Well, although I requested a clarification (and then refreshed my
window so it appears I asked twice), I'm going to go ahead and answer
this one anyway, and you can ask for a clarification if it's not what
you need.
I'm going to assume you have perl installed on your server.
1. Get the netpbm Perl include files from:
Either download them directly on the server by using
wget http://telia.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/netpbm/netpbm-9.25.tgz
or download on your local machine and upload to your server.
2. On the server, run the following lines:
[If not running as root, start this with:]
[enter your root account password at the prompt]
[in any case, continue with:]
gunzip netpbm-9.25.tgz; tar -xf netpbm-9.25.tar
cd netpbm-9.25
Follow the installation procedures, and just press enter for the
default if you don't know the answer to any question but the first--if
you don't know that, you should probably contact a more knowledgable
system administrator to tell you.
Then run:
[This will take some time, as it is the most processor intensive
part of
the process.]
make install
[to place the files in their proper place]
Important notes on installing to consider, from the README file:
"The only tricky part about installing is setting up the shared
that are part of Netpbm. 'make install' copies them into place, but
may not be enough. If you get mysterious "file not found" kinds of
errors and are not an expert with shared libraries, see the section
You may want to append the contents of the file 'magic' to your 'file'
database (typically /etc/magic). This allows the 'file' program to
recognize a bunch of file formats, including the Netpbm formats.
The --keep-going option to Make is handy, because it causes Make to
make anything it can, as opposed to quitting as soon as something goes
wrong. With so many parts having so many requirements, it's not
unusual for a few things to fail to build, but that doesn't affect
everything else. You can work on the failed parts and repeat the make
and it will attempt to build whatever it hasn't successfully built
Please request clarification if this is not what you want to know.
Hope this answers your question! |