Okay, this is wierd, but I need to know a day - in the future - that
ends in BOTH the letter "L" and "M". There is to be much free reign
to interpret, as the exact wording is that it just has to end in "L"
and "M". Forign languages are allowed, but it must be english looking
scrpit (i.e. spanish and italian OK, but Arabic and Chineese NOT OK).
Holidays, like the <Genaric> Festiva"l", are fair game - but must be
backed up by a web site referance. If not enough money, this is my
first question ever posted so let me know. |
Request for Question Clarification by
03 Apr 2003 14:54 PST
Are looking for a single day that ends in both the letter "l" and the
letter "m"? When you say "BOTH the letter 'L' and 'M'", do you mean
that one version of the word for that day ends in "l", while another
version ends in "m"? (For example, hypothetically speaking, there
could be a day called "festival" that is also known as "festivam".)
Do the words have to be in the same language, or can the word for a
day in one language end in "l", while the word for that day in a
different language ends in "m"?
Clarification of Question by
03 Apr 2003 15:02 PST
It has to be one day. Two differant names for the day. So, lets say
the Generic Festival in finland and maybe the Day of Dead Guy in
Isreal. Or, if Festivam is a word in another language, than both
english and (other language) would work. This is a deal I have going
with someone else, kinda like "when pigs fly", but it's "when a day
ends in both the letters "L" and "M"" - so there is pleanty of
lattitude. However, it must be the same date and is only valuable to
me if it is a future date. Beyond that, anything that gets it there
is valid (differant languages/spellings/et al.).
Request for Question Clarification by
03 Apr 2003 15:12 PST
Would a holiday which ends in the letters "lm" be acceptable?
As a fictitious example, if "Day of the Palm" were a holiday, would
this do?
The reason I ask is that I know of an obscure holiday that does end in
the letters "lm". If this would meet your needs, I can give you the
name of the holiday, the date that it is celebrated, and documentation
from several Web sites.
Clarification of Question by
03 Apr 2003 15:16 PST
It has to be two differant names. The end of them has to be "l" and
"m" So, "... palm" would work for "m", but not "l" - if on the same
day as the "day of palm" there was also a "genaric name festival",
then that is what I'm looking for.
Clarification of Question by
03 Apr 2003 15:45 PST
Okay, I had a co-worker read the question and she said it was too
vauge. I'm looking for one day. Two seperate names for that day.
One name that ends in "L" and one name that ends in "M". Sorry for any
confusion :)