Hello jeff786-ga,
In an article called "Arrogant Propaganda", Paul de Rooij provided "A
War Weasel Word Watch". Under the phrase "Humanitarian aid", he
included the following statement:
"The first humanitarian cargo ship, the 'Sir Galahad', arrived on
March 28th, and over a hundred journalists were bused in for the
occasion. The supplies were brought in for propaganda benefit, and
are only a minuscule proportion of the needs in the area. On March
30th, it was revealed that more than half the shipment was munitions."
"Arrogant Propaganda", by Paul de Rooij, appeared in these online
CounterPunch [March 31, 2003]
Arabic Media Internet Network (AMIN) [March 31, 2003]
The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and
Democracy (MIFTAH) [April 1, 2003]
You might wish to contact Mr. de Rooij in order to determine the
source for his statement. His e-mail address is listed at the end of
each version of his article.
I hope that this information is helpful.
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used on Google and Google News:
"sir galahad" iraq munitions
[I tried several other combinations of search terms to see if I could
find another source for this story, but this was the only one I found.
I also searched The Guardian ( http://www.guardian.co.uk/ ), which I
thought would be a likely source for this story; but it does not seem
to have reported this information.] |