Since it appears that you have acquired some misconceptions about how
the Google Answers service works, I would like to elaborate on some
aspects of the service for you.
<< I understand that some researchers feel that one or two page may be
alot of work but, two pages might take 15 min to proofread and provide
feedback >>
The fee you set for your Question should be appropriate for the work
YOU desire. For you, 15 minutes per two pages is a sufficient amount
of time and care for proofreading your papers. For others who wish a
higher degree of accuracy and quality, this amount of time might not
be sufficient for their needs. On occasion, it turns out that a
Customer was expecting a GREAT deal of work for a very small fee. To
prevent misunderstandings, Researchers will often ask a Customer to be
more specific about their expections, to be sure that both parties
have the same understanding.
<< that is $6 in 15 min, average that on an hour, $24, and probably
tax free since most researchers dont put that on their taxes. Sounds
like a good deal to me. >>
The only people who get off "tax free" on Google Answers are the
Customers. Researchers' earnings are reported to the IRS, and
Researchers are required by law to report their earnings on their tax
returns as well.
From your other Question:
<< ********Note to whoever took down my last post::: everyone posts
links, as i have, I strongly encourage you not to take down another
post unless you are prepared to take down EVERY post that contains
links as NO ONE should be discriminated against.. Thanks!!!! >>
Your post was removed not because it contained links, but because YOU
INCLUDED YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS IN IT. From the Google Answers TOS (Terms
of Service), which I am sure that you read before posting your
Question, since you are not able to register for Google Answers and
post a Question without first indicating that you have read the TOS
and that you agree to its terms and conditions:
"2. ...Further Google reserves the right to refuse service to anyone
at any time without notice for any reason and to remove objectionable
or ***personally identifiable*** information from any comments or
research questions..."
From the Google Answers FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), which I am
sure you also read before posting your Question:
"Q: Should I post my email address to Google Answers if someone asks
for it?
A: To protect your privacy, we recommend that you not post your email
address or any other personal information about yourself on Google
Answers. The site is available for public viewing and may be indexed
and crawled by search engines. ***Researchers are asked to not answer
questions that contain or ask for personal contact information.***"
<< Sorry, but according to GOOGLE this answer is not sufficient
because it contains information about contacting me outside of google.
NOWHERE in the Google Answers Terms of Service, Frequently Asked
Questions, or the Help & Tips (for which links can be found at the
bottom of this page) does it say this. I am not sure where you got
this statement.
Journalist did NOT mention contacting you outside of Google. She did
not ask you for your name, address, phone number, or e-mail address.
Instead, she suggested that you post your text on a website and
provide her with the link to access this. Researchers ARE permitted to
access links that are available on the web -- else, how could we do
our job? This method is perfectly acceptable. This is how Researchers
provide Customers who ask for a website review with information on how
they can improve their website, or how Researchers direct Customers to
websites which contain the information they are seeking.
In addition, if you are not satisfied with the Answer as it is first
posted, the Google Answers procedures ask you to request a
Clarification from your Researcher RATHER THAN rating the Question.
Once you have rated your Question, you have closed it.
"Before you give an answer a poor rating, Google Answers suggests
first seeking a "Clarification," because the Researcher may simply
have misunderstood your request. Providing more specific information,
more detail, or better guidelines on what you're looking for can
improve the answer you receive."
Finally, from your other Question:
"If that is the case then I will give Google 48 HOURS to refund every
cent of the listing fee and payment fee from my last post. I will
also give them the same amount of time to take down EVERY post that
has any links or email address in it. If they fail to do this, legal
proceedings will begin. THEY WILL NOT DISCRIMINATE."
As I mentioned above, posts with links in them are not only
acceptable, they are the main framework for Google Answers. It is a
violation of copyright law to copy huge sections of text from other
sites and past them here. Therefore, linking to the sites with the
relevant information is not only acceptable, it is NECESSARY.
As far as e-mail addresses, the Editors DO remove posts that contain
them -- just as they removed yours. Furthermore, they have the right
to remove -- or not remove -- any content they wish. This clause is
contained in the Terms of Service to which you agreed before you
posted your Question:
"2. ...Further Google reserves the right to refuse service to anyone
at any time without notice for any reason and to remove objectionable
or ***personally identifiable*** information from any comments or
research questions..."
I hope that these explanations have better enabled you to understand
how the Google Answers service works!
Best Wishes,
aceresearcher |