally and carries his top hat and walking stick. He usually has a
huge cigar in his mouth. He has a speech impediment that causes him to
slur his S’s into Shs and Zhs.

Can you represent Adolf, using your box of tricks?
Subject: Re: For Pinkfreud only, please! Can you produce a tricky picky of Adolf?
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 01 Apr 2003 06:28 PST
Rated:5 out of 5 stars

This is certainly one of the most unusual assignments ever! I have
taken the liberty of casting one of my favourite actors in the rôle of
Adolf. He has left his cloak and rucksack elsewhere on this occasion,
but has hat and stick in hand.

Alterations are available as needed.


Request for Answer Clarification by probonopublico-ga on 01 Apr 2003 09:39 PST
Brilliant, Pinky ... Just as expected.

However, I've spoken to Sir Anthony who regrets that he will be unable to appear.

Would therefore prefer the piccy WITHOUT any caption, please.

Many thanks.


Clarification of Answer by pinkfreud-ga on 01 Apr 2003 10:26 PST
Here is an unlettered Adolf:

I am very sorry to hear that Sir Anthony won't be able to play this
rôle. Perhaps you might be able to interest John Cleese. He's a bit
over-tall, but he goose-steps remarkably well, and he looks good in a

probonopublico-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $10.00
Hi, Pinky

Sorry, I can only give you 5 Stars ... You deserve better!

(Try to imagine them twinkling.)

Now, would you like a shot at Dave, in Kilt & With bagpipes?



Subject: Re: For Pinkfreud only, please! Can you produce a tricky picky of Adolf?
From: journalist-ga on 01 Apr 2003 07:13 PST
LMAO Pink!  Whilst reading the question, I saw Adolph Green with his
galfriend, Betty Comden Braun...

Probonopublico, could you explain to me what are "plus fours" - for an
Anglophile, I am woefully inept at times.

Also, what is the cockney slang called where "Barney" means trouble
(Barney Rubble) and "Apples" means stairs (apples and pears)?  I am
mesmerized by this slang but don't know how to locate a list of
Subject: Re: For Pinkfreud only, please! Can you produce a tricky picky of Adolf?
From: journalist-ga on 01 Apr 2003 07:15 PST
I should add that P. G. Wodehouse is one of my favorite authors and I
grew up reading Punch because my totally American father is a raging
Anglophile, too.  :)
Subject: Re: For Pinkfreud only, please! Can you produce a tricky picky of Adolf?
From: journalist-ga on 01 Apr 2003 09:27 PST
Hey again, Bryan:

As to my two questions to you above, the incredible Pink phenomenon
sent me an educational email referencing a Cockney rhyming slang site
at - I'm in Heaven (and
dressed in golf knickers...)!
Subject: Re: For Pinkfreud only, please! Can you produce a tricky picky of Adolf?
From: probonopublico-ga on 01 Apr 2003 09:43 PST
Hi, Journalist

What on earth does 'LMAO' mean?

Is that Bronx?

I didn't think that Betty Comden was Adolph Green's 'girl friend'.
Collaborator, yes. Incidentally, I saw them in London a few years ago.
Absolutely brilliant but Adolph is, of course, no longer with us.

I take it that you have now sorted out 'plus fours' and the other
English stuff. If not, I'll do my best to assist.

Kindest regards

Subject: Re: For Pinkfreud only, please! Can you produce a tricky picky of Adolf?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 01 Apr 2003 12:40 PST

Thank you for the stars and the tenner! 

Try to imagine me twinkling. ;-)

Subject: Re: For Pinkfreud only, please! Can you produce a tricky picky of Adolf?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 01 Apr 2003 15:42 PST
In case anyone is curious about the anatomy of this Frankensteinean
creation, this was the image that I used as a base for my collage:

Sir Anthony Hopkins's face I found here:

The walking-stick came from this image:

And here is the Tyrolean hat, which I altered in colour and rotated:
Subject: Re: For Pinkfreud only, please! Can you produce a tricky picky of Adolf?
From: journalist-ga on 01 Apr 2003 16:50 PST
LMAO means "Laughing My A** Off" - it's from my early days in IRC
chat.  Perhaps those early emotive abbreviations are what has given
way to txt msgng. lol

Yes, Pink clued me in on my Qs and thanx for responding!  I want to
learn Cockney rhyming slang so that when I visit London someday, I'll
fit right in.  ;)
Subject: Re: For Pinkfreud only, please! Can you produce a tricky picky of Adolf?
From: j_philipp-ga on 02 Apr 2003 00:45 PST
Pink wrote: "Perhaps you might be able to interest John Cleese. He's a
over-tall, but he goose-steps remarkably well, and he looks good in a

Added to that John Cleese once played a character -- Mr. Hilter
(alongside Heinrich Bimmler and Ron Vibbentrop) -- who looks
remarkably close to your unlettered German visitor Adolf. I think
that's good qualification. He even gets the pronounciation right:

The North Minehead Bye-election from "Monty Python's Flying Circus"

Photos found in quick research are of only minimum size on pages that
ceased to exist.

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