Request for Question Clarification by
08 Apr 2003 07:14 PDT
Dear monty1234,
It is really impossible to answer this question, except with a series
of hypothetical possibilities. The first issue, which partially
inspired my earlier comment, is whether or not the judgment has even
been provided by an attorney to the court for entry. When you write,
"one attorney said about a month and a half ago, that it would be file
any day", this raises a question in my mind as to whether the attorney
followed through by filing the document with the court - was he
referring to the entry of the judgment by the court, or that his own
office would file the judgment for entry "any day" but had not yet
done so?
If you would like to know the various points where the judgment may
have become lost or delayed in the system, I am sure a researcher can
provide you with a relatively comprehensive list.