Hello -
I'm posting this question very cheaply, because I'm looking for a
researcher that has done this before, and can do a cut-and-paste job
right into the answer.
I want to stream an mp3 off of a basic web page, such as a geocities
page. It's important that the mp3 is NOT downloaded when a person
clicks on it. I just want the player to appear within the web browser
and stream it [or buffer it].
The answer to this question will provide me with the code that I can
just paste right into an html file, change the path/file-name of the
mp3, and be ready to go.
8675309-ga |
Clarification of Question by
03 Apr 2003 10:39 PST
Hi -
Thanks for the link. Maybe "streaming" is not what I want. I want to
do what's on this page:
All these links go to mp3's that can be played. I think they're
"downloaded" perhaps, but the mp3 file itself is kind of "hidden" in
that it's not readily seen as a file that can be saved.
Request for Question Clarification by
03 Apr 2003 11:21 PST
This site simply opens a new window, with no status bar, so the user
doesn't see the file name they are downloading. (The file is not
Is this what you want to do?
Clarification of Question by
03 Apr 2003 11:34 PST
Interesting... where is it putting the file? I tried downloading one
of them, and then searching on my system, and I can't find it
anywhere. Will the code in the source of that page do exactly what I
want, or will I have to change something around?
Request for Question Clarification by
05 Apr 2003 10:37 PST
If you are using windows, files that are downloaded usually get stored
in a temporary folder. Something like this -
WINDOWS\TEMP\Temporary Internet Files\.....\
I can write some HTML/Javascript that will open the file in a new
browser just like you see on the site you listed. You will only need
to change the way you link to the files.
Let me know if this is what you need, and thanks for the clarification
Clarification of Question by
05 Apr 2003 15:12 PST
Hi sgtcory -
Thanks for writing. I'm going to close this question... After
consideration of what it is I'm doing, I realized I no longer need
this question answered, because I actually don't need the file to be
downloaded/streamed from a page. Thanks for all your help though!