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For j_philipps please!
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: probonopublico-ga List Price: $2.00 |
07 Apr 2003 00:09 PDT
Expires: 07 May 2003 00:09 PDT Question ID: 187052 |
Hi, j_philipps I am addressing this to you personally because we both share the same Time Zone whereas all the real gurus are sure to be in La La Land. My pilot has just returned from Malaysia and was astonished at the short distance; something to do with Geomagnetic Reversal, he says. Considering the price of aviation fuel these days, this news was very welcome. Anyway, yesterday, my two daughters and I set about clearing out the attic but, as always, we got distracted by Grannys Old Trunk. Granny used to keep an autograph album which was filled with poems, drawings, jokes, sayings, etc. contributed and signed by her acquaintances mainly during the first half of the 20th Century. The names of most of the contributors were lost on us; but there were a couple of neat drawings made by my Dad and also some contributions from my Granddad. One was Dont just say something; stand there. It was dated 1925. He was something of a mystery man, probably of Flemish origin. At any rate, he was reputed to be able to hit the spittoon from incredible distances. Latterly, he used the name Basil Zaharoff. (My grandparents married in secret for some reason.) There was also a photograph of Granny, dressed up as a sort of exotic dancer. It had been signed To Maud (For such was her name) Thanks for Everything, Bertie, Marienbad, September 1907'. I dont suppose, we shall ever discover what Granny and this Bertie fellow were doing in Marienbad, wherever that may be. There was even a contribution from Grannys own Granddad, a certain Adolph Sutro. Born in Prussia, he went West in the Californian Gold Rush and was never heard of again. Theo Durrant, Grannys brother, had made one of the earlier entries but someone had scribbled the word Unspeakable Wretch across it. I suppose every family has its black sheep but we never discovered how Theo had brought shame on the family. Maybe he had joined the Communist Party. One of the later contributions was from somebody who signed herself Ruth St Denis. Apparently, she had worked with Granny at some aircraft factory during WW2. The last entry was signed Yvonne de Carlo in 1945. We wondered if this was the same woman who had appeared in the Addams Family. (Or was it the Munsters?) We decided not because, this lady had presented a photo of herself in which she was dressed pretty much as Granny had been in September 1907. She had signed it Thanks for creating such a lovely part for me. Theres the background, now for the question. I am off to Zurich tomorrow to collect some cash from my Grandads numbered account and the only places I know are the Lake and the Railway Station. I wondered if you could direct me to Bahnhofstrasse. Please take into account the different Time Zones and the effects of Geomagnetic Reversal. Many thanks. Kindest regards Bryan |
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Re: For j_philipps please!
Answered By: j_philipp-ga on 07 Apr 2003 02:47 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Bryan, That was straight to the point! Short & sweet, just like the following web page addresses, which should help answering your question: http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?size=big&mapdata=YgTfWK8yHhPMM9QlaWKyLKs%2bksIEwCP8dSyKLS3n%2b%2fPrFLXRMnMyyN0TBoiwiqQS5V7QJNDizEz46pWiSbU5%2f2myAH4erZYAi3JiBDhIGIL5S09lTW49RxMsL4Zqsxzjp1IX4fkaMcivNTNcYAk3HWFt9UPM9%2bYyIvmwzNi8MWvyxht2klKglYWSqcvkJ17T9w2PCwJDkAyfq0xtBa8kb9aFZdlhqRbr3XpSnVHjUOpbHm2pNDGFylu%2f8S8%2fNOUQSk1rcHN9TrtcB3L09miL80KB%2fUb7QonsnIT0rtRu8fZ2Lvr14F%2bMK6b4cX4PYxowvayMowWw hkjIhuNS7i5cg%3d%3d http://www.bell.ch/home/fachgeschaefte_re/fachgeschaefte_standorte/fachgeschaefte_standorte_adressen/home/fachgeschaefte_re/fachgeschaefte_standorte/fachgeschaefte_standorte_adressen/fg_zuerichbahnhofstrasse_afp.htm (I suggest you memorize above URLs, or print out this page for reference.) Also see the following image for a map with the street: http://www.mri-roentgen.ch/anfahrt/content1a.htm So, how to find this Bahnhofstrasse, Zürich? You can take the tram with the numbers 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13 and 14 as well as the bus number 31, which will stop at Bahnhofstrasse. The coordinates of this bus stop are 683.146 / 247.872. Or you can use the car, park it in one of the public parking lots nearby and walk a bit. You might also want to take a taxi [1]. If you want to walk from the central railway station it would take you about 7 minutes. Please note this information is still valid taken into account various phenomena like Geomagnetic Reversal, Time Zones, Daylight Saving Time, since for my calculations I used radiometric dating and astrochronologic techniques as well as the Special and General Theory of Relativity. To get you into the right mood, here is some background information: The Bahnhofstrasse ("Bahnhof" literally translates to "train court", which would be the English "railway station") is one of the most important shopping streets in the world, with its unique atmosphere, exclusive shops, and mix of Zürich tradition and international flair. Memorize the following building which you should be able to spot: http://www.bell.ch/home/fachgeschaefte_re/fachgeschaefte_standorte/fachgeschaefte_standorte_adressen/fachgeschaeft_bahnhofstrasse_zuerich_aussen.jpg Now, not to forget the pronounciation in Switzerland differs from English. Use this table as reference: Spelling Pronounciation Translation ------------------------------------------ Tram trum tram Bus booss bus Bahnhofstrasse bun hoff struss a railway station street Taxi tuck sea taxi Last not least, if you find yourself surrounded by any of the following scenarios, chances are you took the wrong flight: http://www.gluckman.com/camwed1.jpg http://www.thailandtourism.gr/images/River-rafting-(nth).jpg I hope I covered everything and would now like to wish you good luck on your trip. As to what Granny and the Bertie fellow did in Marienbad, I truly don't know, but maybe you want to post this part as a new question. By the way, quite interesting to hear the "Ustinov" quote actually roots in your family tree! ------ Further resources: For more general information on Zürich, see this English page: Zürich Tourismus http://www.zurichtourism.ch/index.php?&displayLanguage=en And: Zurich http://www.conferencezurich.com/info.htm ------ Footnotes: [1] If you are incredibly rich, nothing less than a personalized, service-oriented limousine transportation directly from the airport will do the job sufficiently. Take a look at the following selection of cars to get a first impression, and call 079 / 648 44 44 for more information: Regular Taxi http://www.taxijung.ch/Verso/verso8.jpg Luxurious Taxi http://www.airporttaxi.ch/auto.asp ------ Search terms: bahnhofstrasse zürich wegbeschreibung zurich tourism | |
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rated this answer:![]() You have exceeded even my highest expectations. However, I've had to cancel my trip to Zurich because I've been summonsed to Baghdad. Apparently, there's some trouble brewing. Please Keep Setting the Standards that your fellow (and ? what's the feminine equivalent?) researchers try to emulate! KR Bryan |
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Re: For j_philipps please!
From: kemlo-ga on 07 Apr 2003 13:18 PDT |
Bryan, If you wish I could go to Zurich for you. Ihave had a lot of experiance in removing large sums of money from other peoples bank accounts. Please contact me via my Nigerian e-Mail address Regards Kemlo |
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